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Web TechnologyAmerica kills more than our children - it is killing free speach and the InternetSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 06/24/2006 - 10:44.
I've always believed the US Government is responsible for most of the global virus, spam and stolen data activity on the Internet that they attribute to hackers and Russian terrorists - I believe the US government today does whatever it may to corrupt and disrupt free speech, private property rights and open communication in the interest to intentionally destroy Americans' confidence in and appreciation for information technology so the government may clamp down on open Internet communications and free trade, to protect large corporate interests and force all communications into very controlled channels owned by a few abusive corporations that pay big money to get their politicians elected and then the corporations' self-service laws enacted (look at the issue of net-neutrality today) so monopoly corporations may have a complete lock on all our intellectual property, identities and transactions and so the government may have one stop shopping for information about Americans, and invade all dreams of personal privacy, without any government agencies having to go through the trouble of letting us all know we are their corporate sponsors' slaves. Here's the best proof yet of this abuse - my Linux and Firefox spam and pop-up protected opensource computer just got hit by a pop-up from er, - mind control combined with technical sabotage... I'd rather my 12 year old see porn, because it would repulse her, than be sucked in by the US governments technology abuse and brain-killing propaganda. Your tax dollars and votes at work to destroy your life forever... thank you, freedom Bushwackers. The Sky is the Limit on Sources of Free Photos for Your Blog. . .Submitted by Charles on Mon, 06/19/2006 - 03:21.
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Would you use an investment broker who censors your inbound email?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 06/11/2006 - 11:03.
I was astounded to receive the following email today from investment brokerage firm Raymond James in response to a message I sent one of their brokers...
Why are you an entrepreneur? Maybe its in your genesSubmitted by Evelyn Kiefer on Tue, 06/06/2006 - 11:40.
The following story with its links ran in CASE Daily (Case's online newpaper) today. Do feel like you have entrepreneurial genes? I think I do! Please post your thoughts ABC News (Reuters), June 5, 2006
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What's Your Favorite Open Source Software Application?Submitted by Charles on Wed, 05/17/2006 - 23:40.
Recently I read the cover article of PC World which advertised 101 Fabulous Freebies ( It is a description of 101 software downloads or Internet based services that are free. A number of the software products listed are open source. Wikipedia defines Open Source software as "computer software available with its source code and under an open source license. Such a license permits anyone to study, change, and improve the software, and to distribute the unmodified or modified software."
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Learn about Photo Weblogs from George NemethSubmitted by Charles on Mon, 04/17/2006 - 18:23.
04/20/2006 - 18:30 04/20/2006 - 20:30 Etc/GMT-4
Maple Heights Library
5225 Library Lane
Maple Heights, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
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City Club special event... "Father of the Internet" Dr. Vinton G. CerfSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 04/15/2006 - 19:15.
05/05/2006 - 16:00 05/05/2006 - 17:00 Etc/GMT-4
Widely known as one of the "Fathers of the Internet," Vinton Cerf is the co-designer of the TCP/IP protocols and the architecture of the Internet. In December 1997, President Clinton presented the U.S. National Medal of Technology to Cerf and his colleague, Robert E. Kahn, for founding and developing the Internet. Kahn and Cerf were named the recipients of the ACM Alan M. Turing award in 2004 for their work on the Internet protocols, and in November 2005, President Bush awarded them the Presidential Medal of Freedom. Location
City Club of Cleveland
850 Euclid Avenue 2nd Floor
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps If you can't beat 'em join 'em? Newspapers to deliver content from 600 bloggersSubmitted by Charles on Tue, 04/11/2006 - 23:10.
![]() If you want to sign up to have your content distrubuted through their service, visit BlogBurst. Click here for more information on the graphic.
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NEO Central - Media Arts Center for North East OhioSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/06/2006 - 01:04.
Northeast Ohio is about to see an explosive, high profile, living, learning and enlightening force hit the scene and landscape, as area filmmakers, learning institutions and the public come together to create NEO Central - a bleeding-edge collaborative media arts center for NEO now and the future.The center will be based on like-minded initiatives around the world, and will provide shared film/media education, incubation, production, distribution, business and technology resources, and facilities, which are currently located in the historic landmark Gillota Building at 300 Central Viaduct (Carnegie) and will be expanded significantly as part of an area economic development plan. More on all of this is found in the links below, which will grow... ( categories:
Mayor Eric Brewer on "Meet the Bloggers"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 03/18/2006 - 15:56.
I was very excited to participate in a "Meet the Bloggers" discussion with East Cleveland mayor Eric J. Brewer, with George Nemeth and others, and it was a fantastic experience... what a great initiative Meet the Bloggers is... and the result is a thorough and revealing look into a man very few people really know, largely because the Plain Dealer has taken great efforts to present him as bad. Well, as far as anyone I know and I can tell, Brewer is good. If you care about truth in NEO, you REALLY MUST listen to Part 1 linked below, as Brewer discusses in detail his involvement in the indictment of former Mayor Emmanuel Onunwor... and in Part 3, don't miss Brewer's explanation for the poor treatment of him by the Plain Dealer - this is a major coup for "Meet the Bloggers". Creating Independent Green Republic of East ClevelandSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 02/23/2006 - 10:30.
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Lev on OneCommunity and power of broadbandSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 02/14/2006 - 15:55.
Lev Gonick, CIO of Case University and founder of OneCleveland shared the following update on OneCleveland becoming OneCommunity and the economic value of bandwidth - excellent insight!
Midtown Wednesdays: Citizen Journalism Accelerates New NetworksSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 01/22/2006 - 15:48.
01/25/2006 - 17:00 01/25/2006 - 18:45 Etc/GMT-4 Last week, we learned that Cleveland is the only U.S. city to be named as a finalist for the Intelligent Community of the Year award. (Others in the running are Gangnam District, Seoul, South Korea; Ichikawa, Japan; Manchester, United Kingdom; Taipei, Taiwan; Tianjin, China; and Waterloo, Ontario, Canada.) Read more. Location
Myers University, Chester Campus
3921 Chester Avenue
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps Design proposal for realneo.usSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 12/23/2005 - 12:46.
When it comes to demonstrating the transformational potential of social computing, will lead by example. We have an excellent team now challenged to make an incredible user experience of great value to the community.
You're a fool to design only for the un-mobile webSubmitted by robataka on Thu, 12/22/2005 - 16:53.
Great article. Having just come from Japan
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FOAF vs. XFNSubmitted by robataka on Thu, 12/22/2005 - 16:43.
Well, that title is a bit misleading perhaps. I have been looking at the foaf thingie in the edit form for a user's
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AkregatorSubmitted by robataka on Sun, 12/18/2005 - 10:17.
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Understanding the New Dynamic: Art, Technology and the MindSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 12/16/2005 - 11:02.
01/19/2006 - 16:00 01/19/2006 - 18:00 Etc/GMT-4 CLEVELAND -Why has art always been such an important part of being human? How are new technologies shaping our minds and human creativity? How does digital technology affect how we remember the past, visualize the future, and ultimately, construct our own reality? These and other questions that explore the impact of new technologies on contemporary life and culture will be addressed by eminent artists, cognitive scientists, museum educators, visual literacy experts and technologists at a free, public symposium, Understanding the New Dynamic: Art, Technology and the Mind on Thursday, January 19, 4-6 p.m. in the Bolton Theater at the Cleveland Play House, 8500 Euclid Avenue. This event complements the Museum of Contemporary Art Cleveland’s “All Digital” exhibition, on view January 20 through May 7, featuring the pioneering work of eight artists who use digital technologies in their work. Admission Free – Registration Suggested. Location
Cleveland Play House
8500 Euclid Avenue Bolton Theater
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps BloGTKSubmitted by robataka on Thu, 12/15/2005 - 13:01.
This is a test of a blog client called BloGTK. It is a blog client for linux, much like mac users use ectos. Just testing to see if I can actuall post using it....
Now that I have seen it can work, I need to create a page on how to set up blog clients for Linux, Mac, and Windows(egad!) users. Of course, blog client software is completely optional. You can create blog via the web interface as normal. However, and regardless of the fact that I have been an active Internet user since 1992, I personally don't like web interfaces. I prefer to create my blog entries locally and save them locally to my pc prior to posting them to the blog.
What's Up For TodaySubmitted by Andre on Wed, 12/07/2005 - 18:38.
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MozillaMozilla Foundation is the non-profit organization that "owns" and develops theFirefox, Mozilla browsers, and the Thunderbird email client.
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Welcome to REALNEO, your virtual community for NEOSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/18/2005 - 12:10.
REALNEO.US has been up and running since October, 2004, and has 1,000s of postings, 100s of members, and gets 1,000s of hits a day from all around the world. To join the free REALNEO community, simply create an account - if you are already a member, log in. Some suggestions on how to participate... go to the events calendar to find something interesting to do around town, and add events you think others will enjoy ("create content", "event")... go to the Community Forums and comment on the topics, or add a topic for collaboration with others... post a thought to your blog ("create content", "my blog")... comment on the thoughts of others... invite your friends to join you, and make new friends. If you have questions or would like to do more for the community, like cover events, email info [at] realinks [dot] us.
I-Open: Connecting to Collaborate in the Creative Industries: A Global ModelSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/18/2005 - 10:35.
11/22/2005 - 17:00
Cuyahoga County Library, Independence Branch, 6361 Selig Drive
StagingSubmitted by robataka on Fri, 11/18/2005 - 07:06.
We have setup a developing/staging site with the latest and greatest. As you have noticed over the last couple of weeks, we have changed some of the styling here at realneo, and we are planning more changes. We will be doing some testing prior to upgrading this site, but we have made some progress.
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Cleveland State’s College of Business hosts panel of experts on new frontiers in Internet marketing, Nov. 29Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 11/17/2005 - 13:32.
11/29/2005 - 10:30 Is your Location
Nance College of Business Administration, 1860 East 18th Street, room 118
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