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Innerbelt MeetingSubmitted by Susan Miller on Thu, 04/19/2007 - 10:21.
04/19/2007 - 18:00 Etc/GMT-4 Inner Belt cluster First, the Ohio Department of Transportation decides to close exit ramps on the Inner Belt rather than enforce speed limits, causing local businesses to go ballistic. Then they ignored "the greatest living bridge designer in the world" and his inverted-Y design, opting instead for an uglier and more expensive Inner Belt span. Plus, they are closing 2 key ramps, E. 9th & Ontario, to make necessary repairs. Some, like Downtown councilman Joe Cimperman, want ODOT to rethink the whole Inner Belt project. Attend the public meeting Thu 4/19 at 6PM at Pilgrim Congregational Church, 2592 West 14th St, and send your thoughts to ODOT project director Craig Hebebrand craig [dot] hebebrand [at] dot [dot] state [dot] oh [dot] us and Cc: us at Letters [at] CoolCleveland [dot] com. Location
Pilgrim Congregational Church
2592 West 14th Street
Cleveland, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
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