
Submitted by lmcshane on Fri, 09/11/2009 - 11:14.

From Jennifer Brunner--today on September 11, 2009

Even though it's been eight years, it's important that we never forget what happened on September 11, 2001.  So many of us can remember exactly what we were doing when we heard the first news of the tragic events of that day. So many of us have some connection with someone who was in New York City, Washington, DC, or Pennsylvania on that day, and we can never forget.

From that day forward, as we began to recover and regroup from events that shook our sense of national well-being, we entered into a period of war that was fought on two fronts--Afghanistan and Iraq. As we continue to wind down the efforts in Iraq, our national focus has more squarely shifted to the war in Afghanistan.  At home and abroad we have searched for an antidote to the terrorism that squarely changed the face of American life as we knew it.

While history may point out mistakes we made along the way in some of our national policies to address the events of that time, we will never forget the uniquely American heroism displayed by so many in the fight.

Those fire fighters, police officers and civilian heroes who selflessly worked to free so many from the wreckage, sacrificed their lives in duty to their communities and their country.  Those left behind have shown a new kind of heroism, carrying on without their beloved husbands or wives, mothers or dads, sisters or brothers, granparents, or aunts or uncles.  And they have triumphed over this tragedy by rebuilding their lives and families.

As Americans, we have been tested and have proved ourselves a compassionate, generous and determined people, resolute in our efforts to repair what at the time seemed like hopeless damage to our families, our lives and our communities.  As a people we became resolute in our efforts to never again allow terrorism to succeed in the U.S., and we continue that fight even today.

We now find ourselves at a time in our history when many are examining our resolve as a nation to continue the fight begun with Operation Enduring Freedom on October 7, 2001 in Afghanistan.  In these times where domestic resources are stretched, health care costs are skyrocketing and many find themselves jobless or in peril of losing their pensions, the search for social and economic justice is an especially difficult quest.

May we always honor those who have served, given their health, their lives and their beloved family members in their patriotic duty of service to their communities and their country.

And may we honor them with peaceful and generous kindness, understanding and compassion toward one another.  And, always, may God bless America.

Jennifer Brunner
Ohio Secretary of State and
Candidate for U.S. Senate (D-Ohio)

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