Hummer of the Day: saving a few bucks at East Cleveland Silvermans
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 05/21/2006 - 16:18.
 If you're going to have a Hummer, the blue seems most up-beat and friendly. And I guess I'd rather see a Hummer driver shopping in East Cleveland than anywhere else... unless this is the owner of Silvermans, and he/she can afford a Hummer 'cause he overvcharges everyone... I'll see if it's there regularly
Silvermans was the predecessor to MARCs
Deep discount Norm. Don't you know we all want a deep discount? It may seem like Silverman's* prices are high now, but originally the store served the same clientele that MARCs serves now. But you have to manage shrinkage and I am sure as shrinkage occurs at MARCs that deep discount will go away for our suburban friends...and we will have to move our deep discount stores even further away until the price of getting there makes the deep discount seem not so worthwhile afterall!
*Chris and I bought a mock wedding ring at the Silverman's on Harvard Ave, so I have a bit of nostalgia for that particular location. I am also sure that the residents in East Cleveland and the Slavic Village neighborhood are glad to have a store at all. Now, if they get taken over by Big Lots, then I am so there.