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Human and Animal Waste to Save the World: The Ultimate (Biorecycling) Solution?Submitted by Sudhir Kade on Wed, 02/21/2007 - 14:54.
Just a few thoughts regarding questions I raised and a concept I originated at the recent Food symposium at Cleveland Botanical Garden. As we prepare the groundwork planning and infrastructure to activate the Genesis Project - Link: , it makes perfect sense to resolve our 'Fecal Matter'. Animal and Human waste can both be converted to ethanol via the methane route - a simple chemical reaction , really, that results in the Ultimate waste-to-food mechanism. It would be mind boggling should dairy farms and other farms partner with ethanol producers and machine conversion to run ethanol magnifies. The result is a fantastic way to close the loop and recycle our own waste. Over a week after I proposed that 'Shite could Save the World' at CBG , On February 12, 2007 it was announced that the first-ever vertical integration via cogeneration of ethanol via joint venture between a dairy (waste provider) and production facility for ethanol (food creator) had launched. Link: Billions of dollars missed out on? Not if we implement here and innovate on the baseline processes done by this group. OR we do what I suggest, and divert, convert and consume our human waste - channel it from compost vacuum toilets, porto-lets, sewage systems, septic tanks and so on - Pardon the edgy emphatic (pseudo) expletive explosion but, Holy Shite Batman! Such positive impact if we get started and utilize one of the cheapest and easily-accessible (producible) raw material around! Our watersheds and other waters (fresh water supply) would be all the richer / purer for it. Let's do this Now and realize there'd be less need to proliferate excessive corn production - we'd either use alternative crop options to create new market ops for farmers - or better yet, convert all our waste first.
Waste to save the world - by becoming a multi-pronged food product for our cars and our selves. Human shite has a density lower than that of animal fecal matter - but it is highly likely we could engineer the ethanol-creation process in a truly zero impact way. Any side products / derivative would need to be food for other processes as well - for example the 'dredge' left over would make a rich fertilizer compost for community gardens and possible food source for our red wiggler vermicompost soldiers. Convert everything to ethanol and you have the potential to be TRULY sustainable into infinity. The implications for our sewage processes (not requiring excessive and costly sewage treatment facilities) and new economic opportunity for those ready to capitalize would certainly boost economic development and help resolve waste issues, reducing the methane gas contibution emitted by millions of tons of shite. Let's get enthused and inspired by the prospect of presenting this concept at Ingenuity 2007 July 19-22. This will be part of an innovative Installation entitled A Sustainable Future A final thought , let's consider what we and our fellow animal friends eat to produce the 'highest quality' raw fuel product around - we are what we eat - and our waste - fuel might be richer if we consider our nutrition and physical education! Interesting research material regardless. Finally, complete the supply chain by driving market demand for the ethanol produced from our poo and we have an increasingly intriguing and interesting interaction. What do y'all think? Global impact or what? Peace!
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waste = food = energy
I was born in Japan back in the day. My siblings and parents reported that the Japanese grew amazing vegetables using human waste on their gardens. It seems like we should be using methane capture at least and anaerobic digestion has been studied at Cornell for some time. In the process of cleaning the Hudson, NY state farmers are collecting their manure in large containers to keep it from polluting the Hudson River watershed, which supplies NYC's water. They aren't powering their compact fluorescents with it... yet.

So I went to Agrimass... here's what the process looks like.
This is some good shite, Sudhir
You are on to something - I found a posting from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives from December 2004 titled "Waste Not, Want Not" on this subject and it certainly confirms your observations and Martha's observation about human waste as fertilizer - here is how the process works in other parts of the world - this could be done here... say to replace the processing plant down by Edgewater Park, which would free up that waterfront land for better uses...:
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The more I think about this, the better it smells
Sudhir is definitely on to something important with this. It is inevitable that the world's population centers will become more intelligent about processing human and other animal waste. Why don't we do it best here, first. Considering the scale of our water treatment system, which is regional, and the $billions they control and will spend on new treatment system upgrades and technologies, we have the money to deploy some advanced energy and next generation human waste processing technologies here, now. Even more important, this is an industry that has not yet taken off, but will be huge. So why don't we make this one of our clusters. If you read the posting above, about the technology and scope of facilities and equipment needed to go from human waste to fertilizer in the ground, you realize there are many components to be manufactured and engineered and improved upon - this seems as big an industry opportunity as wind turbine manufacturing, and we would probably have a bigger jump on any competition in this space. To put this in better perspective, consider, in 1862, the great French novelist Victor Hugo deplored that country’s failure to utilize human excrement as manure. His lament can be found in one of the chapters of his masterpiece Les Miserables titled The Entrails of the Monster or The Intestines of a Leviathan, depending on the English translation. It’s worth quoting at length:
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Biogas - methane production using same waste inputs is big biz
In countries that have ratified Kyoto, animal waste to energy is huge business. With my last employer we did a feasability study with regarding digesting animal waste from two theme parks in FL. Farmatic sells package biogas plants. Turnkey operations. Big boy German players in the field.
Additionally, and for your reference, Anheuser-Busch has anerobic generation facilities at many of its breweries. They call em Bio Energy Recovery Systems (BERS) . And while its not poop, its the same process... using anaerobic digestion to produce methane.
At A-B brewing-related wastewater is pretreated anaerobically (in the absence of oxygen), and the resulting biogas (methane) is captured before the pretreated wastewater is discharged to the local sewer system. Pretreating wastewater in this fashion reduces its strength by up to 90 percent, decreasing its impact on local sewer systems. In turn the methane is plugged into their boilers (brewing is heat intensive). Recovering energy that would otherwise quite literally be going down the drain.
In general in countries that have ratified Kyoto, package biogas production plants have been popping up for some time now. With the crash in the price carbon credits were trading for last year in the European Trading Scheme (read nonvoluntary carbon market), the pace has slowed a bit. Moral of the story is that large scale systems are available off the shelf, and leading edge (best in class) companies in US and elsewhere are using them.
yep and we're back to Alpacas in Brooklyn
I am still wondering what is happening with that alpaca manure in at Rassi's farm in Brooklyn... Any word Laura?
I spoke with our County Animal Shelter about recycling the pet waste from the shelter. They are very nearby the Cuyahoga Soil and water Conservation District offices. I suggested this might be a good idea to test rather than the current practice of "flushing" it. It could provide a source of income for the shelter. I even spoke with Jan Rybka about turning this into economic development opportunities in central city neighborhoods. Even in the suburbs, where people think they pick up their pet's waste because they wouldn't like to step in it, they don't realize that they are protecting our waterways from toxic runoff. (If they did, they might have been more conscientious about removing plowed snow from impervious surfaces.)
These guys in San Fran haven't seen the EPA studies done in Fairbanks, Alaska or in Ottawa, Ontario where they have composted pet waste and killed all the pathogens. But it is still a good idea. From my correspondence with Ottawa, despite the evidence, the local government just couldn't "embrace" the concept. So there it sits, in a drawer or on the web, like many strategic plans written for nonprofit organizations who have no plans to follow through.
The away idea will be one that is difficult to overcome.
San Francisco Hopes to Turn Pet Feces Into Power
From Larry West
City’s Goal to End Landfill Use Sparks Effort to Get Energy from Animal Waste
According to a popular bumper sticker, “sh*t happens.” It also happens to have the power to heat homes, cook meals and generate electricity. At least, that is the hope of San Francisco and other cities in the Bay Area, which are looking at ways to recycle and reuse animal waste as part of their mission to stop sending trash to landfills by 2020.
Converting Animal Waste Into Fuel
San Francisco has become the first city in the United States to consider converting pet feces into methane that can be used for fuel, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. If the experiment goes well, it won’t be the last.
"American dogs and cats produce 10 million tons of waste a year, and no one knows where it's going," said Will Brinton, a scientist in Mount Vernon, Maine, and one of the world's leading authorities on waste reduction and composting, in an interview with the Chronicle.
"That's really beginning to be looked at as a nightmare."
Keep Animal Waste Out of Landfills
A lot of it is goes into landfills. In San Francisco, for example, animal feces accounts for nearly 4 percent of the city’s residential waste—almost as much as disposable diapers, another landfill nightmare. Tossed into landfills inside plastic bags, animal waste becomes a nearly permanent part of the landscape for generations. For a city that is striving to eliminate its use of landfills, finding a better way to manage animal waste is an important issue.
Pet feces that is not tossed out is left on the ground, where it dissolves and flows untreated into the water table or San Francisco Bay. Some is inadvertently collected along with yard waste and tossed into compost bins, a dangerous practice because animal waste is full of pathogens. Until pet feces can be converted into methane as a cost-effective energy alternative for communities, waste experts say the most eco-friendly way to dispose of animal waste is to flush it down the toilet so that it can be treated in the sewage system.
A Strategic Plan to Turn Animal Waste Into Methane
The city has asked Sunset Scavenger, a subsidiary of Norcal Waste, the company that collects most of the waste in San Francisco and a dozen other Northern California cities, to find a way to use dog and cat droppings instead of tossing them into landfills or leaving them unmanaged to pollute the water.
"Poop power? Yes, it's possible to produce electricity, natural gas and even fuel from Rover's poop and other waste material," said Robert Reed, a spokesman for Norcal Waste, in an interview with the Chronicle. "There are a lot of bugs to work out, steps to figure out, costs to be considered, but we are beginning to talk to the city about it and look into this area more actively."
Norcal plans to place biodegradable bags and dog-waste carts in one of the city’s busiest dog parks, collect the waste, and toss it into a methane digester—a low-tech machine that uses bacteria to convert animal waste to methane in about two weeks. After that, the methane can be used to power anything that normally runs on natural gas, such as a kitchen stove or a heater.
Many Nations Already Use Animal Waste for Fuel
Converting animal waste to fuel may be a new concept for cities in the United States, but the strategy is already well established in several European countries and a number of developing nations, not to mention a handful of U.S. dairy farms that convert waste from dairy cattle into methane that powers farm machinery and saves the farmers thousands of dollars every month.
While it is conceivable that home methane digesters could catch on as an alternative source of household energy, the idea probably isn’t practical. Most individual households don’t produce enough organic waste, such as food scraps and animal feces, or produce it consistently enough to provide a reliable source of energy for an entire home. City and state governments are another matter.
"California sends 40 million tons annually to landfill, and over half of it is organic in nature. It makes sense to look at the alternatives," said Fernando Berton of the California Integrated Waste Management Board. "If we can turn something from a waste into a resource, we should be doing that."
Here's one more view from 1997 that should tell us that this is not a new idea.
This is a major business opportunity for NEO
From what I can see there are lots of different technologies, facilities and skills required for the various approaches to processing human and animal waste, and reasons to expect this to be an explosive growth market in Ameirca and world-wide. So why doesn't this region really focus on feces - we should explore best practices and new technologies and innovations here in this region and in the process encourage this as a cluster where the region can excel in related manufacturing, engineering, etc. In practice, there could be animal waste collection boxes in real neighborhoods where lots of people walk their dogs, like downtown, Coventry, Shaker Square, Tremont, Ohio City, Lakewood, and it could be collected by an entrepreneur who develops a business processing or selling it, etc... lots of best practices to explore!
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urban and rural waste market
not to mention the agricultural waste that need recycling and reuse in Ohio...
RMI addresses methane capture in their study -- Cuyahoga Valley Initiative: A Model for Regeneration This is a 110 page PDF file. Search "Waste to Energy"
Here's a sample:
"Many forms of waste, once regarded as problems, are now being considered opportunities. Innovative businesses are converting waste into useful, profitable resources, including energy. There are two processes in particular for converting wastes into energy that show promise for the Cuyahoga Valley: methane-gas capture at landfills and the gasification of industrial, medical or municipal wastes.
The first process, capturing methane gas from landfills and using it to generate electricity, is a proven, economically viable activity that holds immediate and significant potential for the area.Landfill gas is formed when organic waste in a solid waste landfill decomposes. The gas usually consists of about 50 percent methane (the primary component of natural gas) and about 50 percent carbon dioxide. The methane can be captured and burned to generate electricity, instead of allowing it to be lost into the air.Capturing the gas is also much safer than allowing it to remain within the landfill; deadly explosions of landfill methane gas have occurred at various locations.1
The second process—gasifying industrial, medical and municipal waste, and generating electricity with the resulting gases—holds great potential for the area.In general, this process converts waste into production-ready gas in two stages. First, waste is broken into its constituents by applying heat and pressure in a low-oxygen environment. In effect, it is cooked rather than burned. In the second stage, the resulting gas is cleaned and burned to produce electricity and/or thermal energy. These two stages reduce the amount of pollution that is released when the waste is processed, while simultaneously producing valuable energy."
It would be a good idea to get these reports (there is a follow-up Advancing the Regeneration of the Cuyahoga Valley) into the local business schools for consideration by students as ideas for entreprenuerial initiatives.
Get this in the hands of Ronn Richard
So we need this here to deal with current environmental issues, and it offers alternative energy and other ecnomic benefits, and it offers R&D, manufacturing, engineering and service sector opportunities in several explosive sectors of the global economy... we can take a leadership role with processing waste, and show leadership with environmentalism, or be a customer of those who do as we are forced to deal with our waste and polluton in the future. It seems this offers exactly the types of benefits the Cleveland Foundation and FFOEF are looking for - these persectives should go directly to Ronn Richards now, rather than hope he hears about it trhough some waste working group three years from now. Ronn, you reading realneo?
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CF (in part) paid for it
At the Advanced Energy Forum with Richard and Steubi at CSU, I approached Mr. Richard after the talk and suggested that water is another area of concern and asked him to tell me if the Foundation was looking at watershed issues. He said they had done a study and mentioned some authors whose inclusion made it difficult for his secretary to find the study. After two weeks of searching, the helpful secretary found these studies that had been paid for in part by the Cleveland Foundation. The Gund and Joyce Foundations' helped out, too. This is a fascinating study and provides a plan for regenerating our region. Let's hope it is not, just like so many plans, filed in a drawer. So they've got it, now they just have to have the folks to implement some of these valuable ideas. The science is there, but the people who want to initiate the projects have to get in front of the funders and say, "We are ready to implement this project that your outside consultants said will work for our region."
Is the CF study you mention the same as the CVI study linked abo
Sounds great... Is the CF study you mention the same as the CVI study linked above - I looked at that and it doesn't mention the CF
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search foundation
in Advancing the Regeneration report, the follow-up one listed at the bottom of the post.
Zebra, who is the "we" in CVI? Does one have to be a part of a "we" listed as a business partner? Anyway, whatever it is that they are hatching, I hope they'll turn on the incubator heat and hatch something soon. Time's a wastin'. Maybe the "we" needs to mix in some Ed Morisson style "strategic doing". A communication strategy wouldn't hurt either. This town gets bogged down in leadershipitis and moss grows on stones that don't roll, you know. The port is moving going to wind up somewhere and so apparently is the city of Cleveland. Then where will the river and the region be?
There is a survey we can all take. I don't know how long it has been up there on the CVI site which seemed pretty reporty and static the last time I visited. It says the results of the survey will be psted in January 2006, but it is the end of February, so who knows. I must have missed the call to action in the PD and other news sources when it was launched. Valdis Krebs is developing a network map with the survey. Hopefully it can be updated more readily than the Brain at Ecocity. That one still has dead links to stuff like REI, and though it is still there, it is pretty hard to find in the GCBL cover for the wonderful old Ecocity site. It only scratches the surface of the number of orgs that are actually working for regional sustainability, but it seem to be abandoned.
I bet Holly would be driving Sudhir like a team of horses if he borrowed a lot of cash and launched a business. Then he would be an E for sus and maybe he would then be a viable partner for the river and the region; you know invited to the table to eat with the professionals.
hmm not sure if you are talking to me or not.. but
if you are talking my way... the CVI is funded in part by CF. While CF is suspiciously absent from the "funders' page see /RMI page on the CVI site for the actual funders.
It says:
Funding for work conducted by RMI and E4S on the Cuyahoga Valley Initiative was made possible through the generous support of The Joyce Foundation, The Cleveland Foundation, and The George Gund Foundation, as well as the in-kind contributions of staff time made by RMI and E4S.
Additionally, from the cadre of other consultants involved, I suspect other in-kind contributors and participants / supporters are not listed on this page either... they are listed here:
and as you can see, anybody who is anybody is on deck, including some recipients of the most scrutiny in NE Ohio by OEPA, at least one of the most notorious hazardous waste disposal facilities (that has been discussed in depth on this board), a top 10 methyl ethyl keytone emitter, and creators of brownfields in the flats. These workshop particpants are A-listers ;-) This of course does not effect the credability in my book... I am sure they want to make this a green city on a blue lake as much as the next guy.
Collaboration drives the renaissance of the Cuyahoga Valley. While no means exhaustive, this list of partners illustrates the wide variety of participants behind the Cuyahoga Valley Initiative.
CVI is many things...
But after repeated attempts to support it, and volunteer professional resources, I figured they are not looking for additional support. We formally approached the Planning Commission to donate professional services because the project looked so good three years ago. They said they were all set and were not in need of any additional support. I am sure it is not an insiders club and rather that they are just all squard away.
Then again I heard the planning commission was considering spinning it off a while ago so it could stand on its own two legs. I know there are lots of legs involved. Two primary ones appear to be Rocky Mountain Institute, and their former intern who is firmly at the helm of E4S.
It is a great report, and revisions / updates. I like the touchy feeling about the greener bulkheads, and especially the industrial symbiosis portions. Revitalize the valley. The report costs 500,000+ thousand dollars from what i understand including support to all it entails.
I think it is members only, and you have to be in the in crowd, but I could be wrong.
late to the scatology party?
I don't know whether I'm too late to join in all the scatological talk here, but have we been talking about ZooDoo, which program is a moneymaker for the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo, I understand, and part of an overall educational process? The last time I talked to anybody working in the ecological-scatological zoodoo science-art, it was Nancy Hughes, and she was merchandising the sanitized product at one of our neighborhood events at Art House on Denison.
Poo at the Zoo could be dangerous!
Ya ya 'Poo at the Zoo' is what they use to call it. LOL I like the sanitized new name. Its a great thing they are not sending all that organic waste to the land fill.
The CLE Metroparks Zoo operates a Ohio EPA Class 2 or 3 composting permit in support of this process.
I would be concerned about diseases specifically Johne's (pronounced Yo-knees) unless they keep the temperature of the windrows high enough to knock down diseases. A zoo will never admit to Johne's being present because if the answer is yes, they probably have had to take down loads of critters.
At Busch Gardens in Tampa they keep their animal / organic waste composting windrows about 170 degrees because the disease has been known to be present in ruminant species onsite in the past.
As with anything you need to know your source. Growing plants and having my kids playing in poo fertilizer that came out of animals sourced from a continent thousands of miles away is not going to happen in my yard. Then again I know about all the rumors about Johne's being communicable to people and all the powers that be trying to make sure that it is never proven
Lets see the zoo respond to this concept. Especially since the program is a "money maker". Rest assured the vet staff there should be aware of the problem at parks down south. Some of their folks came over from SeaWorld Ohio's Vet Lab. Top folks.. but at least at SeaWorld, no ruminant experience. This might be off their radar. It most definatly is off the radar of the OEPA. That permit the zoo has for its compost ops, well the local health department inspector is the field enforcement for the agency. It is the same person inspecting their kitchens / food service operations!
Hell this should be an I-Team investigation. What if there was a disease in the compost?
Nancy wont like me for broaching the subject in public I bet.
Does organic go in before zoo-doo comes out?
In the article about using human waste for fertilized in Quebec it said they heat the product and remove metals etc. and then they use a special machine to inject it 6 inches into the soil, to reduce smell, etc. So it seems heating the product would take care of some concerns.
Soes anyone know if the zoo and/or MetroParks are organic or environmentally conscious - do they encourage recycling, use renewable and advanced energy like solar, feed animals organic food, etc.?
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Kim Rassi's Alpacas
Well, about the poop. What I have done since the start (4 years ago) was to put the poop in large piles along with dirty straw, grass, hay, weeds and anything else organic -- sticks -- but no garbage because that would attract animals. The I let the pile sit and "ferment" for along time... at least 1 year. I turn the pile every few months with a front end loader. The poop decomposes into a rich, organic soil and no sign of waste exists that can be detected. Of course, as you know, alpaca poop has no odor, it is odorless, just one more pleasant thing about this species! Then I spread the organic material over the pasture in places that are low, or need more organic material added for grass to thrive. This helps me utilize the poop and keep the cost of commercial fertilizer to a minimum. Fertilizer is VERY expensive, so if I can keep the ground in good condition naturally it is my preferred method. SO, you see, even the poop becomes valuable to me. Someday I may have enough to sell the compost as a soil additive for gardening but not at this time.
thanks for following up Laura
Maybe Norm will visit with his camera and give us a Rassi Alpaca photo banner sometime.
We will go to the Brooklyn Heights location
That is awesome information - good work with the sustainable practices. Evelyn and the kids and I will definitely go check out the Alpaca farm in Brooklyn Heights and put that on the header. Watch for it on realneo within the next week or so. Thanks for the info, Kim, via Laura - great website!
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more on waste
The Humanure Handbook
everything you always wanted to know about crap
Let the composting start in Ohio City
Animal waste recycling could start in my neighborhood (Ohio City). We have a source (lots of local dogs) and a potential composting location (the large community garden on Franklin). This could make Ohio City a better place. Animal waste is a nuisance here. Many people walk their dogs and don't clean up. The tree lawns and even sidewalks are like mine fields. I frequently have to clean off the bottoms of my shoes and my children's shoes after taking a walk. the dog poop problem made kicking around a soccer ball with the kids one weekend a very bad idea. I don't have a dog, but I can't imagine how unpleasant it would be trying to keep your dog from stepping in other dog's feces and then tracking it in your house. Composting could be an incentive to clean things up.
cleaning up after dogs
You know the cat vs. dog issue, right? Cat people and dog people...
I am a dog person. I grew up in a home where my mother refused to have a cat destroying the furniture, but more than that she did not want to have to deal with (read handle) cat litter. We lived in a semi rural area, and our dogs ran free. We did not pick up after them; they crapped in the woods like the deer and other wild critters nearby. It was difficult for me to adapt to picking up after my two mutts when we walk in my Cleveland Heights neighborhood. But when I realized that the dog waste runs untreated to the lake, that convinced me. So I think there is an education factor here.
Check out this ad for cleaning up after your dog.