Hooper's Farm on MLK Day 2010
Submitted by lmcshane on Mon, 01/18/2010 - 15:20.

Here are some photos taken today in the vicinity of Hooper's Farm in Tremont.
Note the new construction and lack of any attempt to control stormwater, silt and mud run off from the site.
Is this the site of your next tax-abated dream house??

Produce Fridays and Saturdays in Tremont
Who is building this dream home in Tremont??
Pretty soon it will be winter in NEO, again--and we will be all cranky and mean. So, extend your summer a little by supporting our friend Erich Hooper who is selling his produce on Friday evenings and Saturdays in front of Civilization in Tremont.
Want some gossip with that zucchini ?????
Looking forward to the hoe-down :)
Looks like it may be
Looks like it may be
agent listed for WEST 11TH STREET PROPERTIES LLC 200703002524
(Mr. Chilcote's linkedin profile say he was (in the past) Marketing Director / New Construction Project Manager at Progressive Urban Real Estate, but his blog still has him there).
Wanna know more? Search WEST 11TH STREET PROPERTIES LLC in the county auditor's website (WEST 11TH STREET PROPERTIES LIMITED PARTNERSHIP brings back no hits).
Whichever group it is seems to own 33 properties.
If it is Frangapane who's other business is Civic Builders, I suspect it may be the Clarence Court Phase II, but I couldn't get the page to load to show what they would look like. Walk by Brayton and W9th or W9th and Fruit Ave and that, I am guessing, is a version of what is planned.
View Larger Map
(ok, this map may not work, you may have to go digging yourself.)
But if you want more info about Clarence Court, you can contact Dave Sharkey at Progressive Urban Real Estate.
It's been tough for builders as Frangapane says in this new article from 2008.
AND I may be way off base, but like the many guessing games here on realneo, I am just taking a chance on this being the correct answer. Seeing as how no prize is offered, I'll leave it to someone else to tell us the real answer.
Did you ask Erich Hooper? He probably knows.
Drawing the same conclusions
Thanks Susan. It's one thing for me to draw a conclusion, but if others draw the same conclusion, then it has more weight.
I went out today to photograph the damage on behalf of Erich Hooper. No one can argue with the fact that this developer is not making any effort to prevent soil erosion and siltation from entering the storm sewers on the street.
Others might debate the merit of adding new housing here--that's a debate for another day. My primary concern today is the watershed and the sheer hypocrisy of the Reimagining Cleveland program.
controlling erosion on construction site
The ENCAP Erosion Control Minute - Sandbag Inlet Protection from Jonathan Koepke on Vimeo.
There are more suggestions in the sidebar. It can be done. No need to flood the street with mud and silt.
Telling lies in America
The new era of green infrastructure
Posted in
This program is one of the most important developments for local water quality that I have seen in the past 25 years. At last we will have an agency with professional staff and construction budget to deal with stormwater on a watershed basis. We will be able to make real progress on the region’s most serious remaining water quality problems, getting to the root of problems instead of sending them downstream.
This program can be our green infrastructure agency. It can help our region become a leader in retrofitting the urban landscape to reduce stormwater runoff and restore ecological functioning. This is one of our best opportunities for creating the green city on a blue lake that we all dream about.
Capacity to redesign the urban landscape
The NEORSD stormwater program was just one of the big organizational capacity additions in the past year that will allow Greater Cleveland to rethink the urban landscape. The second was the creation of the Cuyahoga County Land Bank, which provides new legal and financial capacity for acquiring and accelerating the reuse of vacant properties.
The land bank can be used to assemble property in a strategic way for redevelopment or for environmental restoration. For instance, the land bank could work with the stormwater program to piece together parcels along urban stream corridors or in locations where wetlands could be created. The vision could be of a more livable urban area with active nodes of higher density development in some places interspersed with regenerated greenspace.
Several projects are studying the patterns of vacant property in Cuyahoga County to envision what is possible. The ReImagining Greater Cleveland 2.0 project (organized by ParkWorks, Neighborhood Progress Inc., and the Cleveland Urban Design Collaborative), is sponsoring pilot projects to test the types of alternative land uses that will work best on vacant land. The Cleveland Cuyahoga County Food Policy Coalition is studying how to transform vacant urban land into urban agriculture sites that will strengthen the regional food system.
And the last year also brought new scientific capacity to analyze the restoration of urban land in Greater Cleveland. A consortium of local researchers — from institutions including Cleveland State University, Cleveland Metroparks, Ohio State University, Kent State University, and the GreenCityBlueLake Institute — received a grant from the National Science Foundation for urban ecology research. The consortium will seek to measure the effectiveness of land restoration strategies.
All of these exciting initiatives are evidence of a growing interest in transforming the old industrial landscape. By retrofitting vacant land, we can build a new kind of sustainable city that works with nature.
lmcshane Says:
Is also a vampire-scheme...really...stop pretending and start speaking out against these criminals.
the LIE
lmcshane Says:
David, You and I know the same people. I would hate to still be entrenched in the bureaucracy we live with in NEO. So, I will give you that much--there are many good people at NEORSD, but you know and I know that the agency has its glad-handing anything-goes-for developers-practices.
BTW, what happened to the 14 million allocated to remediate CSOs on Doan Brook? There are federal monies available to address CSOs...etc. etc. Instead, NEORSD rubberstamps environmentally disasterous development like NRP in my neighborhood. What about riparian setbacks? I could go on and on...but since this is just you and me, why bother? I am frankly disgusted that NEORSD is again sticking it to the residents and NOT going after large industrial and commercial development...what's new...kill the city...
And, the ultimate gall of this site and the blood money GCBL gets to run this site is your endorsement of the Opportunity for Rich Folks to screw poor folks corridor. I don't need to go on, do I? It's all so EXCITING and BOLD and...full of crap...
lmcshane Says:
Go ahead and delete this comment and let your conscience sting you for selling out. This is appalling.
David Beach Says:
Laura, I am puzzled by your comment and curious about your concerns. I'd be happy to talk any time.
I don't like to link to GCBL, because the pseudo-environmentalists in NEO should be ashamed of themselves...but please read David Beach's happy-happy pap and the comments.
Thanks for reading.
Let's all go to Hooper Farm
A great day for Hooper's Farm at the Hessler St. Fair 2014.