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Commercial Vacancies throughout Cleveland: How do we inspire filling them with business investors?Submitted by ANGELnWard14 on Thu, 06/16/2011 - 11:03.
What type of entreprenuers and business investments would you like to see in your neighborhood? Living in Cleveland has dramatically changed over the generations with it's dwindling population. Yet, a new generation of investments has been ongoing in downtown and along certain corridors like Detroit Shoreway, Ohio City, and Tremont which have definitely been a driving force of new economic development in Cleveland. Notably, countless storefronts have been vacated and in some communities the unsightly blight of boarded up buildings remains. What does it take to fill these storefronts with long term viable small businesses? Factors to consider include budgetary requirements. Insurance rates have skyrocketed in Cleveland. Losses to theft and vandalism are a huge concern of any small business. Legitimate licensing requirements at City Hall are often a challenge for the unconnected folks as well; many times resulting in Occupancy Permit issues that have historically been known to end with pay to play inspections for sign off's. Yet, if you can get past these little things and sustain a small business; you have gotten further than most. Reasonable rents are another consideration for any small business investor wishing to spend years at a location serving the community. Storefronts like the Walgreens building on W. 31st & Clark and the old Kmart Building on West 65th Street are asking for extortionist levels of rent to ascertain those buildings and invest in the community. Considering their mammouth sizes; heating and electric bills will run out any small business investor in a very short period; let alone the maintenance of roofs and the exterior premises. Water, Sewer, and Trash Removal rates are also planned to rise exponentially over the next decade and can quickly devour a small business investor. The financial costs of doing business in Cleveland leave little room for growth of a small business investor; let alone the fact that it far removes the idea of them making a profit that would be sustainable to their basic needs as human beings. Hence; it becomes a defeatest equation in our neck of the woods. These are some of the things the politicians seem to have overlooked when considering what it takes for small businesses to thrive locally. Years of inflation drove up the costs of doing business beyond sustainabililty in Cleveland, Ohio. Countless storefront properties in Cleveland used to house various small businesses that created communities along the corridors including Fulton, Denison, Clark, Lorain, West 25th Street, West 65th Street and more. Today; those locations are abandoned and awaiting the next big entreprenuerial rush to fill their vacant spaces....or they await the underground scrap network to finally vandalize them for their scrap so that the owners can then file police reports which support the insurance company claims paying out to the owners...and the work rarely getting done to restabilize the building....resulting in condemnation and demolition....and open green space...Yet, I guess that is the ultimate goal; to create green pastures for Urban Gardeners to flourish and share their organic garden delights at farmer's markets with all the people. Demolitions appear to be the best investment business in Cleveland over the next 10 years. Urban gardens follow that investment consideration for future Cleveland investors. Farmer's markets and bicycle sales for all the bike paths are also a great investment consideration. Back in the day, immigrant families joined forces to sustain small businesses. Many would work for meagerly wages, some for nothing at all to sustain the family business. Try to get a young family to do that in 2011. (Smiles)...It's a rarity. Those immigrants would build up their businesses while cohabitating to save money and reinvest it in their businesses. They sacrificed much to work 7 days per week and keep their businesses open for the community around them. Today and tomorrow; how do we restore our communities and revitalize the American Spirit to invest in the countless storefronts throughout Cleveland that remain vacant today? Have greedy, commissioned real estate agents overpriced these venues? Have the people stopped desiring to invest into the communities? Have pay to play politics violated too many people? What will it take to continue revitalizing our communities in Cleveland, Ohio? They say that small business investment at large revitalizes communities and helps us recover from recessions. What concessions and considerations will the local politicians offer to small business investors who are eager to battle the considerations above to invest in our city? Will they offer tax abatements? Will they offer micro business loans under $50,000? Will they try to micromanage the small businesses through inspections? How will they advance our community for the next generation?
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Is your local community development keeping you informed?
Community Development Organizations have the information that assists and coordinates resources; but can you depend on them to be ethical with your business investment considerations?
Allegedly, they are supposed to be driven by their membership; but through the years; our local politicians drive these organizations.
Are you aware of the "MASTER PLANS" for your neighborhoods?
If you are a business investor in Cleveland, Ohio be sure that you take into consideration the long term considerations of the various neighborhoods that have plans for demolitions, etc via the "Master Plan" games of our Planning Commissions.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Money Around for Everything...
I am not completely sure of what you are saying here, but I agree that there is money around for EVERYTHING, its just that the public is not being educated about the funds that are available or how to obtain them. On the flip side, many of the politicians are doing little to advance the neighborhoods. Each city council person should be working to advance his or her ward. Im not sure they are though. In any case, while downtown is booming with restaurants, Cleveland neighborhoods are basically going to pot, literally. With vacant store fronts, abandoned buildings and trash ridden, dirty streets, its a very depressing place to be. Frankly, its hard to be productive in such an environment. There is money available through the city to fund corporate rehab efforts though, and money around to do just about anything--if only people were more informed. Whos job is it to inform the public about moneys available though? And WHO would actually fill these store fronts given that they have the money to establish themselves...? Do you really think new entrepreneurs will open a business in a dirty, visually unappealing area? No. Local government has to first make the neighborhood appealing before entrepreneurs set up shop. This has to be a joint effort by entrepreneurs and government. In short, the government needs to clean up the citys neighborhoods, and make them more appealing to entrepreneurs. Even if the storefronts are filled though, would the surrounding, vastly unemployed community be able to patronize and sustain them? No, but if you create a neighborhood that is safe, and visually appealing-- then, develop business that will attract people to the neighborhood --everyone wins. The community thrives, the vacant builidings are gone, and the jobs open up to employ new workers, who in turn patronize and sustain the new business. See where Im coming from? But you cannot have a do nothing, know nothing government and achieve this. Neither can you have a government that is actively working to oppress its poor neighborhoods. In its current state, no new entrepreneur could survive on the support of Clevelands community, which can barely support itself, let alone a new business.
Clevelandbaby8000 has it straight....
" But you cannot have a do nothing, know nothing government and achieve this. Neither can you have a government that is actively working to oppress its poor neighborhoods. "
Cleveland is closing down, block by block, community by community, store front by store front, factory by factory....
and has been since the 1960's.
Truth and reconcilliation?
Or more hypocritical PR?
It will be more of the later.
Small Business Investors defeated at the Door In Cleveland
I am in the cross fire with this entire story for a multitude of reasons... I hear ambitious local, lifelong residents of Cleveland who wish to "Start Up" a variety of small businesses right now. They are seeking out storefronts, considering the investments, and trying to work within their resources to do such. They are all willing to make sacrifices to revitalize deteriorated locations and put the effort in to put something simple in those shops... but then they realize the systematic governmental processes (abusive practices) associated with running a legitimate business and they are defeated at the door. Their little dreams seem to go up in smoke.
One gentleman wishes to open another little thrift shop on Fulton.
One young ambitious gentleman wants to open up a golf course or mini put put location right here on the west side.
One lady wants to open up an antique store on Clark avenue.
One person wants to open up a mechanic shop on the west side.
One person wants to open another coffee shop.
One person wants to open a "FLEA MARKET" right here on the west side.
One person wants to open a 'Car Hop" for classic cars right here on the west side.....
One person wants to open a unnamed Sports Entertainment business locally.
One person wants to open an Amusement Park for families.
One person wants to open an arts club for teens.
One person wishes to open another Bicycle shop.
Multiple people are interested in being real estate investors, but competing against not for profit community development stakeholders locally has dissuaded and disrupted countless investors from working to invest in our community any more.
Wow...come to think of it; there are countless ambitious folks right here in Ward 14 hoping to build up our community...
Some of the most common issues I see with these wonderful people is the basic start up needs...because they are ready, willing, and able to "work" their small business investments. These folks usually don't have degrees in business. They are usually hardworking and ambitious. They want to do things right; but cannot afford the legal and accounting costs to get started legally. They are willing to do what it takes; but they get frustrated with the round robin three ring circus required to even be in business locally... permits, licenses, business plans, no capital resources, and a dream that is burning inside them...
How do you empower an entreprenuer with the tools to overcome the obstacles?
Cleveland has an amazing underground and untaxed business industry in narcotics trade of prescription meds & street drugs, unlicensed stores & businesses, scrap metal recyclers (scrappers), and so much more. (HOW DO YOU THINK OUR LEGAL SYSTEM, JUDICIAL SYSTEM, AND GOVERNMENTAL SYSTEM STAY IN BUSINESS? THEY LEARNED TO PROFIT FROM THE PEOPLE!!!)
Our people have been used to support a system of "QUOTAS" for so long that they learned to thrive underground and under the table... Sadly, they'd benefit more if they'd just pay the taxes and realize that they would build their credit, be able to own instead of rent in some cases, and they'd learn that they may even qualify for an annual tax refund for duly paying taxes. Yet, most are too vested in the underground "RAT RACE" that means they work harder; not smarter and only benefit their "employers" and not their own families.
After seeing years of "corruption" destroy the faith of good citizens; how can you really blame them for fighting back in these ways? While they have watched their tax dollars used abusively in venues like the Community Development nightmare; they have been neglected, their neighborhoods have demised, and their sense of "community" has been distinguished. Who can they trust? What would inspire them to stop being a "quota" for the countless agencies and organizations in our community that thrives off of them? I mean; the not for profit industry in Cleveland, Ohio is a MULTI BILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRY locally..... Is Cleveland ready to start supporting the FOR PROFIT SECTOR in a way that promotes business investment which would result in countless agencies becoming non essential? Or will Cleveland work to continue thriving off of it's best industries to date including the entire court, legal, and judicial system?
Where's the balance?
I recommend that these philanthropic agencies quit investing their resources into administration heavy agencies....and start offering individuals the opportunity to receive their grant opportunities as small business investors in the FOR PROFIT world. Put the meat and potatos back on the tables of the citizens through good old fashioned All American pride and self made options of investing in a small business.
If you want to inspire the public at large to get active in their community; help them to be a vested stakeholder. Stop dividing and conquering them with this nightmare of social services that teach them to live under certain income levels in order to survive. Give them the beginner tools to help them thrive and feel good about being productive and reward their community investments with reasonable things like abatements and waivers on start up costs like permits, licenses, and so much more. Provide them with legal, accounting, and business plan support tools that empower them to overcome the obstacles. Provide them with certifiable training that will promote small business growth. Cultivate them... Don't put them in the pay to play world of sending corrupt inspectors to their door with a hand out; don't send them chasing their tales trying to get on track, and don't defeat their ideas at the the doors. Moreover, stop snubbing blue collar investors with that suburbinate "attitude" that looks down on others. It's a joke.
The attitudes must change about small business investors. They are the heartbeat of America more than words can say. But politicians and public servants have to learn how to respect blue collar entreprenuers who are required to orchestrate their business with a one man band mentality. Respecting that hard work and less than gentrified type of small business investors seems far beyond the capacity of many local politicians and public servants. Prayerfully; in the next lifetime; our local area will grow exponentially by realizing how to change old bad habits that have imploded our city.
Heck, I remember going to the Police community relations meeting and hearing the Detroit Shoreway residents complaining about families who had "Yard Sales" 7 days per week....and how it alone was detracting from their neighborhood and they wished for it to be regulated and stopped by the police ticketing those families. Someone from commmunity development should have worked to collaborate a business option for a family like them get started and coordinate opportunities like a building and other resources that would have empowered their home made business to "Grow."....But our leadership is not calibrated to work with hardworking people in that fashion. They have become target enforcers and they steer out inspired folks. It's simply yucky.
Historically, community development has worked against such idealists. They have divided, conquered, and reinvented the wheel of our local government offices. Moreover, there should be clauses in many of the trickle down grant options from the federal government that enable the community development departments of our City of Cleveland government to offer OPEN and COMPETITIVE proposal OPPORTUNITIES to the for profit and not for profit sectors...yet; those funds are already predetermined in those back room deals and by our elected officials long before they are even funded and that in and of itself should be a's unfair, unethical, and dishonest to our citizens at large... But, that's how they get away with corruption....keeping us in the dark and doing whatever they want... This part of our local system needs revamped.
CHANGE is good.
By the way....the idea that community development organizations learned how to make HUGE PROFITS via paychecks by reinventing the wheel of for profit real estate business locally has ultimately resulted in more corruption than you can shake a stick at. It's insulting to know the truths of many ugly "Take Over" transactions that originated from greedy CDC leadership desires to get possesssion of properties "ONE WAY OR ANOTHER" and without regard to the owners' rights. Their use of adverse possession avenues, housing inspectors, housing court, and code enforcement to "push" people out and take over via "receivership" options was disengenous to the public at large. While it seemed appropriate; in some cases their actions were unacceptable and premised with alterior motives of development.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
America Needs to become...
America needs to become more like its marketed image. The whole nation, not just certain segments, would profit as a result.
Its not Cleveland thats
Its not Cleveland thats shutting down, its America. Its not EVERY neighborhood, but primarily, low income neighborhods across the country, including rural America. I agree its been shutting down since the 1960's, but to be more specific, its been shutting down since the late 1960's. There were many achievements in the early - mid sixities--perhaps too many. and so the effort to shut down America stepped up, so as to maintian social order. It began in poor black communities around 1968, but now includes rural , white communities and the poor in general. No matter how it looks though, or how successful the 'shut down' appears to be, I guarantee you God will have the last word over man and politicians, the latter of which are their own race & breed.
Have to work on mastering Gimp and paint for header production...not getting very far with it--
Dianna-Councilman Brian Cummins PROMISED a newsletter in JUNE to outline all the great things, supposedly, happening in Ward 14. Still holding my breath. Evidently there is an attempt to incubate artists in the Hildebrandt Building near Clark and Fulton. You can see the stack in this picture. The other pictures show a demolition/construction debris truck used to haul from the Caribe Bakery site on Fulton, and the middle photo is The District--presumably, a private club for Second District police officers--also on Fulton Rd., which we know is slated for improvements, repaving etc. before the West 25th/Pearl Corridor.
Ward 14 Development
1) Caribe Bakery is effectively doing what Bosak's Dairy was target enforced out of business for....INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS IN A RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD...
Several of my friends live on Erin & Seymour Avenues around this demolition parking lot, CARIBE DEVELOPMENT....Now, are they going to pay to repave the streets that are now sinking like the rest of the neighborhood for the overweight heavy equipment that is being stored there? While I am not wanting to disrupt any business efforts; I do find it discerning that this is all going on without notice.
2) The District....saw it....wonder about all the permits that allowed that place to be renovated and pop up overnight...smiles. They are very special people. They are trying to have a place for the special people "only".....Nice touch... wonder if the drinks are like "UNAFFORDABLE" for the demographics.
3) Artists in Ward 14....what an industry....... If all else fails, create an amazingly postured industry in NEO; ARTS.... Let's glorify the artists of Ward 14... They have much to share and it draws lots of federal & philanthropic slush fund money to the people in this industry...I guess it works. Brian seems to be pretty good at this niche.
4) As for blue collar industries, housing industries, and small business industries.... well; they are probably gone with the wind so long as the local politics keep their dictatorship going....
Lessons learned....ethics are out the door. If it has to do with the arts or supporting the (unknown) missions of the politicians; then it is okay....
Newsletters that keep the citizens aware of development require direct accountability and provide long term references for actions of leadership...why would Brian Cummins provide that to Ward 14 when the citizens are so used to being abused by denial of transparency, plans, and accountability? It's easier to run rogue....and it allegedly costs funding that our community sends to other wards! Smiles... I see that Westbrook and Zone sent out their newsletters.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Caribe Development / Bakery
hhhmmm, that name sounds familiar
"We are apparently playing phone tag. If you do not call me back , I am getting a Search Warrant to search your property."
"We are apparently playing phone tag, and if you do not call me back I am getting a Search Warrant to search your property", said Inspector Hilliard, in his threatening 7:20 a.m. phone message left to a homeowner who was a victim of an arson.
Officer Jim Simone hit Caribe Bakery hard with tickets for illegal parking of heavy machinery, and for other issues last year. And I gave him a big hug for doing so.
Simone was kind enough to issue several violations to the owners of Caribe Bakery, Caribe Development, LLC, which were filed in Cleveland Housing Court. I continue to check the status of the cases filed on April 22, 2010 by Simone in Housing Court to see what happened in court. (Case Nos. 2010CRB012946 ; 2010CRB012947 ; 2010CRB012948 ; 2010CRB012949 )
One case is marked 'nolle' (dismissed), and the other three cases have not been updated by the online court website since the filing date of April 2010. I find it hard to believe that Simone would recommend the dismissal of any of the citations that he issued, especially to those owners. Not the Simone that I know, and have known for decades.
Many other recent violations/citations were also issued by different inspectors for this property, which has been overlooked by the City of Cleveland - Building and Housing Department- for many years.
I found another six cases just by glancing at the court's website. One case was fined $75.00 for a health code violaton. Two cases were fined $500.00 each. Three cases were nolled (dismissed). Simone told me he issued several more than the four cases that I found, but I did not finish digging to find all of the cases that Simone told me he filed. But I will....
Plymouth Park Tax Services also stepped up to the plate to help the obviously politically connected Caribe Development, LLC.
In 2004, a foreclosure was filed against the property located at 3108 Vega, parcel # 007 24 034. Plymouth Park, along with the owner Jorge Aponte, were both named as defendants in this case. Obviously Plymouth Park Tax Services had a delinquent property tax lien against the property. The plaintiff actually won the foreclosure judgment in this case, until Plymouth Park filed a motion to intervene. And boy did they intervene. The judgment was reversed from the original plaintiff, awarded to Plymouth Park, recorded with the Auditor on August 20, 2009, and then was bought by Caribe Development for $5,000 on September 23, 2009- just over one month from Plymouth Park winning the foreclosure.
The defendant/victim in this case had owned this property since 2001 after paying $40,000 for the 10 room, 5 bedrooms, 2 full bath house currently valued at $63,800.
Wonder where one stands in line for favors like this?
Caribe Bakery housing court cases
More housing court cases for Caribe Bakery, citations issued by Officer Jim Simone. Nearly all of the cases issued by Simone were dismissed by the City. Simone issued the citations for a very good reason and this is unlike Simone's cases to be dismissed like this.
So the answer to your question, AngelnWard14, is NO. Caribe Bakery is not going to be held responsible for anything. Some politician has their back, and I have a pretty good idea on who that person is. I will call Simone to verify my suspicion and ask him why nearly all of the cases that he filed against Caribe were dismissed by the Prosecutor.
This is not going on "without notice" since several inspectors, along with Officer Simone, have issued citations for the property. This is being overlooked by city officials that decided to dismiss nearly every single case filed against Caribe Bakery, Caribe Development, LLC.
2010 CRB 006727 nolle (dismissed
2010 CRB 006739 $75.00 waiver paid
2010 CRB 010477 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 010478 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 010482 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 012932 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 012933 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 012934 not updated in court's website since April 2010
2010 CRB 012960 not updated in court's website since April 2010
2010 CRB 012961 not updated in court's website since April 2010
2010 CRB 012962 not updated in court's website since April 2010
2010 CRB 012964 not updated in court's website since April 2010
2010 CRB 012965 no updated in court's website since April 2010
2010 CRB 006746 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 006749 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 006750 nolle (dismissed)]
2010 CRB 010476 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 010479 $75 waiver paid
2010 CRB 010480 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 010481 $75 waiver paid
2010 CRB 010483 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 010484 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 010485 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 010486 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 010487 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 010488 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 010489 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 010490 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 010491 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 010492 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 010493 nolle (dismissed)
2010 CRB 012963 not updated on court's website
And another case not issued by Simone
2010 CRB 005125 nolle (dismissed)
The District
I actually know the owners of this bar, Dianna. They have been planning this for a couple years and received no favors. They worked very hard and invested a lot of money on this place, working for years on the building. It certainly did not pop up over night, and I am happily surprised to see it pop up at all. They worked off and on due to financial restraints.
Tony, Michelle and Joe are very cool people that I have known for many years and I wish them the best. Their mother babysat my grandson for years - for free. She really helped me out when I needed her. Good people. Although I don't drink, I will have one with you when you are ready. :)
They wanted to add some class to the bar to try and avoid many of the problems in that area. They are no Tremont people, but from the hood - Seymour area.
Great to know about the "District"....
Nice to hear that they are the typical "tremonster" type! Smiles.. Perhaps we will make a visit there someday....That sounds nice... Someday.....
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Jobs for the Demographically Disadvantaged...
Ward 14 is challenged with providing jobs for disabled, formerly incarcerated (felons), and demographically disadvantaged people....who's trying to provide those jobs for people? Housing industry and real estate investors were trying to provide jobs in our community---but that was stopped by the regime.....Smiles. They want to eradicate the quotas...smiles.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Once folks will survive....
Alternative business ideas...bartering...the underground, non governmental way of life has survived since the beginning of time...
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Please DIGEST this post and threads--commercial vacancies
What does it take to fill these storefronts with long term viable small businesses?
Factors to consider include budgetary requirements. Insurance rates have skyrocketed in Cleveland. Losses to theft and vandalism are a huge concern of any small business. Legitimate licensing requirements at City Hall are often a challenge for the unconnected folks as well; many times resulting in Occupancy Permit issues that have historically been known to end with pay to play inspections for sign off's. Yet, if you can get past these little things and sustain a small business; you have gotten further than most.
Reasonable rents are another consideration for any small business investor wishing to spend years at a location serving the community. Storefronts like the Walgreens building on W. 31st & Clark and the old Kmart Building on West 65th Street are asking for extortionist levels of rent to ascertain those buildings and invest in the community. Considering their mammouth sizes; heating and electric bills will run out any small business investor in a very short period; let alone the maintenance of roofs and the exterior premises. Water, Sewer, and Trash Removal rates are also planned to rise exponentially over the next decade and can quickly devour a small business investor.
The financial costs of doing business in Cleveland leave little room for growth of a small business investor; let alone the fact that it far removes the idea of them making a profit that would be sustainable to their basic needs as human beings. Hence; it becomes a defeatest equation in our neck of the woods. These are some of the things the politicians seem to have overlooked when considering what it takes for small businesses to thrive locally.
Years of inflation drove up the costs of doing business beyond sustainabililty in Cleveland, Ohio. Countless storefront properties in Cleveland used to house various small businesses that created communities along the corridors including Fulton, Denison, Clark, Lorain, West 25th Street, West 65th Street and more. Today; those locations are abandoned and awaiting the next big entreprenuerial rush to fill their vacant spaces....or they await the underground scrap network to finally vandalize them for their scrap so that the owners can then file police reports which support the insurance company claims paying out to the owners...and the work rarely getting done to restabilize the building....resulting in condemnation and demolition....and open green space...Yet, I guess that is the ultimate goal; to create green pastures for Urban Gardeners to flourish and share their organic garden delights at farmer's markets with all the people.
Thank you Diana for caring to even write about this topic :)
The reason why small business owners qualify for WELFARE...
Come on, there's even more humor to this story.... Fundamentally, there are small business owners with families of their own who are not earning enough to afford the basic cost of living in Cleveland. They as proud, hard working small business investors have even had to go to Cuyahoga County Department of Job & Family Services for help and have qualified for medical, food stamps, cash assistance, and much more... Our community has learned how to use even small business owners as quotas for a welfare state! It's absolutely amazing... One way or another...our community thrives off ALL of it's citizens with the Federal Trickle Down Grants.....Keeps those "public servants" in business, doesn't it?
God Bless the USA!!!
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Thanks, Laura for caring enough to "READ" the reality that is posed locally and fight for citizens' rights! God Bless You too!
Tourism Trade in Cleveland...
Transients, hotels, and more craigslist freaks...."in for the weekend looking for some fun in good ol' C-Town!"
No more "Hometown this or that"....humor... not a place of roots, communities, and families....but a community of fly by night partying folks who simply don't give a damn about the neighborhoods or people who are from here!
Hey, at least the world's oldest professionals won't go out of business with such a business plan for our big city! Hit & Skip....
lovely, Cleveland.
Billions of dollars in investments for this industry bringing in countless outsiders to fill the job slots....exciting.....
And yet, the sustainable jobs for the little people of NEO are still not being brought...why not? Well of course the Big Government needs them to remain as QUOTAS to keep those big government employees around shuffling paperwork....interesting. As long as the transients and visitors are spending their dollars here----who needs the little people to be working?
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
What about a VETERAN'S MUSEUM?
Mayor White played with the idea and it got lost in political roundtables....
HONOR OUR VETERANS...use some of that development money to fund a National Veteran's Chicago did....
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"