The Keystone Hotel and the Tower City Bailout
Submitted by Ed Morrison on Mon, 12/15/2008 - 21:02.
Over at Map the Mess, I've posted some thoughts on how the Keystone Hotel has emerged as a central feature to the Tower City bailout.
Read more.
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yeah, Ed this is indeed a mess
It sounds like news on Jon Stewart - maybe someone should alert him. He could serve it up just as written and people would be rolling in the aisles, holding their sides, tears streaming down their cheeks. How in the world is it that the commisioners don't get how utterly ridiculous this is? Oh, right... they think we are a bunch of dolts.
We can expect a 2009 budget shortfall, can't find the money that "is being carefully tracked", hire lamo consultants... can't explain what a Medical Mart is, but we're ahead of NY because, "we have the money"... Are we sure?
Someone, please kill this thing now. Cuyahoga County is already a laughingstock, riddled with either infectious corruption or just run by a bunch of sash weights.
Reading your post, I laughed til I cried. If the medcon is a way to kill Cleveland completely, it's doing a splendid job. I pity the poor folks who are still standing out on the shore waiting for their medcon ship to come in. Do you recall the scene in Jim Jarmusch's film, Stranger Than Paradise when they go to the 9th Street Pier to "see the lake"? Yep, it was a whiteout that day...

I envision the Cleveland+ crew standing out there waiting for Chris Kennedy to ride in on his white horse and deliver coins to bellhops, cab drivers and servers - cha ching. It's cold outside by the lakefront - these guys should come in from the cold and get serious for once.
I did not write the post above from jeff buster. And one way our audience will know who wrote the comment, and who the imposter is, will be to come to the face2face on Wednesday at Dewey's Coffee, Shaker Square.
Think this is a joke?
It isn't.
Ever log in at your friend's house and forget to log out?
After considering where I have been this afternoon, and the computers on which I have logged in to Realneo, I think the post above which I did not write is an innocent confusion.
Anyway, you should still come to Dewey's!
oops... sorry Jeff
Your guess was correct... you remained logged on to realneo on my computer after we did the work on 6611 Euclid. Sorry I did not notice and log you out.
Dear realneo readers CORRECTION: The post above titled
yeah, Ed this is indeed a mess was written by me, Susan Miller, not Jeff Buster.