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Cuyahoga County residents encouraged to take environmental awareness surveySubmitted by abroskilly on Wed, 12/10/2008 - 15:39.
The Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District is encouraging residents of Cuyahoga County to participate in a survey to assess the level of awareness residents have regarding common household activities and their potential impact on the quality of our local water resources. Answers provided will serve as a tool to develop water quality educational materials for target audiences, and will help to determine appropriate methods to deliver educational messages. Over time, the survey will help gauge the success of educational programs and ensure the effective spending of public funds. To take the survey, go to our homepage The deadline to submit the survey is February 13, 2009. Please be assured that measures have been put in place to guarantee the confidentiality and anonymity of the answers you provide. Results of this survey will be made public shortly after the deadline has passed. Cuyhaga Soil and Water Conservation District - To promote conservation of land and aquatic resources in a developed environment through stewardship initiatives, education programs, and technical assistance.
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Survey Link
Thanks for the head's up....
Here is a link to the survey: