Submitted by Jeff Buster on Fri, 02/27/2009 - 14:11.

Producing maple sugar requires a lots of preparation, equipment, labor, and firewood. Right now in Ohio is when all these components are brought to bear on the maple sap. There are a number of tests (I will described some here in a comment soon) for determining the proper concentration of the sap as it flows through the pan still. But the color of the syrup is determined the old fashioned way – with the eye. Following are a few maple sugaring scenes from Geauga County. Thanks to my hosts and the crew for their hospitality!

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Sap is rising
Jeff, I am constantly amazed by your ability to be in so many places at one time.
Thank you for this story. Yum.
mmmmmmm good
this has me frying bacon and whipping up some pancakes this morning! Heck, I might even make some cowboy coffee to get the whole experience!