Please call and email Director Michael Cox - need to upgrade West Side Market with Heat
Submitted by lmcshane on Mon, 02/23/2015 - 16:09.

There is NO HEAT at the West Side Market today - please email Director Cox at mcox [at] city [dot] cleveland [dot] oh [dot] us - please insist that the facility plan is moved up to address vendor concerns.
Amanda Dempsey has not been replaced since Aug 2014 - Susie Claytor 216-348-2275 is interim Market Manager. She is also manages Public Auditorium.
Heat was eliminated when the
Heat was eliminated when the market was renovated a few years ago. The vendors were told it's all legal because it was "grandfathered" back to 1912 when the market was built and there was no heat then so who needs it now right?? The past 2 winters have been brutal for the authentic NO HEAT West Side Market. With Heinen's opening a spectacular downtown location complete with HEAT, look for the West Side Market to suffer badly.