Michael Cosgrove GUILTY
Submitted by mabeldog on Sat, 04/27/2019 - 13:11.
 Sadly I must report that Michael Cosgrove won’t be getting a paycheck anymore from NHS. He plead guilty to a felony 4 this week. AND not only THAT he had to hand over his PINK IPhone. How the mighty have fallen. For SOME reason this is NOT considered to be newsworthy by Cleveland.com and other local “reporters”. Perhaps it is embarrassing for them to admit. That one of the finest most highly acclaimed members of Cleveland’s well compensated Poverty Industry Executives has fallen so far. So fast. But it DOES create an opening for ANOTHER member of the Poverty Industry Royalty. Rob Curry, who is currently GRINDING out his NINE MONTH NOTICE at CHN Crime Partners. With no other dictatorship on the horizon and only TWO months to go until June 30. Look for him to take the reins at NHS. Soon.
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Former Poverty Industry VIP is heading down 71
The highly acclaimed former Director of Community Development who tried to hook up with a teen aged girl from Parma on his lunch hour last November will be sentenced on May 30. And for many years after forced to register as a SEX OFFENDER. So that probably means he’ll lose his license to practice law right?!