Submitted by Jeff Buster on Sat, 04/04/2009 - 19:11.
The Great Lakes Brewery conducts a brewery tour which attracts visitors to Ohio City, Cleveland, Ohio. This is a real economic driver for the economy of the West Side Market and environs. This group of Brewery visitors was listening to their guide (back to the tree in the center of the photo) as she gave them the history of the buildings - including the GLB tasting restaurant in the background.
When I visited England I toured a brewery there and it was one of the highlights of our family's vacation - and of course we raised an elbow!
Photo April 4, 2009
Ohio City
Hi Jeff--nice photo...but Great Lakes Brewery is in Ohio City. It's nice to have a restaurant/pub that has some longevity in this town.
The Conways are good people.
Thanks Laura for correction - Ohio City
I also noticed that amost every one of the visitors in the photo is smiling - I haven't taken the Brewery tour - do you have the tasting before or after the tour?
The Tour
Hi Jeff--I haven't taken the tour, but Great Lakes has been around long enough to become an institutional memory for
me (what's going on with the's blown out again). I can visit Great Lakes and remember sharing a meal there with my dad and his friends, with my college friends, with Ignatius people, reunions of all sorts (Is 1988 on the sign right?--was it a brewery before the Conways?).
Cleveland does not have enough places like the Great Lakes Brewery..and if we do, we don't appreciate these third places enough for
the memory they provide to us.
Other third places for me, now gone? Bearden's, Kiefer's, The Smorgasboard, Otto's Brauhaus, Miller's...(our family tended towards
the all you could eat places :)
Still around Sokolowski's, Mama Santa's, Marie's, Sterly's...