Submitted by lmcshane on Tue, 05/20/2008 - 20:17.

Why didn't I just use an alias like everyone else? I don't like the look that I got tonight from Eugene Sanders at the Cleveland Metropolitan School District meeting tonight.
The administration announced that they will propose the demolition/rebuild of John Marshall, despite its landmarked status, and the rebuilding of Max Hayes at the acquired West 65th site, which afterwards will leave the old Max Hayes Building in limbo (read sale and redevelopment of the prime Detroit Rd. lake view location (?).
David Bowen, the representative for Bowen architecture, the firm awarded the John Hays renovation, sat in the audience. My guess would be that Bowen designed the "new" Riverside School (BTW, there was nothing wrong with the old school that was torn down) --criticized tonight by another commentator for the lack of foresight in the design of parking. The presentation format tonight was also a disaster as mentioned by a another commentator.
Here are some previous Plain Dealer articles worth reviewing:
Where’s that $1 billion going?
Uh, the mold ate my high school
Mold grew unchecked in pool at John Hay High
John Marshall Debacle etc
So it was basically a dog and pony show and not really up for discussion? I'm going to talk to BPDC and see if I can get a response from the John Marshall Alumni Assn to see if they have a position on it; they may or may not. This sucks.
West Tech
Thanks Carole. Alumni need to revolt. John Marshall has a history of producing some best and brightest, especially in engineering. West Tech alumni should also rise up. The overcrowding at west side high schools, and the district mistake in closing West Tech, was especially evident tonight. Sanders mentioned "no imminent" plans to close any schools. I asked him to clarify and that was the best I got from him.
Political interference
Who is running interference on this story and why no coverage in the PD? After working for several public agencies in Cleveland, I know how many public employees with applied science degrees have to swallow their pride and live with disgust for the political machine.
How about a map? No map. No explanation of how and why the decision was made to tear down rather than to renovate. What about properties owned by the district with no building on site or closed/derelict building like the old Aviation High School?
How about a map? Plain Dealer staff--you guys/gals are getting good at online maps. Can you show me a map?
Show me a map
The PD ran a story today. Good. Now, do better. Map all the district holdings. Your data staff is good. Make the story visible.
This is not far removed from the work of Architecture for Humanity. We need schools that don't waste the embodied energy already invested in existing buildings. How can these buildings be adapted and expanded, as necessary, to accommodate the shifting needs of the district?
If you do build new, because of the horrendous mistake in closing West Tech--then build at West 65th and KEEP the existing Max Hayes and Lincoln-West and John Marshall, but put some money into the upkeep and renovation of these buildings.
Also, do any of these projections take maintenance costs in account?
Do any of our local administrators understand that buildings don't self-maintain themselves? How many of our "new" building and infrastructure projects are falling apart, while the "old" structures still retain their dignity, despite years of neglect and abuse? How do we tap into the potential of the existing infrastructure?
BTW, those little things flying around in the air today...the things kids call "helicopters"? They're also called samaras and I will be raking them up today--lots of them--but, maybe, I should let them be? Let the forest return to heal the city. Real green design.
Raskind appt as CEO Burns Sanders REDUX
Reminder from an astute PD comment by alias "Getworking"
With Raskind appointment:
Please see this article again:
My original post to REALNEO in 2008 (above) includes the hostile reception I received from the Sanders crew.
That night, Daniel Burns repeatedly confused the names of schools and gave out mumbled reports on all of the schools.
Of course, we know now that Burns is a felon, but shouldn't it have been obvious?!
Look at the picture above--this man is a blatant jackass, a liar, a crook. Now--look at Sanders--after the reform plan was passed:
How long will it take everyone else to figure out Sander's game? Raskind's game? The GCP game?