Submitted by Charles Frost on Tue, 12/30/2008 - 22:26.
Hot Home Wind Turbines You Can Actually Buy, Plus One You Wish You Couldby Matthew McDermott, Brooklyn, NY on 11.24.08
photo: Home EnergyThough solar panels definitely hog the renewable energy stage when it comes to home installations, a number of new, innovative wind turbines have entered the market in the past couple of months. Not all of these are intended to be mounted on your roof, some you’ll need a bit of a yard (and a dearth of neighbors) to install and they vary in price from affordable to "when am I going to actually pay this off?”, but they all go to show that there’s more than one way to harness the wind to generate electricity. Check 'em out:
The Windspire
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Though not the highest priced backyard wind turbine out there, the $5000 Windspire from Mariah Power has been around for a bit (we first reported on it back in September of 2007) but nonetheless it just one an award from Popular Science for being among the Best of What’s New ’08At a rated capacity of 1.2 kilowatts, Mariah Power says that you can probably generate 25-30% of an average home’s power with the Windspire. At 30 feet tall and 2 feet wide, the Windspire probably isn’t suitable for every location—though its noise levels (20 db at 40 feet) won’t disturb anyone—and based on current electric rates it’ll take a while to pay this one off. That said, it is a cool design, and perhaps now that Mariah Power will have a new factory up and running in Michigan and production ramps up a bit, they’ll be able to drop that price a bit.
The Energy Ball
hoto: Home Energy The Energy Ball from Swedish firm Home Energy (whose website is still only in Swedish) is one of the most distinctive looking—and by that I definitely mean cool looking—home wind turbines out there. There are two models available: The V100 (43” in diameter, 0.5 kW capacity) has a list price of about SKr 30,400 ($3690); and the V200 (78” in diameter, 2.5 kW capacity) which runs about SKr 57,000 ($6900). Both those prices are without mounting materials. Home Energy estimates that the V200 could supply 50% of an average home's energy needs, while its smaller sibling is best seen as a supplement to other energy sources. What’s more, Home Energy claims that the Energy Ball is “completely silent”.A brief apology/update: How I missed the fact that Home Energy has a website in English (cursing myself for muddling through the Swedish one...), is beyond me. Nonetheless that's the case: . More on the Energy Ball in English.
Air Breeze
photo: Southwest Windpower The Air Breeze from Southwest Windpower really fills a different niche than either of the preceding wind turbines. With a rated capacity of only 200 watts, the Air Breeze is intended to be used in off-grid locations such as rural cabins, or in marine applications rather than powering up (or even offsetting a good part of) an average home. But if you don’t need a lot of power, and maybe already have some solar panels on your private little off-grid hideaway, then perhaps the 46” wide, rather slick-looking, Air Breeze is perfect for you. It’s also not that expensive (for a wind turbine...); the Air Breeze will set you back $600-700.
Swift Rooftop Energy System
photo: Cascade Engineering Announced back in October, the Swift Rooftop Energy System is another turbine which claims to be dead quiet (though I’m not sure less than 35 decibels is really ‘dead quiet’). Made in Michigan by Cascade Engineering, the Swift is rated at 1.5 kW and has a blade diameter of 7 feet. Like many of these, it’s pretty slick looking too.That’s all good news; the less good news is that the estimate cost to install one of these is in the $10,000-12,000 range—which means that given current energy prices Swift’s maker’s prediction that you can pay this off in three years is, well, optimistic.

photo: Inhabitat Phillipe Starck’s wind turbine is the odd one out in the group, but not because of its design—as striking as it is, the other wind turbines in this list are no slouches in the design department—but because since its announcement back in the summer it’s just sort been hanging out there in the ether. Since its debut we’ve learned little more, but since both in terms of price point (low) and design concept (high) it’s worth bringing back up.This is what we do know about its tech specs (such as they are): It’s expected to generate between 20-60% of an average home’s electric needs, is made of clear polycarbonate, and (should it actually be available to purchase) expected to sell for €400 ($500). Given that normally a bit more in the way of technical data is made available at the announcement of a new renewable energy product, especially one whose design is bound to attract naysayers, I have to wonder whether this one will ever see the light of day. But should it actually get produced, I'd be surprised if a good number of people don't fork out the cash, just to be able to say, "yes, that thing is actually a wind turbine."Wind Power
Small-Scale Wind Turbine Potential Great, Limited by Installation & Electricity Costs: New Report Finds
Vertical Wind Turbines May Get a Chance on Malmö City Rooftops
The Windbelt: Third-World Wind Power From:
homemade buzz
Funny, I was just talking about this with my daughter yesterday. She's from Oregon and we were having the "why is Cleveland the dorky kid that just can't seem to get it right" discussion.
Along with the issues of recycling, bicycle friendly (the mess on Detroit-Superior bridge just takes the cake), and differing attitudes about neighborhood restoration/gentrification (Portland actually enacts ordinances to preserve neighborhood social integrity)we discussed wind energy. Apparently, they are already on board, not slogging through years of "research".
My point is, if our elected officials spent less time trying to serve themselves and their benefactor handlers/manipulators and more time serving their actual constituents, exploring the success of other cities and working (being the operative term) on issues to better our communities we could actually have a city that stands out as an example to the rest of the country. Its not like we dont pay them enough. Its not like the people with the ideas and know how arent out there.
Small example - the urban farming legislation - the fact that it has stalled at all is ridiculous. Many people are saying we are better off without it because of changes like - not allowing roosters. With that as point, if our objective is self-sustaining egg and poultry production on small scale units, how do we do that without roosters? Basic stuff here. Not all roosters are excessively noisy. Rooster noise and aggression can be controlled through other measures, much like barking dogs are controlled now. And then theres the issue of hens turning into roosters (its true). Whatever - the point is they most likely will screw this one up too, because they dont know how to lead.
The Tremont dog park is another perfect example. It was organized, funded and planned to go into Lincoln Park, where Tremont dog owners could easily access, socialize and enjoy the park. It was set to be located at the far side of the park, away from the homes on W11th. Because of a handful of wealthy property owners on West 11th (the usual suspects - Moss, Murray, Hocipil) Cimperman announced a new location at the 11th hour (Clark field). Now instead of a nice walk to the park after work for doggy funtime, Tremont neighbors have to load their dogs into their car and drive them to Clark field because even though we can see the darn dog park from our backyard, there is no real pedestrian access to the park (my husband almost broke his ankle walking down the path from the footbridge a few weeks ago). Good job, Simpleton.
So all these small things aggregate into a city that is just stupid. The dorky kid who can never get it quite right. My daughter yearns for Cleveland, partly because she misses her family and partly because she's the type to pick up flea infested, mangy stray dogs from the alley (in fact she does). Thats one of the things that makes her so beautiful, but I've told her she is in no way permitted to return to this city. She has her degree and a job. We'll make our way out there, as soon as her brother finishes school.
i dont think it really matters what Obama does as president - we will screw it up. I dont know how you fix this disfunction, aside from cut the puppet strings to Cleveland elite.
Funny, Debra, My sister
Funny, Debra, My sister Vicky and I were just last night talking about the same thing. How Lincoln park is no longer a place where everybody can go for nice walks and enjoy the park. It's no longer a place for the regular people. There once was a time when you could go past the park and it was full of people laughing and talking - sitting on the grass - visiting - walking their dogs - kids playing - people on blankets with little picnics - people reading books - now - you can barely stop to smell the flowers - it's almost like the dead zone. You almost have to have a permit to visit the park.