Submitted by Charles Frost on Sat, 12/22/2007 - 16:43.

Undulating Living Facade at Seoul Shop
Mairi Beautyman, Berlin, Germany on 12.18.07
Herbaceous perennials grow from both the facade and interior walls at fashion retailer Ann Demeulemeester's Korea flagship in Seoul. Designed by Korean-based architecture firm Mass Studies, the four-level structure is a grassy oasis of nature in an otherwise gray and dense city. The perennials (clover, says one source) are planted into something Mass Studies bills a "geo-textile." According to, this is a "woven, non-woven or knitted, permeable sheets, usually, but not exclusively, non-biodegradable."
Aesthetically and physically, the structure is a vibrant breath of fresh air--plants are a natural air purifier after all. But no word on exactly how environmentally friendly the design is. ::Mass Studies Via ::Design Boom ::Theme Also see :: Greening Your Roof Just Got Easier ::Temporary Living Wall for Construction Site ::Guide to Planting Green Roofs and Living Walls ::ELT Indoor Living Wall Kits
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