Kathy Wray Coleman, other citizens, address media re: Cleveland Heights kids curfew
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Mon, 07/18/2011 - 19:21.

In a light drizzle at the front door of Cleveland Heights City Hall this evening Kathy Wray Coleman and others addressed the 5 or so commercial news camera crews who were in attendance. This curfew story obviously must have strong commercial news potential.
Cleveland Heights City Hall is located on the Severance Mall campus at the corner of Taylor and Mayfield. There was no police presence, and those 15 or so citizens who attended were a pretty even mix of white and black. The news media was all white.
There is an un-natural and awkward dynamic between the media and those who are involved in the event. The media set up their tripods in a line about 15 feet away from the citizens, and the citizens set up a line parallel with the media - kid of like a firing squad set up . The media are observers of the rally and not part of the rally. Pretty weird - it is all for the TV.
Have you ever organized a public event like a political rally? Seems like a skill which should be taught in public schools – but is not. There were 4 or 5 young people at the rally this evening – they are fortunate to be receiving an education in political activism. I intend to obtain a pdf of the City of Cleveland Heights curfew ordinance and post it here soon.
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Holding parents accountable
It actually looks like this "fad" has hit Cleveland, after some of the bigger cities--
Philly, Chicago, St. Paul, Washington D.C. have all been hit with similar mob events. I think that CH's curfew is not an appropriate response to this bad behavior, but fining and holding parents accountable may be the best response.
Unfortunately, controlling the behavior before it starts is the ultimate challenge. Stores, especially, will have the to right to refuse entry to large groups and we have seen this already with buzzer access to boutiques and hair salons. So sad.
Also--the media will focus on these negative stories, instead of positive large group events like the Ohio Homecoming--
Kids need structure, rules, guidelines, boundaries...we are not giving them the framework they need to live a good life.
Heights Observer has provided some coverage of this story--and comments:
Jenita McGowan wisely suggests seeing the + of congregating
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