Forgotten Cleveland and the need for bridges
Submitted by lmcshane on Tue, 10/21/2008 - 08:37.

Yesterday, I drove through forgotten Cleveland--streets like Pershing, Bessemer, Harvard, Kinsman. I had an appointment to be in Cleveland Heights at 8:30 a.m. I don't need to tell you that the Inner Belt bridge is out. I took the streets that most Clevelanders avoid--let's face it--because they are afraid to see a face darker than their own. I left the Metrohealth campus at 8:15 and arrived at the Severance Center Kaiser facility in 30 minutes. I got to my appointment at 8:45 a.m. So, what's my point? Rebuild the Clark-Pershing bridge. We need to build and repair real and symbolic bridges in NEO. We don't need "Opportunity Corridors."

Driveway to the CLINC
There needs to be more examination on recent land acquisitions and transactions in the "forgotten triangle" proposed for the "Opportunity Corridor."
Flip the Script-Donovan at City Club Wednesday
Increased Use of CMAQ Funds for Nonmotorized Projects over Time
Since CMAQ's inception in 1991, bicycle and pedestrian projects have been eligible activities. According to the CMAQ project database, the amount of CMAQ funding used on these projects has grown during this time from about $9.7 million dollars in Fiscal Year 1992 to $69.5 million in Fiscal Year 2008.
Use Congestion Mitigation Funds-To build a signature pedestrian-bike only Clark-Pershing bridge over the Cuyahoga River.
Cleveland NEEDS bridges--and needs to repair its existing bridges--
SEE also:
(since the PD won't post on line Steven Litt's own endorsement of the Lockwood Thompson program from this past Sunday 10/24/2010 newspaper)
See also:
Tim Donovan, Director of the Ohio Canal Corridor speaks this Wednesday at the City Club of Cleveland. Please attend.
We have the Clark-Pershing R.O.W.--build the BRIDGE! Flip the Script!