Recent posts

TypeTitleAuthorsort iconRepliesLast CommentPosted
Book pageBranding and Marketing Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/30/2004 - 03:02
Book pageQuality, Connected Places Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/30/2004 - 02:59
StoryEDPro Weblog - December 27, 2004 Ted Takacs019 years 6 days ago12/27/2004 - 20:31
Blog entryMedina Judge Puts Court Hearings and great services on the WWW Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/27/2004 - 17:30
Book pageNano perspectives for NEO from an expert on high - John Belk of Boeing Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago11/12/2004 - 03:47
Book pageCity Club of Cleveland Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/07/2004 - 11:55
Book pageCleveland Institute of Art - One of NEO's Greatest Forces in Economic Development Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago11/13/2004 - 13:30
Blog entryBusiness plan competitions Ed Morrison019 years 6 days ago12/22/2004 - 21:51
Blog entryCreativity, the arts and the Internet Ed Morrison019 years 6 days ago12/22/2004 - 21:18
Blog entryThe arts and civic behavior Ed Morrison019 years 6 days ago12/22/2004 - 21:28
Blog entrySupporting immigrant entrepreneurs Ed Morrison019 years 6 days ago12/22/2004 - 22:12
Book pageOn the digital divide - best practices in PA take turn for worst in OH Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/23/2004 - 04:06
Book pageNOTES: 12/21/04 - Eliminating Impoverishment: Innovative Models to Improving Job Placement and Retention Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/21/2004 - 16:32
Book pageCarnegie Mellon attacks the greatest Digital Divide challenges - we need to address easy local problems Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/22/2004 - 12:28
Book pageDrupal Development community acts with a form of artificial intelligence Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/22/2004 - 11:20
Blog entryInvest in Children Initiative Awarded $1 Million by Gund Foundation Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/22/2004 - 02:03
Blog entryNew Lab for Social Computing at RIT. Time for collaboration in NEO! Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/21/2004 - 01:42
Book pageSuccess in TIME - now to connect the dots for Freezing Pointe Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/20/2004 - 10:56
Event12/21/04 - Eliminating Impoverishment: Innovative Models to Improving Job Placement and Retention Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/20/2004 - 14:21
EventREI hosts REALNEO orientation Tuesday 12/21 from 3 - 4 PM Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/20/2004 - 14:24
EventCelebrate Holiday Tidings and Community Cheer, starting at 12:30 PM Tuesday at REI Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/20/2004 - 14:31
Book pageED Pro observations about the importance of broadband internet access Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/20/2004 - 14:03
Book pageNOTES: CIA Interior Design senior thesis show a most insightful NEO arts event Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/18/2004 - 15:25
Blog entryGot the next Strawberry Shortcake - Balderdash? NEO's got the connections Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/18/2004 - 23:38
Blog entry “Connect� often referenced as model for REALNEO Norm Roulet019 years 6 days ago12/16/2004 - 11:49