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EventsSaturday January 13, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
Start: 6:00 pm
presented by Cleveland Heights Historical Society, Cleveland Heights Landmark Commission, FutureHeights, and Heights Arts Visit the past, present, and future of the Cedar-Lee commercial district in this exhibition of historic photos and drawings of planned developments, with examples of the major Cleveland Heights residential styles.
Start: 6:00 pm
Start: 01/13/2007 - 18:00
End: 01/24/2007 - 17:00
curated by Salvador Gonzalez
Sunday January 14, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/13/2007 - 18:00
End: 01/24/2007 - 17:00
curated by Salvador Gonzalez
Start: 12:00 pm
Start: 01/14/2007 - 12:00
End: 01/15/2007 - 17:00
University Circle Celebrates MLK Day - JANUARY 14 & JANUARY 15
Monday January 15, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/13/2007 - 18:00
End: 01/24/2007 - 17:00
curated by Salvador Gonzalez
End: 5:00 pm
Start: 01/14/2007 - 12:00
End: 01/15/2007 - 17:00
University Circle Celebrates MLK Day - JANUARY 14 & JANUARY 15
Start: 1:00 pm
End: 2:00 pm
Cleveland Public Library will present The Most Rev. Richard Gerard Lennon, Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland as its keynote speaker for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day commemorative celebration. The FREE and open to the public program will be held Monday, January 15, 1:00 p.m. at the Martin Luther King, Jr. Branch, 1962 Stokes Boulevard. The CPL Staff Chorus will perform. Freedom, A Visual Arts Exhibition, sponsored by The Arts League of Michigan, the First Congregational Church of Detroit, Michigan, and from a generous grant from The Ford Motor Company Fund, will be available to patrons. A reception will immediately follow the program. The Branch will be open from 12:00 Noon to 4:00 p.m.
The Most Rev. Richard Gerard Lennon was installed as the 10th Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, Ohio on May 15, 2006. His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI named Bishop Lennon to the leadership position over nearly 800,000 Catholics in eight counties of Northeast Ohio on April 4, 2006. A native of the Boston area, the 59-year-old Bishop Lennon was born in Arlington, Massachusetts, graduated from Catholic High School, and then attended Boston College before entering St. John’s Seminary in Brighton, Massachusetts, where he received an M.A. in Church History and a M.TH in Sacramental Theology.
Tuesday January 16, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/13/2007 - 18:00
End: 01/24/2007 - 17:00
curated by Salvador Gonzalez
Start: 4:30 pm
End: 6:15 pm
Get down to earth with Ingenuity Festival’s Green Team, and see how they’re connecting art, technology, and sustainability to regional practice. Speakers: Sudhir Raghupathy and the Ingenuity Green Team of Art’s Joseph McCullough Center, 11610 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Wednesday January 17, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/13/2007 - 18:00
End: 01/24/2007 - 17:00
curated by Salvador Gonzalez
Thursday January 18, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/13/2007 - 18:00
End: 01/24/2007 - 17:00
curated by Salvador Gonzalez
Start: 4:00 pm
End: 6:00 pm
A New Energy Future
Friday January 19, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/13/2007 - 18:00
End: 01/24/2007 - 17:00
curated by Salvador Gonzalez
Start: 12:00 pm
End: 2:00 pm
CLEVELAND, OH—Timothy Rub, director and CEO of the Cleveland Museum of Art, will speak on the topic “Tomorrow’s Art Museum” at noon on Friday, January 19, 2007, at The City Club of Cleveland. Rub is the seventh director of the Cleveland Museum of Art. He began his tenure in April 2006 after serving for six years as the director of the Cincinnati Art Museum and for nine years as director of the Hood Museum of Art at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire.
Start: 5:00 pm
End: 9:00 pm
Curated by: Artists:
Saturday January 20, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/13/2007 - 18:00
End: 01/24/2007 - 17:00
curated by Salvador Gonzalez
Sunday January 21, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/13/2007 - 18:00
End: 01/24/2007 - 17:00
curated by Salvador Gonzalez
Start: 1:00 pm
End: 3:00 pm
Jams are held every Sunday from 1:00-3:00 pm.
Usually at 2026 Murray Hill Road-Room 207-Laura Chapman's Studio
Once a month (the 3rd Sunday) at Mather Dance Center-CWRU
Monday January 22, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/13/2007 - 18:00
End: 01/24/2007 - 17:00
curated by Salvador Gonzalez
Tuesday January 23, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/13/2007 - 18:00
End: 01/24/2007 - 17:00
curated by Salvador Gonzalez
Start: 12:00 pm
End: 2:00 pm
For Clevelanders and your friends in Washington, D.C., January 23, 2007, the Cleveland Club of Washington, D.C. has scheduled a very special lunch for a celebration of presenting Bruce Sanford with their Harold Hitz Burton Award.
Wednesday January 24, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
End: 5:00 pm
Start: 01/13/2007 - 18:00
End: 01/24/2007 - 17:00
curated by Salvador Gonzalez
Start: 4:00 pm
End: 5:00 pm
Attend this lecture, the Distinguished Law and Technology Lecture, Case Western Reserve University School of Law, in person or through WEBCAST LIVE. Robert P. George, Princeton University, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence and Director, James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions, Princeton University is a memeber of the President's Council on Bioethics. He previously served as a presidential appointee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, and as a Judicial Fellow at the U.S. Supreme Court, where he received the Justice Tom C. Clark Award. Professor George is author of Making Men Moral: civil Liberties and Public Morality (1993) and In Defense of Natural Law (1999). His most recent books are The Meaning of Marriage, edited with Jean Berthke Elshtain and The Clash of Orthodoxies. Professor George's articles and review essays have appeared in the Harvard Law Review, the Yale Law Journal, the Columbia Law Review, the University of Chicago Law Review, the Review of Politics, the Review of Metaphysics, and the American Journal of Juriprudence. He has received numerous awards, including the 2005 Bradley Prize for Intellectual and Civic Achievement. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and serves on several boards of directors.In addition, he is of council to the law firm of Robinson & McElwee.
Thursday January 25, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
Friday January 26, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
Start: 12:00 pm
End: 2:00 pm
CLEVELAND, OH—Bruce S. Gordon, president and CEO of the NAACP, will discuss economic issues in the African American community at noon on Friday, January 26, 2007, at The City Club of Cleveland. After a 35-year career in the telecommunications industry, Gordon became head of the NAACP in August 2005. Before retiring in December 2003, he was president of the Retail Markets Group for Verizon Communications, where he managed a 35,000-person work force and was accountable for $23 billion in revenue.
Start: 7:30 pm
Start: 01/26/2007 - 19:30
End: 01/28/2007 - 16:00
January 26-28 featuring “Major to Minor” and “The Music Room” by Artistic Director David Shimotakahara and “New Work Premiere” by Amy Miller.
Saturday January 27, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/26/2007 - 19:30
End: 01/28/2007 - 16:00
January 26-28 featuring “Major to Minor” and “The Music Room” by Artistic Director David Shimotakahara and “New Work Premiere” by Amy Miller.
Sunday January 28, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
End: 4:00 pm
Start: 01/26/2007 - 19:30
End: 01/28/2007 - 16:00
January 26-28 featuring “Major to Minor” and “The Music Room” by Artistic Director David Shimotakahara and “New Work Premiere” by Amy Miller.
Monday January 29, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
Tuesday January 30, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
Wednesday January 31, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
Start: 1:33 pm
Start: 01/31/2007 - 13:33
End: 02/22/2007 - 13:33
Opening Jan 31st-February 22nd, 2007 This exhibition is a retrospective covering over four decades of Spinosa’s work.
Start: 6:30 pm
End: 7:35 pm
Thursday February 1, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/31/2007 - 13:33
End: 02/22/2007 - 13:33
Opening Jan 31st-February 22nd, 2007 This exhibition is a retrospective covering over four decades of Spinosa’s work.
Start: 10:00 am
End: 6:00 pm
The work of John James Audubon, the most famous painter of birds will be on view beginning February 1st in an Exhibition at the Museum of Natural History.
Start: 4:30 pm
Your opinions and feedback are important! Attend this Public Open House to Learn About the Next Steps for the Cleveland Innerbelt Plan. The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) invites you to attend a Public Open House to review the Recommended Preferred Alternative. ODOT officials and their consultants will be available to answer questions.
Friday February 2, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/31/2007 - 13:33
End: 02/22/2007 - 13:33
Opening Jan 31st-February 22nd, 2007 This exhibition is a retrospective covering over four decades of Spinosa’s work.
Saturday February 3, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/31/2007 - 13:33
End: 02/22/2007 - 13:33
Opening Jan 31st-February 22nd, 2007 This exhibition is a retrospective covering over four decades of Spinosa’s work.
Sunday February 4, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/31/2007 - 13:33
End: 02/22/2007 - 13:33
Opening Jan 31st-February 22nd, 2007 This exhibition is a retrospective covering over four decades of Spinosa’s work.
Monday February 5, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/31/2007 - 13:33
End: 02/22/2007 - 13:33
Opening Jan 31st-February 22nd, 2007 This exhibition is a retrospective covering over four decades of Spinosa’s work.
Tuesday February 6, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/31/2007 - 13:33
End: 02/22/2007 - 13:33
Opening Jan 31st-February 22nd, 2007 This exhibition is a retrospective covering over four decades of Spinosa’s work.
Wednesday February 7, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/31/2007 - 13:33
End: 02/22/2007 - 13:33
Opening Jan 31st-February 22nd, 2007 This exhibition is a retrospective covering over four decades of Spinosa’s work.
Thursday February 8, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/31/2007 - 13:33
End: 02/22/2007 - 13:33
Opening Jan 31st-February 22nd, 2007 This exhibition is a retrospective covering over four decades of Spinosa’s work.
Friday February 9, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/31/2007 - 13:33
End: 02/22/2007 - 13:33
Opening Jan 31st-February 22nd, 2007 This exhibition is a retrospective covering over four decades of Spinosa’s work.
Saturday February 10, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/31/2007 - 13:33
End: 02/22/2007 - 13:33
Opening Jan 31st-February 22nd, 2007 This exhibition is a retrospective covering over four decades of Spinosa’s work.
Start: 8:30 am
End: 4:30 pm
Today, a growing movement for sustainable agriculture and locally grown food has emerged in Northeast Ohio, garnering increasing support and acceptance. Not only does this movement address many environmental and social concerns, it also offers innovative and economically viable opportunities for growers, consumers, policymakers, home gardeners, and many others in the food system. As this quiet revolution takes shape across the United States, activists in Northeast Ohio are on the leading edge and have the ability to transform the region.
Sunday February 11, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/31/2007 - 13:33
End: 02/22/2007 - 13:33
Opening Jan 31st-February 22nd, 2007 This exhibition is a retrospective covering over four decades of Spinosa’s work.
Start: 2:00 pm
End: 3:00 pm
Cleveland Public Library welcomes critically-acclaimed author Connie Briscoe to its Writers and Readers Series, Sunday, February 11 at 2 p.m. Free and open to the public, the event will take place at the Main Library, Louis Stokes Wing Auditorium, E. 6th Street and Superior Avenue.
Start: 3:00 pm
End: 5:00 pm
![]() Double-Edge Dance presents an exciting multi-media performance entitled Fault Lines in the big BOX series at Cleveland Public Theatre February 9-11.
Monday February 12, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/31/2007 - 13:33
End: 02/22/2007 - 13:33
Opening Jan 31st-February 22nd, 2007 This exhibition is a retrospective covering over four decades of Spinosa’s work.
Tuesday February 13, 2007
(all day)
Start: 09/15/2006 - 18:59
End: 02/16/2007 - 18:59
Digitally projected and fully licensed, these modern masterworks will roar to life out of our new stereo sound system. Come early to see a cartoon before the show! Feel free to bring your own candy, popcorn and pop. Doors open fifteen minutes before the show. Fridays at 7:00 p.m. in the Main Library Auditorium. Free and open to the public.
(all day)
Start: 01/31/2007 - 13:33
End: 02/22/2007 - 13:33
Opening Jan 31st-February 22nd, 2007 This exhibition is a retrospective covering over four decades of Spinosa’s work.
Start: 5:00 pm
End: 7:00 pm
![]() This exciting exhibition showcasing emerging artists is a collaborative project of The Cleveland Foundation, Case Western Reserve University and The Cleveland Institute of Art. The Cleveland Foundation is providing the venue -- thier offices at The Hanna Building, 1422 Euclid Avenue, Suite 1300, the curator, Indra K. Lacis is a graduate student at Case Western Reserve University in the Department of Art and Art History, and the arts: Nick Adorni, Laura Bell, Nick Moenich, Ryan Pattison, Samantha Schartman, Kyle Erich Schulz, Tom Spoerndle and Leah Tacha are students at The Cleveland Institute of Art.
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