I appreciate that you have always responded to my inquiries. You have told me, time and time again, that you can not investigate the "Land Bank." But, I am now asking whether you will investigate the Board of Revision process on the Feltner case -recently, covered by the news outlet Eye on Ohio:
In June 2017, respondent Cuyahoga County Board of Revision (“BOR”) entered a judgment of foreclosure concerning real property owned by relator, Elliott G. Feltner. After its judgment, the BOR transferred Feltner’s property to the Cuyahoga County Land Reutilization Corporation (“the Land Bank”) under R.C. 323.78.
Ohio Supreme Court Upholds Foreclosures That Don't Compensate Owners Or ...
Lucia Walinchus
The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that an unusual foreclosure process that can result in people’s homes being sol...
Elliot Feltner, a Cleveland landowner, sued the board in 2018, arguing that the process was an unconstitutional government seizure without compensation. The board had foreclosed upon his property, worth $144,500 according to county records. In a sheriff’s sale, the state would have recovered the $68,089 owed to taxpayers and he would have received the rest.
Which Board and board members handled this case? I can't make out their signatures in the documents file. If these boards are listed on the county website - please send a link.
It appears Mr. Feltner wanted a sheriff sale - why did the case not proceed to a sheriff sale? THE PLAINTIFF DID NOT PETITION FOR "redemption."
_______X The BOR finds the plaintiff has petitioned the BOR to apply the alternative right of redemption to this case as prescribed in R.C. Sections 323.65(J) and 323.78; the BOR finds that the subject parcel therefore qualifies to be transferred without appraisal or public auction to a certificate holder under R.C. 323.69 or to a community development organization, municipal corporation, school district, land reutilization corporation, county or township as provided in R.C. 323.76(G), 323.74 and/or 323.65(K) and 323.78 as directed by any Order of Transfer of this BOR pursuant to this Adjudication of Foreclosure; and upon hearing and due consideration, the BOR hereby grants said petition to invoke the alternative right of redemption under R.C. 323.65(J) and 323.78, and the same shall apply in this case.
I am including an earlier correspondence shared with me by Mitchell Paul - he has raised similar BOR concerns on property appraisals. I am sure that we are not the only taxpayers concerned about this agency that does have oversight by your office.
I would also ask you to investigate the transfer of 13955 Superior to the Cuyahoga County Land Bank. $758,970.39 unpaid taxes wited out in 2016 > transferred to the Land Bank> sold to Steven Pontikos aka COVENTRY PARK APTS LLC.
Transfer Date: 2/16/2018 2:33:00 PM
AF Number:
Deed Type
Vol / Page
Sales Amt
Convey Fee
Convey No
Multiple Sale / No of Parcels
Fiscal Officer Ex
0 / 1
Land Bank President Gus Frangos has a sister - Mary Pontikos. There appears to be some conflict of interest in this property transfer. I can not find an Adjudication of Foreclosure on 13955 Superior, but it does seem that Steven Pontikos is appealing the tax rate and currently not paying taxes on the property-balance
$48,925.91 in East Cleveland.
Laura McShane
7/4/2020> Peter McGinty
Good morning-
Thank you for your phone call regarding the Board of Revision board members who decided the Feltner case. Please respond with the names of the appointed persons who made up the board on the Feltner case. If these boards are listed on line - please provide the link. I also think it is imperative to list who appointed these members.
I am attaching the Pontikos story to show that I raised concern about this wite out last year. Which board/and members decided this case?
Does the Land Bank have power to remove tax liens w/o going to the Board of Revision?
I summarized the rationale behind the development at REALNEO - Tony Brancatelli chairs the Land Bank and is the Cleveland City Councilperson for the ward in which this development took place:
Contract for the demolition of the vacant YMCA (over $118K in back taxes wited out by Cuyahoga County Land Bank) was awarded to Baumann. The "developer"on Emerald Alliance XI is Detroit Shoreway Development Corporation. For a greater understanding of the "middlemen" involved in LITC construction projects, please read Brent Scher's :
BTW Ron O'Leary's WIFE is legal council for Cleveland City Council - this just in from a inside source:
I recently discovered something most interesting that I thought you might find the irony in too. Tell me why the board of revision administrator job posting showed the salary between 85k-110k but yet they hired old boy at 120k
Or how nobody has reported on the fact the county illegally charged property owners and the coa just upheld a almost 5 million judgement against the county. Or the 16k in attorney fees the county was ordered to pay because they were filing frivolous appeals to delay the case. Essentially obstruction of justice. But crickets, we hear crickets.
I PROMISE your designee the first $50,000 that we collect! Thus; Providing you are willing to put in a lot of effort on an if-come; I can & want to explain the whole horror story. After I see good progress, I would want to help you, help me: BUT I mean to pay for success and first we will need to meet and go over everything, still, just so you understand what has gone on. Here is a synopsis of the story:
My family owned and operated our businesses: Denis Copy & Recreation / American Automatic Vending / Affordable Office Furniture & Affordable Warehouse from our 4900 Lakeside facility: After putting in a couple of lifetimes of 10-18 hour days with our money where our mouth is, the whole time, the advent of the PC computer fouled up the copy machine & game vending business's that we had built. STILL ; the snack and office furniture business' were OK to good: Having lived through two big loss' Warehousing was new to me, seemed comparatively peaceful and I figured on doing them and renting some space in that building “forever”. Loosing it, the home of and forcing the closing of those businesses cost us a lot, well over $2 Million.
The roof needed redone when we bought 4900 Lakeside in 1988 after selling our 21st & Prospect place and I had nightmare troubles with roofer’s: Between the mid 90’s & 2001 Bob Vilkas consistently badgered me, thus forcing me to borrow and put in an additional over $365,000 for that roof, a sprinkler system, and furnace's for our "Ace in the hole" building, bringing our monetary investment in the place to well over $950,000. The timing was bad, still I more than anyone wanted the place in good shape, but in order to meet his asinine constraints and timing demands, besides paying extra, I had to sell everything I could at less than market value, and then beg for and borrow the rest of the money! When putting that pile of money in our warehouse didn't totally break us he made a mortal enemy of me when he hit hard with a game changing , nightmare, " cannon ball to the belly," blow : , thus for him, climaxing the RAPE, In February of 2002 he condemned our facility putting us out of business, literally evicting me from our own place and reducing the value of our blood sweat and tears to squat; while with the same stupid ass move, killing the place where 60+ people were eking out a living, when this crap started.
Because money is what makes the world go around and there was never a justifiable reason for hassling me the way he did and then to condemn our place when it was in the best shape it had been in during the 40 years I was familiar with it: I say that the S.O.B. VILKAS did all this for a “Party” benefactor crony, that evidently wanted this or any property they could get near a dream "New Lakeshore" I got F--- (Had) by professionals, all members of THE North East OHIO DEMOCRATIC PARTY: If you think I am wrong, find another common denominator of the people involved! It doesn’t bother me that fate is fickle or money comes and goes; I have earned and lost more than most but, fate didn't do this one, un-scrupulous whore politicians did and I personally can not live with myself, allowing this to happen to my family or myself.
In July of 2003, the day "Judge" Ray Pianka sentenced me to do 200 hours of community service for not having had a roof installed on the place less than thirty days after an Order to do so was given to me, (seven years and $365,000 earlier, in February of 1996) Wanting the #%#*! Vilkas and his benefactor in jail, I went to the FBI and brought what was done to their attention, likely accidentally starting or at the least adding fuel to the infamous Cuyahoga County corruption scandal and the ultra arrogant Jimmy Demora’s Waterloo". Has that done my family any good? NO!
I have pointed out that though we were stupidly strong-armed for a Sprinkler System, while numerous if not most City and County Structures, places like City Hall, The "Justice Center", The Cuyahoga county Administration Building, "Chucky" Ratner's Terminal Tower, even the Main Cleveland Fire Department Headquarters Building on Superior Ave. are "Missing" them. Has that done my family any good? NO!
I had the Asbestos removed from our warehouse because it was the right thing to do. I have pointed out that most City and County property's are loaded with the Cancer causing material. Has that done my family any good? NO!
People (at least in past history) will eventually stand up when oppressed enough and I have shown the way to, by the book, legally Secede from that oppression and the City of Cleveland. Has that done my family any good? NO!
If you want to know more about this “Crusade” try asking: Bob Vilkas, Jimmy Williams, and Joe Cimperman, they are defiantly “Dirty”: Ron O’Leary, Bob Lynch, Harley Edwards, David O’Niell , Chuck Ratner…… figure in but I can’t prove where: Frank Jackson, Bob Triozzi, Jimmy Dimora, maybe even the guy that I paid to represent me Brian Green & Stuart Garson, know all, but are Good Old Boy Democrat’s and have ignored me and are at the least guilty of covering the rape by their brethren; I am not sure about a previous Fireman; Gerald Cleveland, a Building Inspector w/ a limp, a Fireman / Roofer; John / Rich Ramsey or a thief “Developer” Phenon Walker / West Shore Realty that I sold the place to. It is a tangled mess and has had way more money spent on cover-up than our 4900 Lakeside Warehouse could have ever been worth.
It might be hard for you to believe, but I am one of the most empathetic, helpful, honorable, “Softy” guy’s I know; I don’t want others to go through what I have and I realize Vilkas was merely doing what some supervising peer requested, BUT: still because I kissed his butt for at least 6 years only to have him then use his “Official” position with the City to cut off our family jewels: What I want for him isn’t legal or even moral. Money will need to suffice and I fully intend to see the “Root Perpetrators” or that domineering, thieving, whore’s employer “The City” pay full restitution, for our losses and I swear until we are made whole, I will make sure the involved get the same treatment they gave me: Personal and financial devastation after years of grief and aggravation!
I believe knowing each other is necessary. I am no rocket scientist and if I ever had any success it is because of what I call fortitude or is now called “tenacity” I am strait and like a scout, I don’t lie, cheat, or steal; I worked long and helped others by giving them what they wanted and / or doing what they didn’t want to or couldn’t do themselves: I am the best natural mechanic I know: If they are faults, I am not much of a diplomat, or comfortable with fire or snakes, but otherwise I don’t fear much. I am direct, always calling it like I see it, even when not asked: I do not respect the authority of ANYONE except our maker and for sure I should be more grateful to him that I and those close to me are healthy. Ours was a family “Operation” and our lives have been changed by this ordeal, financially not for the better; we were raped of our building, our businesses / our livelihood by corrupt “Government employees / Political Whore’s”. Again, I am “wild man” P.O.ed, not only for our monetary loss, but for our lives being turned upside down and my being insultingly ignored by many. Granted no matter what; life goes on, but I would NOT ask you or anyone to accept a similar wrongdoing, PLEASE don’t expect me to.
I want to know who was behind this and though I would like to know why, no matter that reasoning and not that my life was a bed of roses before all this, but nothing can restore it or my families way of life. Still, I make “no bones” that I want restitution and fully intend to recover at least the monetary loss! I have my idea’s where it came from, but that isn’t good enough and after all this time I really don’t know “Proof positive” who was behind it, or if it was:
· A vendetta against me?
· A situation where somebody wanted the place because of its location / proximity to a proposed “New Lakeshore?
· A mistake where Russo / Dimora put us in a Tax Certificate “Scam”?
Being repetitive: It is a tangled mess with multiple side stories, again involving way more cover-up than our 4900 Lakeside Warehouse could have ever been worth. (It may even be an “Orient Express” deal) but, absolutely for sure wrongful!
I say again, that there was no acceptable, good reason for Vilkas to have condemned our place, especially after forcing me to put an additional $365,000 for a roof, Sprinkler System and furnaces while under his watch and there is no doubt what was done was “Wrong” even if it was “ordinary” or technically legal. That leaves, Vilkas being a stupid moron or having done it for someone: He is a S.O.B. but a very intelligent man; that means he did it for someone. I have over the years met others that these “Whore” public employees have pulled similar “Poop” on and though I do not want my restitution tied to anyone else’s, I have even stumbled on some neighbor’s in Chesterland, Vince Menier and Ken Green that had similar experiences, even Tony George, the recent recipient of our property claims Vilkas boarded him up years ago in the Flat’s. I don’t think “Judge Ray Pianka” is a bad guy, his Housing Court was abused and he has said to me in the past that he “only Rules on what the Buildings Department brings him”. (Of course, he works exclusively for the Building’s Department) We could try on the phone, but in my opinion another Face to Face meeting is the easiest & best way for you to ask questions and get a decent grasp on what went on. Still; here are the approximate dates and starting involvement of people:
Early - Mid 1980’s - I needed storage and was renting space from a Neighbor Architect Bill Steck, on Euclid behind our 2029 Prospect Location as well as in 4900 Lakeside (I was needing to reduce space behind us in Bill’s place as he was converting it to apartments for students. My Parking lot was a PIA. (There is a real story!)
1987- I was approached by Nick Frangos to sell our 2029 Prospect Facility. (Mike Frangos / “Rascal House” rented our Parking Lot in the evenings, their brother, Gus was the Councilman) (I can tell that story)
1988 - We worked a 1039 exchange deal. I looked all over as though we could buy 4900 Lakeside, I was hesitant as it needed work and more-so was off the beaten path. We ran out of time and did buy it for $270,000 & immediately put close to $300,000 in it reconfiguring & cleaning it up, with the roof still needing done , several / Multiple roofers “Let me down”!
Our attorney, John Redacar filed a tax appeal as the place was being valued at over $700,000. I paid property taxes based on the $270,000 we paid and was always showing delinquent. (Start of the Tax Story)
The Fire Inspectors came every 6 months & always “Bitched” about something, tags on extinguishers, dates on sprinkler heads and the Elevator Inspectors always wanted $ for Inspections. The elevator guy always charged $1000’s for tests that they wanted.
In the Mid 90’s a Fire Inspector Lt. Gerald Cleveland had a fit that we had turned off the Sprinkler’s so that the men working on the roof wouldn’t make floods as they had done several times.
1995 - Lt. Gerald Cleveland had me brought before Judge Ray Pianka where I was “Ordered” to stand a B.S. Fire watch (My son & I did it and then I had a guy that turned out to be a drunk salesman stay in the place and he virtually “Wet the bed” and left owing a fair amount of $).
1995 - Then this Ass wipe building inspector Harley Edwards shows up unannounced on the day my Dad was undergoing a heart operation at The Cleveland Clinic and started on me. - Back to Judge Pianka – I complained to his boss Bob Vilkas (Seemed sympathetic at the time)
1996 - I made a deal with John Ramsey (A CFD fireman) to do the roof. He dragged his feet as he was building a house for his father (We got deluged several times) and he never actually finished and was a super Ass about me not paying a bonus we talked about. He got a Mechanics lean on the building. I took the deal to John Redicar and he gave it to his man Brian Green. (John Ramsey is now dead, but his brother Rich is involved)
1999 - Then comes Bob Lynch – for Ron O’Leary and a Buildings guy with a limp from a MC accident – for Vilkas, wanting Occupancy permits but they don’t want to say where to go to get it
2000 – Maybe before I decided I have had enough of “Cleveland’s B.S.” and started trying to sell; John Redicar doesn’t return my call, (His friend had bought Cleveland Twist Drill) and his man Brian Green goes out on his own and I go with him.
January 2002 Vilkas sent in at least 10 inspectors
March of 2002 they send me notice of Condemnation (Jimmy Williams was the Commissioner then and I now believe there was a personal relationship between Phenon Walker and him)
Between 1995 and 2002 when Vilkas said jump, I ask when and how high; I did anything he asked and said yes Sir.
Our R.E. Agent David O’Niell’s Friend, Mike Dolan helped me file an Appeal and also asked Cimperman for help. (I feel in my bones that he is a no good SOB) (More Story)
April 2003 – With Vilkas threatening to tear the place down and give us the bill; under family pressure (A Story) I “completed” a $270,000 ($650,000 loss) sale to a tenant of ours, Phenon Walker / West Shore Realty taking back an $85,000 2nd Mortgage “so she would be able to borrow $485,000 thus paying the BS back tax’s to someone that bought the Tax certificate and having enough to complete the restoration. We walked with $20,000 after tax’s and commissions, in 2005 we got $35,000 after Brian Green got Ramsey’s lean cleared. Of course Brian got paid well. She made 6-8 payments to both Wackovia Bank and Me, and then collected rent for 5-7 years. She used some of the money for her heavily leaned, Edgewater home.
July of 2003- After maybe 50 times in front of “Judge” Pianka I was sentenced to do 200 hours of Community service according to a B.S. Deal worked out by Ron O’Leary and Brian Green
July of 2003 – That day after leaving (a Kangaroo Court) I went to the FBI and explained the deal – I have been Grossly ignored by them and am confident my deal was set aside for what ever Vilkas had on Jimmy Dimora.
Maybe 2007 – Wackovia bought the place back at Sheriffs Sale but would not give me permission to get my “Stuff” out of the place (another long story)
June 2010 – With the hope of reselling the place, but primarily because I had 2 Classic Cars and other items stored in the building that I was unable to legally recover from the “Wacko-Bitch-Thief” Phenon Walker, (who under pressure from Vilkas, I had “sold” the place to in 2003) in June of 2010, as a partner of Warehouse Holdings, For $10 I re-bought and obtained control of the property from Bayview Financial who had foreclosed on her several years before. It then became vandalized!
Fall of 2013 – Summer 2014 The County grabbed it for $140,000 in Bull Shit tax’s !
November 2014 – The “Land Bank” gave it to a Tony George.
Please make a few calls and verify what I have said: All of the following listed people figure in and the ONLY way for you to really understand what went on is to take many hours and listen to many story’s . Then again, at this point what I want is money and I am not real sure what went on matters to anyone but me. I am willing to share that money with you or anyone that successfully helps me, NOT pay in advance for anything. If this were to go conventionally it would be an extremely time consuming deal and there are likely 25 people that would need to be deposed at least once & some three times; some are, but not all are bad, (Vilkas is!) but all of them think they are “Big Shits”. The “Common denominator” is most of them are Political & Good-old boy Democrats’ IF you are able to work out an acceptable / creative settlement you will be a hero!
According to the Land Bank’s records, the parcel you are inquiring about was sold to DJM Lakeside LLC for $15,0000.00. Below is a screen shot of the Land Bank’s General Ledger for PPN 104-05-001 indicating it credited $15,000 toward commercial property sales.
The original signed purchase agreement for this sale is stored offsite due to its age and the Land Bank’s record retention schedule. I am unable to locate an electronic copy of the fully signed agreement. If you would like a copy of the original agreement, we could order the file from storage and provide a copies of its contents to you. Please note, because we are charged a fee by the storage facility, there would be a cost to you if you wish for us to obtain the file from storage.
However, attached is what I believe to be an unsigned copy of the Purchase Agreement and its Exhibit A.
If you want us to attempt to obtain a copy of the original signed agreement, then please let us know. Otherwise, I trust this reply has satisfied your request.
Eye on OH story reveals BOR corruption UPDATE OLeary
Ohio Supreme Court Upholds Foreclosures That Don't Compensate Owners Or ...
Lucia Walinchus
The Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that an unusual foreclosure process that can result in people’s homes being sol...
Contract for the demolition of the vacant YMCA (over $118K in back taxes wited out by Cuyahoga County Land Bank) was awarded to Baumann. The "developer" on Emerald Alliance XI is Detroit Shoreway Development Corporation. For a greater understanding of the "middlemen" involved in LITC construction projects, please read Brent Scher's :
(NOTE: Husband-wife money swaps are apparently a not-so-well-kept secret - Remind me again - why was Joe Cimperman indicted and Brancatelli is not? | REALNEO for all)
BTW Ron O'Leary's WIFE is legal council for Cleveland City Council - this just in from a inside source:
NOTE: Media in Northeast Ohio had this information.
This is my horror story.
The City of Cleveland’s previous Buildings Commissioner Bob Vilkas horribly wronged my family in the name of the City when he condemned our 4900 Lakeside Warehouse after forcing me to borrow and invest over $365,000 in it. That “Prick - Asshole” put us out of business and screwed up my life! What I want is restitution from whoever is willing to pay it and I am VERY VERY determined to get that money! I am too close to the problem, I need help! My anger “hate” & frustration do no good: I am not so foolish to believe I can beat the Autonomous “City Hall” on it’s own turf and therefore my hope has been that by exposing their problems “Cleveland Ohio’s powers that be” would want rid of me badly enough to figure out a way get my family that restitution. I have done a fair amount of damage to their “establishment”, but honestly thus far nothing positive for my family. Regretfully as I see it at this point, without the help of a non political guy like you, that doesn’t care who toe’s get stepped on or who get’s exposed, I have no other option but to continue to undermine the Un-caring, Un-cooperative, Un-democratic establishment and expand on my thus far Un-productive Public exposĂ© campaign. Therefore I am asking you to help me with this project.
I PROMISE your designee the first $50,000 that we collect! Thus; Providing you are willing to put in a lot of effort on an if-come; I can & want to explain the whole horror story. After I see good progress, I would want to help you, help me: BUT I mean to pay for success and first we will need to meet and go over everything, still, just so you understand what has gone on. Here is a synopsis of the story:
My family owned and operated our businesses: Denis Copy & Recreation / American Automatic Vending / Affordable Office Furniture & Affordable Warehouse from our 4900 Lakeside facility: After putting in a couple of lifetimes of 10-18 hour days with our money where our mouth is, the whole time, the advent of the PC computer fouled up the copy machine & game vending business's that we had built. STILL ; the snack and office furniture business' were OK to good: Having lived through two big loss' Warehousing was new to me, seemed comparatively peaceful and I figured on doing them and renting some space in that building “forever”. Loosing it, the home of and forcing the closing of those businesses cost us a lot, well over $2 Million.
The roof needed redone when we bought 4900 Lakeside in 1988 after selling our 21st & Prospect place and I had nightmare troubles with roofer’s: Between the mid 90’s & 2001 Bob Vilkas consistently badgered me, thus forcing me to borrow and put in an additional over $365,000 for that roof, a sprinkler system, and furnace's for our "Ace in the hole" building, bringing our monetary investment in the place to well over $950,000. The timing was bad, still I more than anyone wanted the place in good shape, but in order to meet his asinine constraints and timing demands, besides paying extra, I had to sell everything I could at less than market value, and then beg for and borrow the rest of the money! When putting that pile of money in our warehouse didn't totally break us he made a mortal enemy of me when he hit hard with a game changing , nightmare, " cannon ball to the belly," blow : , thus for him, climaxing the RAPE, In February of 2002 he condemned our facility putting us out of business, literally evicting me from our own place and reducing the value of our blood sweat and tears to squat; while with the same stupid ass move, killing the place where 60+ people were eking out a living, when this crap started.
Because money is what makes the world go around and there was never a justifiable reason for hassling me the way he did and then to condemn our place when it was in the best shape it had been in during the 40 years I was familiar with it: I say that the S.O.B. VILKAS did all this for a “Party” benefactor crony, that evidently wanted this or any property they could get near a dream "New Lakeshore" I got F--- (Had) by professionals, all members of THE North East OHIO DEMOCRATIC PARTY: If you think I am wrong, find another common denominator of the people involved! It doesn’t bother me that fate is fickle or money comes and goes; I have earned and lost more than most but, fate didn't do this one, un-scrupulous whore politicians did and I personally can not live with myself, allowing this to happen to my family or myself.
In July of 2003, the day "Judge" Ray Pianka sentenced me to do 200 hours of community service for not having had a roof installed on the place less than thirty days after an Order to do so was given to me, (seven years and $365,000 earlier, in February of 1996) Wanting the #%#*! Vilkas and his benefactor in jail, I went to the FBI and brought what was done to their attention, likely accidentally starting or at the least adding fuel to the infamous Cuyahoga County corruption scandal and the ultra arrogant Jimmy Demora’s Waterloo". Has that done my family any good? NO!
I have pointed out that though we were stupidly strong-armed for a Sprinkler System, while numerous if not most City and County Structures, places like City Hall, The "Justice Center", The Cuyahoga county Administration Building, "Chucky" Ratner's Terminal Tower, even the Main Cleveland Fire Department Headquarters Building on Superior Ave. are "Missing" them. Has that done my family any good? NO!
I had the Asbestos removed from our warehouse because it was the right thing to do. I have pointed out that most City and County property's are loaded with the Cancer causing material. Has that done my family any good? NO!
People (at least in past history) will eventually stand up when oppressed enough and I have shown the way to, by the book, legally Secede from that oppression and the City of Cleveland. Has that done my family any good? NO!
If you want to know more about this “Crusade” try asking: Bob Vilkas, Jimmy Williams, and Joe Cimperman, they are defiantly “Dirty”: Ron O’Leary, Bob Lynch, Harley Edwards, David O’Niell , Chuck Ratner…… figure in but I can’t prove where: Frank Jackson, Bob Triozzi, Jimmy Dimora, maybe even the guy that I paid to represent me Brian Green & Stuart Garson, know all, but are Good Old Boy Democrat’s and have ignored me and are at the least guilty of covering the rape by their brethren; I am not sure about a previous Fireman; Gerald Cleveland, a Building Inspector w/ a limp, a Fireman / Roofer; John / Rich Ramsey or a thief “Developer” Phenon Walker / West Shore Realty that I sold the place to. It is a tangled mess and has had way more money spent on cover-up than our 4900 Lakeside Warehouse could have ever been worth.
It might be hard for you to believe, but I am one of the most empathetic, helpful, honorable, “Softy” guy’s I know; I don’t want others to go through what I have and I realize Vilkas was merely doing what some supervising peer requested, BUT: still because I kissed his butt for at least 6 years only to have him then use his “Official” position with the City to cut off our family jewels: What I want for him isn’t legal or even moral. Money will need to suffice and I fully intend to see the “Root Perpetrators” or that domineering, thieving, whore’s employer “The City” pay full restitution, for our losses and I swear until we are made whole, I will make sure the involved get the same treatment they gave me: Personal and financial devastation after years of grief and aggravation!
I believe knowing each other is necessary. I am no rocket scientist and if I ever had any success it is because of what I call fortitude or is now called “tenacity” I am strait and like a scout, I don’t lie, cheat, or steal; I worked long and helped others by giving them what they wanted and / or doing what they didn’t want to or couldn’t do themselves: I am the best natural mechanic I know: If they are faults, I am not much of a diplomat, or comfortable with fire or snakes, but otherwise I don’t fear much. I am direct, always calling it like I see it, even when not asked: I do not respect the authority of ANYONE except our maker and for sure I should be more grateful to him that I and those close to me are healthy. Ours was a family “Operation” and our lives have been changed by this ordeal, financially not for the better; we were raped of our building, our businesses / our livelihood by corrupt “Government employees / Political Whore’s”. Again, I am “wild man” P.O.ed, not only for our monetary loss, but for our lives being turned upside down and my being insultingly ignored by many. Granted no matter what; life goes on, but I would NOT ask you or anyone to accept a similar wrongdoing, PLEASE don’t expect me to.
I want to know who was behind this and though I would like to know why, no matter that reasoning and not that my life was a bed of roses before all this, but nothing can restore it or my families way of life. Still, I make “no bones” that I want restitution and fully intend to recover at least the monetary loss! I have my idea’s where it came from, but that isn’t good enough and after all this time I really don’t know “Proof positive” who was behind it, or if it was:
· A vendetta against me?
· A situation where somebody wanted the place because of its location / proximity to a proposed “New Lakeshore?
· A mistake where Russo / Dimora put us in a Tax Certificate “Scam”?
Being repetitive: It is a tangled mess with multiple side stories, again involving way more cover-up than our 4900 Lakeside Warehouse could have ever been worth. (It may even be an “Orient Express” deal) but, absolutely for sure wrongful!
I say again, that there was no acceptable, good reason for Vilkas to have condemned our place, especially after forcing me to put an additional $365,000 for a roof, Sprinkler System and furnaces while under his watch and there is no doubt what was done was “Wrong” even if it was “ordinary” or technically legal. That leaves, Vilkas being a stupid moron or having done it for someone: He is a S.O.B. but a very intelligent man; that means he did it for someone. I have over the years met others that these “Whore” public employees have pulled similar “Poop” on and though I do not want my restitution tied to anyone else’s, I have even stumbled on some neighbor’s in Chesterland, Vince Menier and Ken Green that had similar experiences, even Tony George, the recent recipient of our property claims Vilkas boarded him up years ago in the Flat’s. I don’t think “Judge Ray Pianka” is a bad guy, his Housing Court was abused and he has said to me in the past that he “only Rules on what the Buildings Department brings him”. (Of course, he works exclusively for the Building’s Department) We could try on the phone, but in my opinion another Face to Face meeting is the easiest & best way for you to ask questions and get a decent grasp on what went on. Still; here are the approximate dates and starting involvement of people:
Early - Mid 1980’s - I needed storage and was renting space from a Neighbor Architect Bill Steck, on Euclid behind our 2029 Prospect Location as well as in 4900 Lakeside (I was needing to reduce space behind us in Bill’s place as he was converting it to apartments for students. My Parking lot was a PIA. (There is a real story!)
1987- I was approached by Nick Frangos to sell our 2029 Prospect Facility. (Mike Frangos / “Rascal House” rented our Parking Lot in the evenings, their brother, Gus was the Councilman) (I can tell that story)
1988 - We worked a 1039 exchange deal. I looked all over as though we could buy 4900 Lakeside, I was hesitant as it needed work and more-so was off the beaten path. We ran out of time and did buy it for $270,000 & immediately put close to $300,000 in it reconfiguring & cleaning it up, with the roof still needing done , several / Multiple roofers “Let me down”!
Our attorney, John Redacar filed a tax appeal as the place was being valued at over $700,000. I paid property taxes based on the $270,000 we paid and was always showing delinquent. (Start of the Tax Story)
The Fire Inspectors came every 6 months & always “Bitched” about something, tags on extinguishers, dates on sprinkler heads and the Elevator Inspectors always wanted $ for Inspections. The elevator guy always charged $1000’s for tests that they wanted.
In the Mid 90’s a Fire Inspector Lt. Gerald Cleveland had a fit that we had turned off the Sprinkler’s so that the men working on the roof wouldn’t make floods as they had done several times.
1995 - Lt. Gerald Cleveland had me brought before Judge Ray Pianka where I was “Ordered” to stand a B.S. Fire watch (My son & I did it and then I had a guy that turned out to be a drunk salesman stay in the place and he virtually “Wet the bed” and left owing a fair amount of $).
1995 - Then this Ass wipe building inspector Harley Edwards shows up unannounced on the day my Dad was undergoing a heart operation at The Cleveland Clinic and started on me. - Back to Judge Pianka – I complained to his boss Bob Vilkas (Seemed sympathetic at the time)
1996 - I made a deal with John Ramsey (A CFD fireman) to do the roof. He dragged his feet as he was building a house for his father (We got deluged several times) and he never actually finished and was a super Ass about me not paying a bonus we talked about. He got a Mechanics lean on the building. I took the deal to John Redicar and he gave it to his man Brian Green. (John Ramsey is now dead, but his brother Rich is involved)
1999 - Then comes Bob Lynch – for Ron O’Leary and a Buildings guy with a limp from a MC accident – for Vilkas, wanting Occupancy permits but they don’t want to say where to go to get it
2000 – Maybe before I decided I have had enough of “Cleveland’s B.S.” and started trying to sell; John Redicar doesn’t return my call, (His friend had bought Cleveland Twist Drill) and his man Brian Green goes out on his own and I go with him.
January 2002 Vilkas sent in at least 10 inspectors
March of 2002 they send me notice of Condemnation (Jimmy Williams was the Commissioner then and I now believe there was a personal relationship between Phenon Walker and him)
Between 1995 and 2002 when Vilkas said jump, I ask when and how high; I did anything he asked and said yes Sir.
Our R.E. Agent David O’Niell’s Friend, Mike Dolan helped me file an Appeal and also asked Cimperman for help. (I feel in my bones that he is a no good SOB) (More Story)
April 2003 – With Vilkas threatening to tear the place down and give us the bill; under family pressure (A Story) I “completed” a $270,000 ($650,000 loss) sale to a tenant of ours, Phenon Walker / West Shore Realty taking back an $85,000 2nd Mortgage “so she would be able to borrow $485,000 thus paying the BS back tax’s to someone that bought the Tax certificate and having enough to complete the restoration. We walked with $20,000 after tax’s and commissions, in 2005 we got $35,000 after Brian Green got Ramsey’s lean cleared. Of course Brian got paid well. She made 6-8 payments to both Wackovia Bank and Me, and then collected rent for 5-7 years. She used some of the money for her heavily leaned, Edgewater home.
July of 2003- After maybe 50 times in front of “Judge” Pianka I was sentenced to do 200 hours of Community service according to a B.S. Deal worked out by Ron O’Leary and Brian Green
July of 2003 – That day after leaving (a Kangaroo Court) I went to the FBI and explained the deal – I have been Grossly ignored by them and am confident my deal was set aside for what ever Vilkas had on Jimmy Dimora.
Maybe 2007 – Wackovia bought the place back at Sheriffs Sale but would not give me permission to get my “Stuff” out of the place (another long story)
June 2010 – With the hope of reselling the place, but primarily because I had 2 Classic Cars and other items stored in the building that I was unable to legally recover from the “Wacko-Bitch-Thief” Phenon Walker, (who under pressure from Vilkas, I had “sold” the place to in 2003) in June of 2010, as a partner of Warehouse Holdings, For $10 I re-bought and obtained control of the property from Bayview Financial who had foreclosed on her several years before. It then became vandalized!
Fall of 2013 – Summer 2014 The County grabbed it for $140,000 in Bull Shit tax’s !
November 2014 – The “Land Bank” gave it to a Tony George.
Please make a few calls and verify what I have said: All of the following listed people figure in and the ONLY way for you to really understand what went on is to take many hours and listen to many story’s . Then again, at this point what I want is money and I am not real sure what went on matters to anyone but me. I am willing to share that money with you or anyone that successfully helps me, NOT pay in advance for anything. If this were to go conventionally it would be an extremely time consuming deal and there are likely 25 people that would need to be deposed at least once & some three times; some are, but not all are bad, (Vilkas is!) but all of them think they are “Big Shits”. The “Common denominator” is most of them are Political & Good-old boy Democrats’ IF you are able to work out an acceptable / creative settlement you will be a hero!
Tony George gets 4900 Lakeside for $15K
According to the Land Bank’s records, the parcel you are inquiring about was sold to DJM Lakeside LLC for $15,0000.00. Below is a screen shot of the Land Bank’s General Ledger for PPN 104-05-001 indicating it credited $15,000 toward commercial property sales.
The original signed purchase agreement for this sale is stored offsite due to its age and the Land Bank’s record retention schedule. I am unable to locate an electronic copy of the fully signed agreement. If you would like a copy of the original agreement, we could order the file from storage and provide a copies of its contents to you. Please note, because we are charged a fee by the storage facility, there would be a cost to you if you wish for us to obtain the file from storage.
However, attached is what I believe to be an unsigned copy of the Purchase Agreement and its Exhibit A.
If you want us to attempt to obtain a copy of the original signed agreement, then please let us know. Otherwise, I trust this reply has satisfied your request.
Thank you,
Douglas Sawyer
Assistant General Counsel
Cuyahoga Land Bank
812 Huron Rd E, Suite 800
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
(216) 698-3543 (ph)
(216) 698-8972 (fax)
dsawyer [at] cuyahogalandbank [dot] org