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OHFA, Land Bank, SIGTARP, and CHNSubmitted by lmcshane on Wed, 07/06/2016 - 08:02.
Notified today:
I am calling your attention to a scheme by the Detroit Shoreway CDC satellite (Stockyard Clark-Fulton Brooklyn Centre) in collusion with the "Land Bank" to transfer a commercial property at 3881 West 25th St. to the Cleveland Housing Network.
The project is summarized here:
The article inaccurately characterizes the project as favorably received by the community. This is not true. We also have no way to formally register our opposition. There is also no mention- in the article - of the large development fee, Detroit Shoreway will derive from this project.
Given scrutiny of your agency by the federal inspector general, I am informing you of this situation. The property at 3881 West 25 (Pearl) is less than a mile from an existing OHFA facility. The Cuyahoga County Land Bank also does not properly secure the property and does not provide signage indicating that the property in now in the possesion of the Cuyahoga County Land Bank.
If there was a large sign - then, the property might be of interest to actual developers willing to invest private dollars for a Metroparks and/or Metrohealth-related project that could generate tax revenue for the City of Cleveland and Cuyahoga County.
Laura McShane
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How many dead bodies do we need in Big Creek Valley??
This video shows the proximity to the Metroparks Zoo - and residents can expect more of the same if Councilman Brancatelli pushes the CDC scheme for PSH housing at the location of the vacant YMCA. (NOTE WKYC has scrubbed the video which showed a pan from the Metroparks Zoo parking lot to the dead body).
THERE is no reason why the Land Bank should be giving this prime commercial property to the CDC for transfer to the fake non-profit Cleveland Housing Network. I encourage everyone to contact Branctelli to stop this development. Those of us who live here are very familiar with the heroin addicts who have been camped in the valley. We can basically forget ANY positive commercial development in the Big Creek valley - and a connection from the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo to the Cuyahoga Valley National Park ANYTIME in our lifetime - if Jeff Ramsey and Detroit Shoreway follow through with their scheme for OHFA funding at 3881 West 25th St.
Here is a body that I found in September at the vacant Arbys/Coney Dog buiding south of the Pearl Rd Bridge.
I see this - because like the woman who found the dead body in the Big Creek Valley - I walk everywhere and I record what I see.