Submitted by jerleen1 on Thu, 11/05/2009 - 19:50.



July 2009 Letters to the Editor

Government workers assist with block club takeover

To the editor: (Plain Press, July 2009) It was a scene snatched from the pages of Law and Order on May 26, 2009, when The Central Tremont Block Club's rank and file gathered for their monthly meeting at the Jefferson Branch Library. As members, guest, transients and other on-lookers filed in and copped a squat, the drama began to unfold when Prosecutor Colleen Reali pranced through the portal with two polished hand-cuff and pistol packing boys in blue nipping at her heels. Being an early arrival, City of Cleveland Second District Commander Keith Sulzer had already taken his seat when the "court shark" sat herself at the table facing the decorated lawman.

The library conference room, now a theatrical stage, was abuzz as the procession of extras seated themselves against the wall in wait of performing their civic duty as jurors of the lawless Kangaroo tribunal.

It was lights, camera and action when Co-chair Jason Beudert swaggered up, claimed his role and officially called the meeting to order. The script had been well written but since the distinguishing black robe was missing one could only guess as to who was out of character. Prattle circulated the crowded chamber when it was announced that, although not scheduled on the agenda, the top cop had dibs on being the rudimentary orator of the evening's episode.

A spread of hotdogs, pastries and soda was laid out in keeping with the Memorial Holiday spirit and was topped off when the beaming Ward 13 Councilman came strutting through the door toting boxes of aromatic pizza. It would be a memorial occasion, a Kodac moment in the making of history for Tremont residents and block clubs. After introductions, announcements, a bit of open forum, discussion and debate, it was finally Prosecutor Reali’s turn and the room exploded when she stepped into the arena and began presenting her case and calling for my impeachment as the second sitting co-chair.

The prelude to the foolery actually began several days earlier when an attempt was made by way of an e-mail request to attain copies of receipts from block club fiscal agent Tremont West Development Corporation’s treasurer and board member Lynn Murray. The receipts were requested to validate the disbursement of Central Tremont Block Club’s roll over of a 2008 Neighborhood Connections Beautification Grant. This request was in light of the fact that the current co-chairs and membership had been out flanked and the funds were
released to the writers of the original grant before bringing the matter back to the block club’s membership.

Reali, the accuser, repeatedly disclaimed that she was acting on behalf of the state, but the words and body language of the demurely dressed woman said, "I am the prosecutor and my friend, you're going down."

With hands clutching her chest, Reali gave no less than an oscar winning performance portraying a victim in a state of shock that the jaded accused would have the brass to stoop to the level of asking for her personal information even though the former Central Tremont Block Club’s co-chair's name was never mentioned. Bill Mason would have been proud of his Ward 13 Democratic Precinct Committee Chair assistant, although she no longer resides at her Jefferson Avenue stamping ground in Tremont.

Even with no threat of being bamboozled, super woman was surely well protected with two armed guards and Commander Sulzer standing by the door in addition to Lt. Frank Bolan walking the outside grid.

The litigator continued to play on the sympathies of the mock jury by sensationalizing the allegations that the defenseless TWDC staff service provider Kristen Ciofani was paralyzed by the correspondence and the request she mind her own business and do the job she was paid to do instead of trying to micro manage the duties and responsibilities of the block club leadership.

With time running out, the Cuyahoga County Assistant Prosecutor gave her closing argument, this was followed by a vote from the hands of those rarely attending or participating in the block club activities, and this letter writer, a long-time resident and the block club co-chair found myself kicked to the curb.

They thought I was a goner, but the cat came back when with the help and assistance of many loyal supporters, family and friends. The Old South Side Community Coalition was created and now many residents want to know why three police cruisers, uniformed officers, a Lt. and the Commander all paid for by the City of Cleveland were pulled from the streets to baby sit an uneventful block club meeting at the tax payer's expense. The Tremont area has its share of crime not to mention speeders, parking violators, resident noise nuisance complaints, etc., but law enforcers cannot find the time to handle these matters.

Jerleen Justus
South Side Neighborhood





( categories: )

These charges stemmed from a

These charges stemmed from a condemned property owned by the fireman (dubbed Lt. Alphabet) that apparently was deemed a "fire hazard" in Ohio City.

Was the Cuyahoga County Assistant Prosecutor spotted "fire watching" on County Taxpayer's time?

Bill Mason ought to know? 

 Also, folks in Ohio City will be seeing a bit more of the Fireman Rabkewych in the near future for as a result of the sentence handed down by the Justuce System in addition to 2 years probation and a $20,000 fine, he must perform 100 hours of community service in the Ohio City neighborhood in lieu of 10 days in jail.

As you may recall, both City of Cleveland Fire Department Lt. Michael Rabkewych (corner of Tremont and Jefferson) and Cuyahoga County Assistant Prosecutor Colleen Reali (Jefferson) are owners of properties that were heavily damaged in the Jefferson Avenue fire in June earlier this year.




Clarify, please

Jerleen, it's not clear what Lt. Rabkewych was accused of, what he was charged with regarding his Ohio City Property. Can you be more specific?

The property in question is

The property in question is located at 3914 John Avenue, was purchased by the fireman in July 1997, Case Number for these charges is 09-CRB-8823. 

I do have copies of the court ordered Fire Watch Log (Public Records) which covering only for July 8, 9 and 10, 2009, which indicates date, time and name of individual providing the watch and the status of the property at the time the firecheck was preformed.

Lt. Rabkewych was before the Building Board of Standards, before the Landmarks Commission and in court approximately 10 times in this case  prior to this conviction.

While I cannot provide the final list of charges until I go down to the Clerk's office I can tell you that a number of residents in Ohio City worked very hard in getting attention brought to the fact that this property was a danger to the community and a fire hazard. 

The connection between his former fiancee and "female friend" Cuyahoga County Assistan Prosecutor Colleen Reali, who also provided assistance in firewatching this hazard to the community, is that she has been known to "abuse her powers" as Bill Mason's assistant to intimidate certain residents for attempting to get something done about this property that created a dangerous fire hazard to their community. 

It has been brought to my attention that she is no longer 2nd District Community Prosecutor.  The question remains, was the transfer as a result of some underlining cause?



Rabkewych-FIRES in Tremont...

2439 Tremont Ave.

Many folks who have lived in Tremont will recognize this house.  It has always intriqued--as one of the brick structures in Tremont circa Civil War era.

Owned by a fireman?  I had no idea. And, no code enforcement here?  Is he still employed by the City of Cleveland?


The house is owned by Michael Rabkewych, Cleveland's Fire Department.      link to story regarding Rabkewych and past violation issues here


Point of REFERENCE--this house is near intersection of Jefferson Ave. and Tremont Ave. in Tremont neighborhood--just south of Bodega sandwich shop.

City of Cleveland Fire Department Lt. Michael Rabkewych (corner of Tremont and Jefferson) and Cuyahoga County Assistant Prosecutor Colleen Reali (Jefferson) are owners of properties that were heavily damaged in the Jefferson Avenue fire in June earlier this year (2009).

2437 Tremont

The foreman also owns 2437 Tremont - I believe right next door to the old house.  The 2437 property has been undergoing rehab since the June gas explosion  and fire on Jefferson that also damaged County Asst. Prosecutor Colleen Reali's house. 



Jerleen, do you know how to make houses invisible?

Angle Cuevas wants to make his property invisible to the City's inspectors and Tremont West Development Corporation.

Do you know how to make properties in Tremont invisible?  How about getting on the, "do not violate" list, do you know how to get on the list?

Angel needs to know right away.  He asked Frank Giglio, but he was clueless. 

Maybe you should ask the PROSECUTOR...


and ask the City of Cleveland Council members why the created an ORDINANCE that stops City Inspectors from GOING OUT AND DOING THEIR JOBS in their respective neighborhoods without being "DRIVEN BY COMPLAINTS" from the citizens (but more specifically, PUPPETED BY CDC's)... Perhaps when Inspectors are doing STREET BY STREET inspections, working with citizens, and staying on top of their own jobs; more citizens will react differently...(Instead of licking the behinds of the CDC's collusive parties that have such extraordinary powers to dictate, manuever, and squealch certain cases by making them "disappear"...etc.

Look, these folks are double tapping tax dollars, creating an UNFAIR and socially injust system that violates the public at large. Our entire City of Cleveland big business structure has ruined our community and now it's trying to rebuild it with their 2020 Visions and Master Plans.... but they are still doing it in an underhanded, corrupt, and socially injust manner...So, none of it really matters to the citizens and families who have been stepped on over the last few decades! 

Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"