Come to Cleveland for a Draft
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 11/14/2009 - 21:21.

Come to Cleveland for a Draft, a coal fume down draft that is.
Tonight the spotlight is on the nocturnal emission from the Cleveland Thermal steam plant - delivered fresh to East 4th Street just a few blocks away.
Bend your elbow mates, inhale the craft brew, it's all yours!
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jeff thats a ufo friendly search light - its a light house
jeff thats a ufo friendly search light - its a light house-
this area is ufo and sfo friendly for our brother sisters EXTRA-TERRESTRIALS
in 1993 i did a sos mayday . . . - - - . . . morse code with a million candle search light in our back yard for a few nites and about 1 am one morning 2 huge orange disk type craft appear over 490 and the steel mills for about 2 minutes - one was smaller than the other - i got the impression one was male the other female-
its a longer story and i'm on the record for this sighting = air force investigated me etc., they still are - i spoke to local nasa and they recorded me and i recorded them - the man said they are receiving afew hundered sighting that summer and our air force jets are chasing the ufo's into lake erie - the sightings over rocky river west lake avonlake lake erie side- i ask the man is because folks are imangining because seeing 'independence day' movie and he said know - he siad "more people are looking up because of the movie and seeing the actual ufo's - and jeff this a nasa employee - that was reffered by the cleveland plain dealer at about 1 am because the p d said they don't handle ufo reports and gave nasa's phone no.-
jeff - all - set your video camera to fast speed and set to view the clear horizan from before the sun goes down for an hour or more and not in a city - also any time and more or less in a day or so you will have large dark moving objects if not actual i d type craft or enities
the truth is out there
yogi and guy
what you doing? signaling
what you doing?
signaling alliens
allrighty then
Oengus i wanted to borrow money from the et's
Oengus i wanted to borrow money from the et's
yogi and guy
Oengus if your an alien or not do you want to get married
Oengus if your an alien or not do you want to get married
yogi and guy
oh, a realneo wedding
Jeff can be the photographer. Jerleen can make a dress.I will make the cake. You are proposing, are you not, Guy, to oengus?
i love you all for helping me laugh hard i have to gasp for air
i love you all for helping me laugh hard i have to gasp for air
yogi and guy
yogi and guy
Light show
Haven't these lights been deemed a hazard to flight patterns and, yet, the City of Cleveland has allowed some business owner (who?) to use them?
I don't go downtown much at night, but lately it seems that the City of Cleveland has made a major push to light up the town and it also recently lit up the closed Eagle St. bridge (green light) and the Superior Bridge (blue).
I would like some explanation. It's all very pretty, but wasteful and, the "alien" search light is just too much and, possibly, a major hazard to the incoming flights that circle over the lake before landing at Hopkins airport.
laura jeff's beauty photo is really a laser shotting ufo's
laura jeff's beauty photo is really a laser shotting ufo's down-
notice the blue - your correct sometimes planes get in the way and are demolished in the sky - the search light can be a light or laser-
go to youtube and type "laser shotting at ufo' and dozens of videos come up-
america and others have a shot to kill order-
its no secret but i don't make a habbit of talking about it most of the time but one of me yogi at lincoln park thing is seeking out hostile et's and ufo aliens etc. - jeff buster has come the closes to one
yogi and guy
jeff buster has come the closes to one
You may be on to something
Disrupt IT
Guy, if you aren't careful
Guy, if you aren't careful you're going to give out all of yours and yogi's secrets and then you'll blow Jeff's undercover operation. I have it on good authority that Jeff, Norm, The Distinguished Man in Black and myself included are prime targets for the Arch Enemy. LOL
i take jeffb back sammy is the closes to hostile alien
i take jeffb back sammy is the closes to hostile alien
yogi and guy
please do not shoot down ufo's
It may be only only hope for intelligent life and if they come, I hope that it is not with the prime directive.
a man in black
Aren’t you afraid they may take you away as a sample? Its like calling out a ghost; not a good idea, your not exactly a man in black now are you?
Bleep bleep this one telepathy is different take it back to the lab.
oengus is what happen with you - someone called you out
oengus is that happen with you - someone called you out
yogi and guy
The distinguished man in
The distinguished man in black - really is a distinguished man in black. I didn't say who he was. And, there really is an Arch Enemy, I didn't say who that was either.
man in black
is the ghost of Johnny Cash and we all know who the Arch Enemy is. I have had a life long dream of getting a ride on the space shuttle. If I get beamed aboard a UFO as a sample, that is ok.
Dear JBuster
Dear JBuster, thank you for the photo of the coal fume plume. It is apparent that we have all inhaled deeply.
Men In Black (1997)
I was thinking more in the line of Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones….
As far as being Government
As far as being Government Agents - you could be correct on that part.
miss ya
miss ya