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Toxic Disposal in Lake Erie-Hearing Feb 24Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 02/18/2015 - 09:10.
02/24/2015 - 01:00 02/24/2015 - 01:59 Etc/GMT-4 Public Hearing Toxic Disposal in Lake Erie Tuesday, February 24th @ 6pm. Cleveland MetroParks Watershed Stewardship Center at Westcreek 2277 West Ridgewood Drive, Parma, OH 44134 Ohio EPA is expected to oppose the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (Corps) plan to dispose toxic Cuyahoga River sediments in Lake Erie just offshore of Cleveland. Please turn out to support Ohio EPA and to testify that toxic, PCB-laden sediments do not belong in Lake Erie. Ohio EPA will accept written and oral testimony at the hearing on February 24 and will continue to accept written comments on the application through the close of business on March 3, 2015. Written comments may be submitted to:dswcomments [at] epa [dot] ohio [dot] gov or to: Ohio EPA-DSW, Attention: Permits Processing Unit, P.O. Box 1049, Columbus, Ohio 43216-1049. Dredged Cuyahoga River sediments belong in Confined Disposal Facilities (CDFs) and should NOT be dumped into the open waters of Lake Erie. Some suggested talking points:
Feel free to contact OEC attorney Nathan Johnson, NJohnson [at] theOEC [dot] org, if you have questions or would like additional information.
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