Submitted by lmcshane on Sat, 03/15/2008 - 05:11.
School design has been on my mind. Here is a thumbnail of an almost perfect Cleveland school. Benjamin Franklin School slated for demolition in the CMSD Facilities Plan. It also has beautiful adjacent gardens.
 I recently received a copy of Ouroboros, the magazine that chronicles winners of the Goldman Environmental Prize. The Sidwell School in Washington DC has been recognized this year. Also, see GreenCityBlueLake for a recent post on Green Schools. Today, I was impressed by Harrison Elementary in Lakewood's walk-friendly Birdtown.
My question for any school retrofit would be:
How can we get kids to go back to walking to school?
Back to Benjamin Franklin (how ironic) a school that already has kids who walk to school.
Solar power proponent spreads the lightApril 8: "Making a Difference": How one 14-year-old Australian boy managed to persuade both his parents and his high school that they should embrace solar power. NBC's Ian Williams reports.

School design on my mind too
I'm glad you posted this, as we are entering the design stage for The Intergenerational School, which we intend to locate in the reused Hough Bakeries, Formerly the Star Bakeries, and we will pursue to make this a most environment friendly project. As planning progresses, we will certainly involve anyone in the community interested in green building and education.
Disrupt IT
Fixing the city?
I tried to reach the PD's Phillip Morris on the phone this week, to no avail. I should email him, but really, I need to hear a voice some times.
He posits the question "What can we do to fix the city?" He needs to see what you are doing, report on it, photograph it, broadcast it, and like all of the PD reporters, he needs to move back to the city and fight like the rest of us.
The old-heads are tired.
Phillip Morris has a powerful Choice of Weapons--his ability to write and document the world--and pretty soon, the PD, may torture us with video clips of these writers, too. Since, I am on a biblical roll...I want to cry out: "Why have you forsaken us?!"
Can we all look over the Bond Accountability information and determine what is happening with the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. Credit to James G. Darr (MTB's next interview?), whoever he may be, for putting information in a format that provides some overview. Now, can we make sense of what is happening?
Fantasy school
I would love to see Lincoln West High School be one of the STEM schools in Cleveland. They have the human capital. A partnership with Metrohealth should be in the equation.
Tear up the whole block and retrofit and reuse the existing building to create a school that takes advantage of solar power and daylighting. Discourage parking, but if necessary use a permeable surface that can be adapted for recreational uses (like public events and track) and incorporate the existing city pool as part of the campus in a park setting with banks of trees lining the sidewalks.
Anoint the Appointed
Looks like the island of appointed in the Detroit Shoreway neighborhood will get a new school, while my part of town gets bled some more. Despite, a hideous building and sea of concrete, Lincoln West puts out smart and cosmopolitan students who are the most multi-lingual and savvy kids we have in the region. You would think that a hospital system would want to capitalize on it??
And, I really can't take too much more of this--the district wants to demo John Marshall...
I work this Thursday, but PLEASE go people. Go and be heard. Mr. Darr, I commend your efforts and I hope that you will allow me to submit written comments on the Cleveland Metropolitan School Plan. Please also update your web site.
REview the School Construction Program.
Thanks to the Cuyahoga County Planning Commission for wrapping the package:
James Darr, administrator of the Cleveland Metropolitan School District's Bond Accountability Commission, urges Cleveland residents to attend community forums (PDF) on Thursday about the District's school construction plans.
Labels: Cleveland, events, institutional
See the LIGHT
Did any one see this story in the PD on Wednesday, April 9, 2008?
Today's Science Lesson: the SUN--Ohio Legislator urges solar panels on 2,000 schools
The article mentions Toledo-based Xunlight and Cleveland-based Garland Co.
Green Dream
This sounds vaguely erotic, but it's not. See how students tackle environmental problems in their own school.
Friday, April 25th 2-7 p.m. Free Admission Beachwood Community Center
Benjamin Franklin School
Yes, yes, yes. Recognition!!!!
Young Nicholas, your school is recognized today! Yesterday, you showed more insight and curiosity than most of the adults I know and you helped your brother to understand his world. I will admit the Hollywood sign history is a novel topic, but your curiosity makes me work harder.
You will be recognized!!!