Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 07/02/2008 - 19:05.
I never fell into the category of teen drawn to goth and vampires, but now I understand the attraction. I just finished Twilight by Stephenie Meyers. It has become the de rigeur rite-of-passage book for the current generation of humans.
 The hunger for blood reasonates with today's generation and I think I understand why. Afterall, we are vampires. We do destroy life to live. So, how do we live with ourselves?
Kids, today, wrestle with the question. Now, it is time for all of us to ask the same question.
Teen READ week
Teen Read Week Featured Author Ellen Schreiber
TODAY, October 21, 2008--starting 4:00 p.m.
Read Week featured author Ellen Schreiber will discuss her “Vampire
Kisses Series” and other titles at the West Park Branch of Cleveland Public Library. Please call 623-7102 for more information.
West Park Branch
3805 West 157th St.
Cleveland, 44111 map
Phone: 216.623.7102
Fax: 216.623.7104
Email: West [dot] Park [dot] Branch [at] cpl [dot] org