My World

Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 03/22/2008 - 09:39.
My World

The view from my window on the world at the Brooklyn Branch library--Saturday, March 22

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  Thanks Felicia--for allowing me to snap the image with your camera :)
It's a lot different from the world I experienced only a few weeks ago in San Juan, Puerto Rico, but equally as beautiful.

Architect Robert Gaede

I work every day in a building sensitively redesigned by Robert Gaede.  His thoughtfulness stands the test of time and shines in a building that has not needed to have a major renovation since he updated the building in the 1980s.  More than anything, I am grateful that Mr. Gaede resisted the urge to install massive air-conditioning units and instead left operable windows.  Good night Mr. Gaede and thank you for making my life better.