Pass this on to fellow Veteran’s From: neighborhood [at] applebees [dot] com <neighborhood [at] applebees [dot] com> Subject: Applebee's Honors Service this Veterans Day To:
Applebee's is saluting US veterans and active duty military on Veterans Day (Nov. 11) with a free entree.
Even if you don't know a veteran or anyone else in active military service, pass this on - someone you know may!
Celebrate Veteran’s Day with a morning at the French Creek Nature Center. Enjoy time with friends over coffee and donuts, and then choose to participate in various activities such as a hike, movies and Gary Gerrone will be presenting his “Songs of the Civil War” program. Coffee and donuts, bird watching and games will be available all morning. If you or a group would like to attend any or all parts of this event, please pre-register in advance by calling the French Creek Nature Center at (440) 949-5200, or click here. We hope to see you for this festivity! French Creek Nature Center is located at 4530 Colorado Ave in Sheffield Village.
9:30am - Fall Hike 10am– Movie 11am - Songs of the Civil War by Gary Gerrone
Lorain County Metro Parks 12882 Diagonal Road LaGrange, Ohio 44050 1-800-LCM-PARK (440) 458-5121 TDD & Voice (440) 458-8924 Fax LCMPark [at] LorainCountyMetroParks [dot] com
2009 Veterans Day Ceremony
Please join Mayor Frank G. Jackson, the Joint Veterans Commission of Cuyahoga County, and Base Cleveland Veterans Committee in partnership with Cleveland State University, Cuyahoga Community College and John Carroll University for a 2009 Veterans Day Ceremony in the Cleveland City Hall Rotunda on Wednesday, November 11, 2009 at 11 AM. In addition, a special display of the Army Marksmanship Trailer will be in front of City Hall from 8 AM – 6 PM. Click here for flyer.
Join Tremont West at a Special Membership Meeting on Wednesday, November 11th to vote on the proposal to change the Tremont West By-laws and Articles of Incorporation. The meeting packet has been sent to members via the US postal service. Please come exercise your right to vote!
You are invited!Free Dinner! Raffle Prizes! Special Membership Meeting Wednesday, November 11, 2009 6:30pm to 8:30pm Zion United Church of Christ 2716 West 14th Street For more information, please visit, call 216-575-0920
or attend the By-Law Open House Join the by-law committee members for an informal Question and Answer Open House. Saturday, November 7th, 2009 9:30am-11:30am at Tremont West (2406 Professor Avenue)
Tremont Neighborhood is recognized in Policy Bridge Report
Tremont Has Found A Recipe for Economic Gain By Courting Upscale Restaurant Industry The Tremont neighborhood was specifically highlighted in a report published earlier this month as a "pocket of potential" and cited our restaurant industry as a primary contributor to our economic success. The report identified the "two most critical components of vibrant urban neighborhoods (as) quality of place and jobs." And goes on to say that "Neighborhoods that thrive in the 21st century will be those that can offer inviting opportunities to live, work and play. Cleveland's neighborhoods that have managed to hold onto jobs and that have developed or maintained an attractive sense of place will most certainly have the best chance for growth and sustainability." Many other programs that have been embraced in Tremont such as beatification of vacant lots and farmers markets were cited as key tools for success. To review the complete report check out: Rebuilding Blocks : Efforts to Revive Cleveland Must Start by Treating What Ails Neighborhoods (published October 2009)
Tremont Traffic Meeting, Tuesday, November 10th, 7pm at Post 58
For the past several months, residents and business owners in the Tremont community have been gathering together to talk traffic. Mr. Rob Mavec, Commissioner of Traffic Engineering from the City of Cleveland, and Councilman Joe Cimperman have been meeting with members of the community prior to the past few South of Jefferson Block Club meetings. The original purpose of the meetings was to discuss traffic on Starkweather Avenue. The meetings have evolved and grown to include much more than traffic safety in the South of Jefferson area. The meetings have included discussions of speeding along West 7th Street, adequate signage throughout the neighborhood, and overall traffic and pedestrian safety. So, all are welcome to attend the November South of Jefferson Block Club meeting to further discuss traffic in Tremont. Rob Mavec, Councilman Joe Cimperman, and Jim McKnight (TWDCs consultant for the TLCI project) will all be in attendance. The traffic discussion will begin after a short session of business by the Block Club. Please join us on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 at 7:00pm at Post #58 (2442 Professor Avenue). ********************************************************************************************
Cleveland Recycles, November 15
Celebrate America Recycles Day at the Zoo
Everyone knows "Cleveland Rocks!" We want to prove Cleveland Recycles! It's time to dig out your recyclables including old computers and cell phones (you know, the ones collecting dust because you don't know exactly how to dispose of them). The Zoo will make it easy for you to recycle them on November 15 because we're hosting "America Recycles Day."
Cell Phones Recycled at the Zoo on St. Patrick's Day |
Bring something to recycle and we'll give you a coupon for one free Zoo admission (with the purchase of a regular admission of equal or lesser value). Eligible recyclables include aluminum cans, newspapers, magazines, cell phones and accessories, computers and inkjet and toner cartridges. We'll also offer document shredding and recycling free of charge.
As part of the Zoo's Cans for Conservation Fund, all proceeds from the day's recycled aluminum cans will benefit the Mbeli Bai Gorilla Project, a conservation initiative which studies endangered gorillas in Nouabale Ndoki National Park in the Republic of Congo.