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What is your opinion about building noise and privacy barriers along our nation's freewaysSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 08/11/2009 - 11:01.
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Sign the Petition
ODOT disempowering community
The neighbors of Brooklyn Centre are uniting to stop the erection of unwanted barriers along I-71, barriers that not only wall off our historic, park neighborhood from the outside and also wall us in, but also cost 6-7 times what natural barriers like trees and shrubs would.
We united to tell ODOT in 2005 that we didn't want the sound barriers. We now have to do it again. Please sign the online petition, and leave your address if you are a resident of Brooklyn Centre.
You'll find the petition here:
Here's a snippet you can send to your friends, as well:
I wanted to draw your attention to this important petition that I recently signed:
"Ban The ODOT Barriers in Brooklyn Centre"
I really think this is an important cause, and I'd like to encourage you to add your signature, too. It's free and takes less than a minute of your time.
Hello, I am currently pro
I am currently pro noise barrier walls. Constant noise has been shown to have some adverse affects on health and also quality of life can be diminished when exposed to constant noise above acceptable decible levels.
I agree that it would be better to plan freeways in such a way that natural sound barriers could be utilized instead of man-made ones. But, unless ODOT is willing to purchase the homes that are adjacent to the freeway, the ones that get the brunt of the noise, I don't see how the noise problem can be solved with the use of greenery.
Maybe the community can suggest to ODOT that at the very least the homes that are most impacted by the noise from the freeway would receive other noise abatement in lieu of the noise barrier walls, such as those mentioned in the post by ODOT on the forum yesterday, i.e. central air, acoustical drapes, double panel windows, solid core door. Or, alteratively ODOT can offer to purchase the properties that are adjacent to the freeway and create a natural noise barrier for the rest of the neighborhood with greenery.
I also agree that ODOT is planning freeway construction too close to homes, thus causing problems for the communities by not allowing enough space between the freeways and housing to effectively mitigate the highway noise.
noise barriers
Highway Barriers Stifle Sound, Sight, and Soot
I read the report, and it seems to be a mixed bag: channeling pollution away from the area and also concentrating it upon the occupants of the cars. Much more studies need to be done. Interesting report.