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NonprofitsDid you know the Air Quality Was Unhealthy for Everyone if not Severe July 27 & 28, 2010?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 07/30/2010 - 10:11.
Dear Senator Brown, Did you know the Air Quality Was Unhealthy for Everyone if not Severe July 27 & 28, 2010? That is what appears buried in the incomplete, deceptive EPA data largely hidden by the Federal government funded City of Cleveland, local EPA, NOACA and Ohio EPA air pollution control services - such data is sometimes possible to locate with great effort by the public, as illustrated in the screenshot above. There is reported a highest 1-hour average PM 2.5 level of 123 - UNHEALTHY FOR ALL - meaning the level spiked much higher during the hour. That was at NOON, in downtown CLEVELAND, July 27, 2010.
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realNEO Quote of the Day: "Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 07/30/2010 - 06:58.
"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." Meaning Literal meaning. Origin
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Dear Senator Brown Organization: realNEO Questions Of The CenturySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 07/28/2010 - 21:47.
Kylie Roulet gasping at astoundingly poor visibility from significant pollution in Cleveland, Ohio - July 28, 2010 - 3:00 PM Dear realNEO: I have forwarded the following request to Senator Sherrod Brown, who I have contacted regarding poor air quality and defective pollution monitoring in Northeast Ohio, and I expect a response this week that I will share with this community for action. Norm
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Has anyone besides me noticed this about Sammy's meltdown in the YouTube assault videoSubmitted by Oldroser on Wed, 07/28/2010 - 21:45.
When he is dropping the F bombs, he sounds like a zombie or a bad high school actor. The words are monotone, spaced equally apart: You-----F word-----idiot.-----I-----am-----going----- But when he is on the phone to Henry, his voice is quite different: Henry!ItsSamy!!!AndI.
The life of Claes - Memories of a 5-year-old, growing up in real NEO - Summer of 2010Submitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 07/27/2010 - 06:18.
Having your bike stolen from your front yard. Getting asthma. Learning your leaders are liars and/or mentally retarded. The life of Claes - Memories of a 5-year-old, growing up in real NEO - Summer of 2010
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Meet Sierra Club Organizer Mattie Reitman In Cleveland Heights To Plan For MCCO EPA Hearing and to "Move Beyond Coal"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/22/2010 - 11:50.
07/24/2010 - 15:00 07/24/2010 - 17:00 Etc/GMT-4 Dear citizens of Northeast Ohio who are concerned about health, prosperity and/or the environment.... There is a coal burning power plant operated by Medical Center Company (MCCO) in University Circle, and another has been planned by MCCO for construction in East Cleveland, and that is harmful to the environment, our economy, and the health and educational achievement and so success in life of all citizens in neighboring communities, like Cleveland, East Cleveland and Cleveland Heights, and regionally and worldwide. This Saturday, 3-5 PM - at Peace Park and around Coventry Village, in Cleveland Heights - you are encouraged to meetup with a representative of the Sierra Club to learn more about the pollution and harm caused by MCCO - and alternatives to burning coal in your neighborhood. Location
Coventry Entrance to Peace Park
Corner of Euclid Heights and Coventry Shaded sculpture area
Cleveland Heights, OH United States
See map: Google Maps
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Meet Sierra Club Organizer Mattie Reitman In East Cleveland To Plan For MCCO EPA Hearing and to "Move Beyond Coal"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/22/2010 - 11:40.
07/23/2010 - 17:00 07/23/2010 - 19:00 Etc/GMT-4 Dear citizens of Northeast Ohio who are concerned about health, prosperity and/or the environment.... There is a coal burning power plant operated by Medical Center Company (MCCO) in University Circle, and another has been planned by MCCO for construction in East Cleveland, and that is harmful to the environment, our economy, and the health and educational achievement and so success in life of all citizens in neighboring communities, like Cleveland, East Cleveland and Cleveland Heights, and regionally and worldwide. This Friday, 5-7 PM, you are encouraged to meet a representative of the Sierra Club to learn more about the pollution and harm caused by MCCO, and alternatives to burning coal in your neighborhood - the Sierra Club is supporting our community to "Move Beyond Coal" and in preparation for a Federal EPA hearing on the renewal of the permit for the MCCO plant to continue burning coal in your neighborhood - August 10, 2010, 4:30-6:45 PM at the MLK Branch of the Cleveland Public Library You are encouraged to attend that public meeting to speak out against needless pollution of your neighborhoods and families by MCCO, to "Move Beyond Coal". Location
The Chateau
13124 Euclid Ave. Free parking on Euclid, sidestreets and in rear
East Cleveland, OH 44112United States
See map: Google Maps
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Site Survey for MCCO Powerplant and Green City Blue Lake Institute RelocationsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 07/19/2010 - 13:40.
As shall be made abundantly clear before August 10, 2010, when "EPA Hosting Public Hearing to Discuss Citizen Concerns Over MCCO University Circle Coal Powerplant Permit Renewal", over 20 major University Circle institutions including Case Western Reserve University, University Hospitals and the Cleveland Natural History Museum - home of the "sustainability"-oriented "Green City Blue Lake Institute" - are connected to utility services provided by the Medical Center Company, which burns coal in the heart of a residential community of University Circle, bordering East Cleveland, Cleveland Heights and the Little Italy neighborhood of Cleveland. Burning coal causes pollution that kills people and the MCCO coal plant is very old and very dirty - one of the most polluting point sources in Ohio.
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Sent to Mayor's Action Line, which has been quite responsive latelySubmitted by Oldroser on Mon, 07/19/2010 - 08:03.
It being the only way I know to reach Mayor Jackson about the Sammy Catania problem. Subject: Mayor, please exert leverage, we are once again given a very bad image that may be long lasting
Should we have a even a slim chance of hosting the Democratic Nominating Convention, I would not be surprised if competing cities managed to refer to if not show the truly disgusting YouTube video of Sammy Catania verbally, profanely, and profusely attacking Guy Templeton Black, a 71 year old man, at great length, and ultimately physically attacking him. At the end Sammy is identified as a member of Tremont Development West, not a mafia gang as one would expect. This man is a gangster, not a gentleman, and has no business representing any part of our city, no matter what his skills with bars, restaurants and developers.
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Site Survey for realNEO Brightest Greenest ValleySubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 07/19/2010 - 01:52.
Site Survey for realNEO Brightest Greenest Valley Development Properties
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Art for TWDC: Woman Walks into Bar - Is Raped by Four Men on the Pool Table - While 20 WatchSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 07/17/2010 - 07:57.
Organized crime means people organizing together to commit crime - like leaders of development corporations, councilmen, the mayor, police and prosecutors, and business owners organizing to violate city laws, ordinances and human rights in Tremont. While the most obvious examples of organized crimes in Tremont have been intentional, collusive, proactive violations of restaurant building, parking, patio, occupancy, handicapped accessibility, waste management, property, health and safety laws and ordinances, recent incidents involving reported gunplay and documented violence by TWDC staff and their friends against Guy Templeton Black prove there is a violent organized crime syndicate in Tremont, willing, able, and happy to inflict physical harm upon the weak.
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In Case You Are Wondering If The Cleveland Plain Dealer Will Cover The Pollution From MCCO?!?!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/15/2010 - 14:09.
In Case You Are Wondering If The Cleveland Plain Dealer Will Cover The Pollution From MCCO?!?!... Will the plain Dealer promote the upcoming EPA hearing on the licensing of the MCCO coal burning plant that provides steam heat to University Hospitals, among over 20 University Circle institutions...
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The first rule of the Art Of Surviving Cleveland is PROTECT YOUR DNA!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/15/2010 - 13:00.
The first rule of the Art Of Surviving Cleveland is PROTECT YOUR DNA! As reported on realNEO: "what we have learned after sampling and genetically profiling many gull families is that colonies close to integrated steel mills transmit DNA mutations to their offspring more frequently than those at rural sites. In addition, the closer the colony to steel mills, the higher the mutation rate". Further, "Our genetic analyses of environmentally exposed mice revealed that offspring from the steel site inherited nearly double the frequency of DNA mutations compared to their rural counterparts. Clearly, air pollution near integrated steel mills can induce genetic damage. At this time we cannot identify the class of chemical pollutant responsible, but suggest that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, by-products of coal combustion, are a likely candidate." In other words, and further: if you want to live a long, healthy, normal life and perhaps have offspring... DON'T live, work, eat, visit or play near a steel mill or any coal-burning facility... DON'T DO THIS:
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Taste Of Tremont - Friday, July 16 - 9AM - 1 PM - Pierogies for Sale at Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic ChurchSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 07/14/2010 - 22:16.
07/16/2010 - 09:00 07/16/2010 - 13:00 Etc/GMT-4 Because Cleveland has an awesome Ukrainian community - one of MY communities - still rooted in Tremont, it is possible to visit Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church on W.7th at College, on Fridays from 9AM - 1 PM, to purchase what are certainly the most authentic and excellent pierogies possible on Earth. I haven't been in years so plan to visit this Friday, in celebration of Taste of Tremont... for good... for real. Location
Saints Peter and Paul Ukrainian Catholic Church
2280 West 7th Street W. 7th and College (Tremont)
Cleveland, OH 44113-4599United States
(216) 861-2176
See map: Google Maps
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Air Quality Advisory for Northeast Ohio - Thursday, July 15, 2010 - Ozone - Hot summer, folks!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 07/14/2010 - 13:57.
07/15/2010 - 00:00 07/16/2010 - 00:00 Etc/GMT-4 NOTE: So far this year, NE Ohio has experienced ozone exceedances of the USEPA health-based standard on April 15, May 27, June 18, and July 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 15. Hot summer, folks!
Northeast Ohio
Your Street The Air You Breathe
Your City, OH United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories:
Dine Out For Peace July 13 at Indian FlameSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 07/11/2010 - 03:20.
07/13/2010 - 17:00 07/13/2010 - 22:00 Etc/GMT-4 I have been meaning to give this place a try ever since they opened (earlier this year, I believe)... right by the Euc - and now I have a very good reason: Dine Out For Peace July 13 at Indian Flame Location
Indian Flame
11623 Euclid Ave. University Circle
Cleveland, OH 44106United States
See map: Google Maps
An Open Letter From Someone Who Matters About Something That Matters To Real Citizens of NEOSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 07/09/2010 - 09:12.
As highlighted in my posting on realNEO July 8, 2010 - "Texas regulators are failing to properly monitor, control and enforce federal emission standards! Like in Ohio?!" - I've concluded that "Ohio regulators are failing to properly monitor, control and enforce federal emission standards, and that I believe that political, business and environmental leadership are hiding the violations of polluters by causing ineffective and so publicly harmful and dangerous pollution control practices here, which are made possible by government failure here to really monitor, control and enforce federal emission standards." Further, I make clear, "the Sierra Club and the Federal EPA are taking legal action AGAINST the Texas STATE REGULATORS and the world's largest corporations because they are not in fact protecting the environment, as required by the Federal government," I go on to report "I have been compiling evidence of corrupt and/or incompetent pollution control in Ohio for many years, and have now formally requested the help of the Sierra Club and their affiliates around the world to force change upon Ohio regulators who are failing to properly monitor, control and enforce federal emission standards here." I conclude: "As I am seeking real, good outcomes for here - elimination of physical harm from Mittal and other excessive polluters in this region - like being realized through real environmentalism in Texas, my role in this community is not Mr. Nice Guy. I am the uncompromising polluter-killer who makes the Sierra Club seem like a breath of cool fresh air on an astoundingly dangerous Cleveland July afternoon, like today..." Right on cue, like a breathe of fresh air, I recieved copies today of correspondence from the Sierra Club addressing this very issue, and I asked permission to share that on realNEO as public information and motivation for citizens to engage the government on these issues
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Texas regulators are failing to properly monitor, control and enforce federal emission standards! Like in Ohio?!Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/08/2010 - 17:20.
Real bicycle commuter riding to work in a lumber yard in the Cleveland Flats. His work didn't cause this smog. Why am I so hostile toward Ohio leadership? Must be the poison in the air! And, the life in hell lived by real environmentalists. Consider what is necessary to clean up the air in environmentally-compromised Texas, where "Environmental groups say Exxon Mobil refinery violates U.S. air law" - "The environmental groups' legal maneuvers are part of broader accusations by the organizations and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that Texas regulators are failing to properly monitor, control and enforce federal emission standards." You think it is any easier to deal with the greatest corruption on Earth - the corruption of our environmental laws - right here in highly corrupt, polluted, old-economy Northeast Ohio?
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US EPA Forecast for Cleveland-Akron-Lorain, OH - Thursday, July 8, 2010 - 2nd Worst Air Pollution in AmericaSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 07/08/2010 - 00:47.
07/08/2010 - 00:00 07/08/2010 - 13:59 Etc/GMT-4 Now in our sixth day of high temperatures, high humidity, high levels of air pollution harm and considerable human suffering, the Cleveland-Akron-Lorain area of Ohio now has the distinction of being on the U.S. EPA's Forecast list of 5 worst pollution locations in the county for July 8, 2010 - and our pollution monitoring equipment is not working consistently in the region, so our air pollution is likely worse than recorded and/or reported by the EPA. So, if the EPA finds real NEO #2 in America for pollution, I'm quite sure we are in fact #1. Not a reason for LeBron to remain in Cleveland. Definitely a reason to stop burning coal in Northeast Ohio and world-wide. ( categories:
Air Quality Advisory Extended for Northeast Ohio - Thursday, July 8, 2010 - Ozone and Fine ParticlesSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 07/07/2010 - 11:44.
07/08/2010 - 00:00 07/08/2010 - 23:59 Etc/GMT-4 Air Quality Advisory Extended for Northeast Ohio Location
Northeast Ohio
Your street Your world
Your city, OH United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories:
EPA AirNow Forecast for Cleveland-Akron-Lorain, OH - July 7, 2010 - Unhealthy For Sensitive GroupsSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 07/07/2010 - 00:28.
07/07/2010 - 00:00 07/07/2010 - 23:59 Etc/GMT-4 By all standards, the environment in Northeast Ohio this week is harmful for all citizens. In addition to daytime temperatures in the 90s, there are high levels of pollution in the air - the region has been under air pollution advisory conditions since July 3 and the crisis is far from over. While our temperatures are not as high as some parts of the Eastern United States, the pollution is worse in few places in the country... only conditions in southern Ohio and parts of Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Kentucky are as poor or worse right now. And much of our regional pollution monitoring equipment is broken right now, so our conditions may be far worse than reported. Location
Northeast Ohio
All Streets
All Cities, OH 44112United States
See map: Google Maps
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Daily Air Quality Forecast for Cleveland-Akron-Lorain: Sunday, July 4: Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups - ORANGE - OzoneSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sat, 07/03/2010 - 23:17.
07/04/2010 - 00:00 07/04/2010 - 23:59 Etc/GMT-4
Cleveland-Akron-Lorain, OH
Your Neighborhood Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
Northeast, OH United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories:
Daily Air Quality Forecast for Cleveland-Akron-Lorain: Saturday, July 3: Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups - ORANGE for OzoneSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 07/02/2010 - 21:25.
07/03/2010 - 00:00 07/03/2010 - 23:59 Etc/GMT-4 ![]()
For additional information concerning the air quality forecast, contact one of the following agencies, or visit http://airohio.epa.state.ohs . Location
All Northeast Ohio
All, OH United States
See map: Google Maps ( categories:
Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Ohio - Center for Integrative Environmental Research, University of Maryland - July, 2008Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 06/27/2010 - 23:56.
Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Ohio - July 2008 CONCLUSIONS: The state of Ohio's greatest challenge is likely to be in adapting to climate change along its waterways and on Lake Erie, as this is where the most significant economic and ecological impacts will occur. Building and maintaining an alternative transportation infrastructure would allow Ohio to maintain its vibrant manufacturing industry amidst sea-shipping uncertainty, but the costs of the sort of adaptation needs to first be researched. Natural areas such as forests and lakes will suffer from climate change. The ecological integrity of Ohio’s natural landscape will be threatened in the coming century and it is recommended that management of resources be carefully monitored to ensure the wellbeing of the economic and cultural functions that depend on them. Lastly, because flooding events are likely to occur more often, preparations to prevent and mitigate floods and flood related disasters could be made ahead of time.
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When Capitalism Meets Cannabis - New York Times - June 25, 2010Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 06/27/2010 - 20:59.
Benjamin Rasmussen for The New York Times When Capitalism Meets CannabisBy DAVID SEGAL - Published: June 25, 2010 BOULDER, Colo. ANYONE who thinks it would be easy to get rich selling marijuana in a state where it’s legal should spend an hour with Ravi Respeto, manager of the Farmacy, an upscale dispensary here that offers Strawberry Haze, Hawaiian Skunk and other strains of Cannabis sativa at up to $16 a gram. She will harsh your mellow. “No M.B.A. program could have prepared me for this experience,” she says, wearing a cream-colored smock made of hemp. “People have this misconception that you just jump into it and start making money hand over fist, and that is not the case.” Since this place opened in January, it’s been one nerve-fraying problem after another. Pot growers, used to cash-only transactions, are shocked to be paid with checks and asked for receipts. And there are a lot of unhappy surprises, like one not long ago when the Farmacy learned that its line of pot-infused beverages could not be sold nearby in Denver. Officials there had decided that any marijuana-tinged consumables had to be produced in a kitchen in the city.
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