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Lee Batdorff's blogRepublicans scrutinizedSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Mon, 04/30/2012 - 00:07.
Repubicans worth reading about: Washington Post OpEd as syndicated by Detroit News. Hopefully Plain Dealer will pick up on this OpEd. Facebook comments about this story: ( categories: )
Chardon media event and “all those questions”Submitted by Lee Batdorff on Sat, 03/03/2012 - 17:54.
The tragic shootings at Chardon High School on Monday Febuary 27th instantly became a media event. Sometimes media events have a way of showing up media as less than thorough. ( categories: )
U.S. Chamber lies about Brown's recordSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Fri, 12/09/2011 - 20:57.
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has used lies to attack the record of Sherrod Brown according to a recent edition of the Plain Dealer's Politifacts. Sherrod must be good at what he does by the way he draws vicious attacks centered around lies from the right. These are especially from U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown's nemesis de jour, the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, current Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel. ( categories: )
Help stop Wall Street's sweetheart deal on mortgage fraudSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Wed, 08/31/2011 - 13:24.
I've been reading the book Reckless Endangerment which gives an account of how our economy got into the fix it is in now. Mr. Geithner was one of the "regulators" that allowed the banks to take huge chances, fulling expecting a taxpayer bailout as their back up plan. It is now time to take on the big banks. The following petition is presented for signing by
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American Friends vr corporate personhoodSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Fri, 08/12/2011 - 00:28.
The American Friends Service Committee, which has a distinquished history of becoming involved in issues in a constructive way well before most of the populace wakes up, has embarked on confronting "Corporate Personhood."
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Who will "apply breaks" during U.S. defaultSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Sat, 07/23/2011 - 21:05.
Folks, this might be a very special week, starting Monday July 25th, 2011. Many say that we, as a civilization, are looking into the depths of a coming deep depression brought on by an actual default of the U.S. Federal government. Even just the simple continuing disagreement between the right-controlled U.S. House and the ever-so-centering President Obama about what to do into the next week could prompt a falling investment bond rating. From what I've been reading, a falling bond rating for the U.S. is a falling financial rating for every borrower in the U.S.
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Who will "apply breaks" during U.S. defaultSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Sat, 07/23/2011 - 21:05.
Folks, this might be a very special week, starting Monday July 25th, 2011. Many say that we, as a civilization, are looking into the depths of a coming deep depression brought on by an actual default of the U.S. Federal government. Even just the continuing disagreement between the right-controlled U.S. House and the ever-so-centering President Obama about what to do into the next week could prompt a falling investment bond rating. From what I've been reading, a falling bond rating for the U.S. is a falling financial rating for every borrower in the U.S. ( categories: )
A Great Lakes "Thanks" to the Plain Dealer!Submitted by Lee Batdorff on Sat, 07/16/2011 - 18:16.
Dear editors of the Plain Dealer: Thank you for the continuing focus the Plain Dealer has been giving to the
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The Unspeakable Subject?Submitted by Lee Batdorff on Wed, 04/13/2011 - 00:08.
The Fukushima Dailchi nuclear crisis in Japan has been re-rated to be a level 7 nuclear disaster*, the same level as the Chernobyl Ukraine nuclear disaster of 1986. While the dispersement of radiation from the nuclear power plants in Fukushima is said to be much less than Chernobyl, the Tokyo Electric Power Company and Japanese civil authorities have yet to “stabilize” their troubled reactors. The future level of radiation contamination in Japan and nearby nations is unknown at this time as is how long this crisis will continue.
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Mutant Fish speaks with Radio CreatureSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Tue, 03/29/2011 - 22:17.
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Right outside Father's DreamSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Fri, 03/25/2011 - 16:35.
Today I went to Father's Dream Appliances, which repairs and sells used appliances from their store at 9520 Woodland Ave. on the East side of Cleveland. I purchased a washer and dryer for $484.88, tax and delivery and 90 day warranty included. Just as the paperwork was completed, the owner of the business came in and told me that someone had hit my car. I went out and saw a crowd of people around a screaming man on the ground next to two totaled cars. Neither was mine. My car was scraped a bit over the left rear wheel.
Corporation as person: Making world safer for pirates?Submitted by Lee Batdorff on Thu, 03/10/2011 - 23:20.
I've long been troubled by the fact that corporations are endowed the rights of "natural persons." It is unjust to human beings who are not corporate officers that a corporation can absorb responsibility for the actions of individuals who are corporate offices. Correct me if I'm incorrect on this. My understanding is that the personal liability of individuals in corporate leadership is covered by the corporation in many cases.
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Our leaders--into the future!Submitted by Lee Batdorff on Tue, 02/01/2011 - 01:13.
It is a good skill Tom Bier has, pointing out an obvious solution in ever gaining disaster, (Plain Dealer, Sunday, 1/30, 2011, op/ed section). He has done it for decades in front of conferences of mayors where they called him “Dr. Doom.” It's unfortunate that the obvious solution of real reagionalism borne by Mr. Bier looks like indecipherable hieroglyphs to our minor despot leaders.
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Harvey Pekar Benefit at Beachland Sat. 8/7Submitted by Lee Batdorff on Mon, 08/02/2010 - 13:14.
Beachland Ballroom Harvey Pekar Benefit with $10.00 Harvey Pekar will be buried in Lakeview Cemetery immediately next to Eliot Ness. From Beachland's Web site:
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Get off Gas - see film: TOXIC GULFSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Mon, 07/05/2010 - 23:01.
Have you noticed, the coverage of the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico is slowly tapering off. The leak is not only still going on, a vast seed of even larger disaster is likely to have been sewn already. Biblical proportions with biblical consequences for all of us? I'm thinking about how I can “Get off Gas (GOG).”
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Vote with our energy dollarsSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Tue, 06/08/2010 - 10:39.
Can large amounts of field grass clean up important areas of the gulf oil spill as shown in this Web video ? ( categories: )
Will the Plain Dealer ask the right questions?Submitted by Lee Batdorff on Tue, 05/04/2010 - 11:37.
The following was sent as a an email message to many editors and reporters at the Plain Dealer and public relations executives at the American Public Transportation Association. You can find a list of recipients at the end of the this article. The American Public Transportation Association is holding a national conference in Cleveland at the Cleveland Renaissance Hotel through May 5th. Attendees at this conference will be touring the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority's new Health Line.
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A Mayoral conflict of interest to exploitSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 01:49.
There is a direct conflict of interest in Mayor Frank Jackson's dual roles as Mayor of Cleveland, and controlling the Cleveland Public Schools. This conflict is illustrated in the potential property tax values that will be distoryed if the Mayor's proposal, (at the behest of the Ohio Department of Mental Health), to build the so-named, "Mayor Jackson Mental Hospital," on Euclid Avenue at E. 56th St. Property Taxes go largely to public schools.
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The fight for infrastructure bragging rights: with bipartisan stimulous perhaps?Submitted by Lee Batdorff on Mon, 02/22/2010 - 01:58.
With relief I read in a recent Plain Dealer article (1) that Ohio Senate President Bill Harris may lead Republican legislators to skotch the $400 million slow train across Ohio. Mind you, one of the many things we need in the U.S. to be competitive with the rest of the “advanced” world are fast passenger trains, with reduced carbon footprints, racing between major cities less than 400 miles apart.
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A Tale of Two Plain Dealer HeadlinesSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Tue, 12/29/2009 - 01:37.
Pre-Cleveland mayorial election (Sept. 29, 2009) head: “Despite revenue dip, city sees no layoffs and balanced budget” running above a story by PD reporter Henry Gomez which had this final paragraph: “In 2010,” [Sharon] Dumas [city finance director], told council members, “as we look at balancing our operating budget, it is our intent to do that – we're hoping – without any layoffs or service cuts,” [Metro | B3].
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The conspiracy to build the Mayor Frank Jackson state mental hospitalSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Thu, 12/03/2009 - 01:46.
In the Sunday Nov. 29th Plain Dealer cover story about the Health Line Steven Litt deserves much praise for mentioning in the fifth to the last paragraph of a 32-paragraph article that somehow, “a state psychiatric hospital planned near East 55th Street could discourage development of housing and other businesses nearby.” At least Mr. Litt said it somewhere. This soft touch on something that could be very destructive to the future of Cleveland is puzzling. There is much to look into concerning this proposal.
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Examine heads before building mental hospitalSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Mon, 10/26/2009 - 12:02.
Today (Monday Oct. 26, 2009) the Plain Dealer ran my letter concerning the blundering approach to development along the new Health Bus Rapid Transit Line on Euclid Avenue being taken by Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson. ( categories: )
Further ruin for Showplace of AmericaSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Fri, 10/23/2009 - 14:04.
What is sustainability for Cleveland? Recently Major Frank Jackson lead an acclaimed three-day “Sustainability Summit,” which brought together 700 excited business people, students and environmental activities in feel good optimism while the Jackson-lead city government slogs along to Cleveland’s oblivion as usual.
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Obama administration counter attacks misinformation about health insurance reformSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Tue, 08/11/2009 - 23:49.
If you know someone who is tempted to believe the misinformation advertising campaign about health insurance reform going on now, a campaign likely financed by your health insurance dollars (if you have health insurance), send them this link to the Obama administration's recently posted "Reality Check" below. Of course the anti-health insurance reform campaign is wrapped up in anti-Obama, anti-government and pro-racism sentiment so someone who believes the misinformation is not likely to change through viewing this link. ( categories: )
Top recommended comments to NPR story about Canadian health careSubmitted by Lee Batdorff on Mon, 08/10/2009 - 22:55.
Find the initial story, these comments and active links plus more at: All of the comments below had at least 11 recommendations by readers. Grant Hurlburt (granth70) wrote:
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