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IT Update - Change To Blog Submission Form - Promote Your Own Pages To Home, If AuthorizedSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 21:47.
IT Update - Change To Blog Submission Form - Promote Your Own Pages To Home, If Authorized In response to problems with some real coop members posting content on realNEO that is harmful or objectionable to other members, and some members abusing the coop trust structure, it has been found advisable to change how content is promoted to the home page of realNEO. In the past, all content has automatically been promoted to the home page for all members, regardless of content. Now, when you post your content, you must select to post it to the home page yourself, if authorized - you will see that option available to you in the last section of the blog (and other content type) submission form - "Publishing Options"... check "Promoted to front page". If you have been asked not to promote your content to the home page, please respect that request and leave this option unchecked. Otherwise, check this option to send your content to the home page as usual. Please be aware that members of real coop truly care that the content on realNEO is legal, original, intelligible, and authentic to the real person posting the content, and we will hold all members responsible for their content - no member shall be allowed to post on our community site to cause other members harm, or to break the law. When it is determined a posting or member appears to violate the trust of other members or the law, that should be brought to the attention of the board of real coop, so abuses of trust and outlawed behavior may be stopped. Notify real coop by going to "Contact" on our home page header - The honor of publishing content on the realNEO home page has been abused by many people who register here as members - spammers are blocked from this site and one member has been advised not to post content to the home page of realNEO - all members not directly identified as spammers and not asked to stay off the home page are still welcome to post their content to their blogs and promote content to the home as usual. Whether a blog posting is promoted to the realNEO home page or not, it still goes into the member's blog and may be checked there. It is also still included in the realNEO RSS feed, and we must address blocking inappropriate content from appearing there - for a future IT update. These issues have raised concerns among the members of real coop about how to determine what members should not be allowed to post content to the home page (e.g. for harming other members, or demonstrating they are a threat to others, such as children), and who should be blocked from posting to the public, family-access realNEO site completely. Those are some of the many real coop governance and technical issues now to be addressed by our members, through committees and development of a governing organization. Information on this process will be posted to realNEO, promoted to the home page, and all real coop members in good standing will be welcome to participate - the opt in will be on realNEO. I am emailing this IT update to real coop members and friends I believe have interest in such matters, and posting this to realNEO for all coop members to read. Unless you have been advised otherwise, feel free to participate on realNEO as usual, and be sure to promote your content to the home page yourself. Any questions, please contact contact -
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Great Drupal solution
I had noticed that this was a feature of the blog post format and never really considered it--it's a great way to resolve this latest issue on the site. Drupal is really GREAT.
Jeff Schuler just came back from a Drupal conference in California. I would still like to have that happen here.
BTW--Awhile back, when Web 2.0 first caught fire here in NEO--I joined the Planet Case site--
Now, it seems that after all the fuss--blogging might be a fad--as it appears that Lev Gonick and I are the only folks still archived there.
Will we all just have to laugh at ourselves sometime for thinking that communication via computers could change the world ?
Personal Archiving Day
From the Library of Congress:
A brief reminder about Personal Archiving Day coming up this Monday May 10, 2010 at the Library of Congress.
You can also take this opportunity to check out the newly expanded Personal Archiving pages at
and the Digital Preservation program's new Facebook page:
Pass It On: Personal Archiving Day at the Library of Congress May 10, 2010
Memories should last a lifetime and be passed on to future generations. Advice on how to safeguard precious digital and traditional photos, documents, recordings and more will be presented at Pass It On: Personal Archiving Day at the Library of Congress.
Library staff will discuss practical strategies for preserving personal collections from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Monday, May 10, in the Mumford Room on the sixth floor of the James Madison Building, 101 Independence Ave. S.E., Washington, D.C. The event is free and open to the public; no tickets or reservations are needed.
The Library's preservation experts will talk directly with individuals about managing their materials in all formats-everything from e-mail to home movies to digital photographs and recorded sound. For security reasons, visitors are asked not to bring their collection materials to the Library; no appraisals will be provided. For information about visiting the Library, go to
Pass It On: Personal Archiving Day at the Library of Congress celebrates the first national Preservation Week (May 9-15), It is sponsored by Library of Congress, the American Library Association (ALA), the Institute for Museum and Library Services and partner organizations. This joint initiative highlights libraries and other collecting institutions as good sources of preservation information.
The Library of Congress' Personal Archiving Day is co-sponsored by the Library's Office of Strategic Initiatives and Library Services.
Butch Lazorchak
Digital Archivist
Library of Congress
National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program
101 Independence Ave. SE
Washington, DC 20540
wlaz [at] loc [dot] gov
(202) 707-2603
so fresh!
thank you, Norm.