Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 04/16/2010 - 01:33.

Tip of the Hat to Steve Cadwell, Director of the American Holisitic Medical Association, for pointing me to a site with the 20 worst restaurant foods in America, which is worth scrolling through to get a sense of the health risks of some typical restaurant foods. Here's a highlight: "We hope the guys at Guinness World Records are paying attention: Outback now holds the dubious distinction of serving the first nationally available entrée in America to pack more than 3,000 calories. Congratulations."
The 20 Worst Restaurant Foods in America
7. Worst Sit-Down Ribs
Outback Steakhouse Baby Back Ribs (full rack)
3,021 calories
242 g fat
(90 g saturated fat)
4,648 mg sodium
The Political
The Political Gangster
WOW!!! I know to stay away from there. I don't need it like that i'll take some fruit thank you.