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Solar PowerOhio Solar Tour - This WeekendSubmitted by Charles Frost on Fri, 10/05/2007 - 09:46.
This weekend...
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Solar Powered Vending MachineSubmitted by Charles Frost on Wed, 09/26/2007 - 20:30.
Location has always been the key to selling products, this machine has no restriction. Wherever the customers, the machine can be placed, static or mobile. It has its own internal supply of DC energy. Should power cuts occur, it will carry on operating when conventional machine stop. No matter if the skies are grey, rain or even at night, 365 days a year.
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PRAISE OUR SUNSHINESubmitted by Jeff Buster on Thu, 09/20/2007 - 09:20.
Another Reason To ♥ Solar PowerSubmitted by Charles Frost on Thu, 06/28/2007 - 13:25.
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Even the Pope is "Going Solar"Submitted by Charles Frost on Wed, 06/06/2007 - 06:26.
Leaders of all sorts are keen for green right now. It's trendy for a start, so a guaranteed popularity boost. And also, to drop the cynicism shield for a second, it's possible that these people really care about the environment. In the UK, as we approach election time, we have seen Tony Blair and David Cameron attempting to install various alternative energy devices on their homes, with equally disastrous results. Celebrities are falling over each other to get into either a Prius or a Tesla, and even the Pope is doing his part.
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Solar Power - How About A Level "Playing Field"?Submitted by Charles Frost on Thu, 05/31/2007 - 13:21.
It is unimaginable to me that a technologically advanced civilization would readily commit environmental and economic suicide when we have most of the necessary clean tech tools already developed. Not effectively leveling this cost comparison playing field now is one step closer to that potential unimaginable outcome.
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A Solar Option For Your Prius!!! (or other hybrid)Submitted by Charles Frost on Thu, 05/31/2007 - 12:23.
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07.05.27 Header of the Day: Edwin at the Inner CircleSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 05/27/2007 - 01:53.
Located in the heart of the historic Hough Bakeries Complex is the Inner Circle, a weekend club and reception facility operated for the past 7 years by the Hot Sauce Williams family. Starting shortly, operation of the Inner Circle will expand to extended hours every day, featuring a cybercafe, meeting space, computer terminals, free wifi, independent film, the Linux Cafe, art, culture, and great food, coffee, and even wine tastings, via a broader partnership of friends. This pan is from the deck and patio area, and features Guyanese chef and reggae performer and DJ Edwin, who will help operate the Inner Circle, shown with Hot Sauce Williams founder LeMaud Williams, as well.
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Give solar energy chanceSubmitted by Charles Frost on Sat, 05/19/2007 - 20:44.
Give solar energy chance Give solar energy chance By Andrew Korfhage In the early 1980s, the future looked bright for solar energy. The Carter administration had published the report "A New Prosperity," detailing how emerging technologies and smart policy could together help the United States meet 28 percent of its electricity needs from renewable sources by the year 2000. Before he left office, President Jimmy Carter installed a solar thermal water heater on the roof of the White House, and the government extended federal solar energy tax credits to homeowners so they could do the same.
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Earth's Favorite Car?Submitted by Charles Frost on Wed, 05/16/2007 - 08:06.
As a leading developer, manufacturer and supplier of electric vehicles, we thrive on providing drivers with choices they can feel good about. Working with our internationally respected partners, we’re bringing the world’s finest zero-emission vehicles to you—setting a new standard for what electric vehicles can be. The culmination of this passion for quality, the ZENN™, the only luxury NEV (Neighborhood Electric Vehicle) on the market.
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"TOO FAR NORTH FOR FLAT SOLAR" - Jeff BusterSubmitted by Charles Frost on Tue, 05/08/2007 - 09:05.
US National Archives & Records Administration Facility,
University Circle Blog on Joe Stanley and "Design for people, not institutions"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 17:46.
It is very nice to see my favorite real urban planner Joe Stanley featured on Lee Batdorff's very informative University Circle Blog - and thanks to Joe for mentioning us here at realneo! We set up and host his site, which is one of the best uses of Drupal in this region, and presents excellent work by a talented planner and designer. Joe is working on all the community development projects I'm involved with, including overall East Cleveland planning and the Star Intergenerational Neighborhood planning and The Intergenerational School, along with other work Joe does independently. ( categories:
Just A Nice Perspective On Solar PowerSubmitted by Charles Frost on Thu, 04/26/2007 - 07:26.
****(....this is part of a series of articles, and the author is just finishing up the building of his workshop)****
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ECOSSystem - Extending Community Open Source SystemSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 04/25/2007 - 17:20.
While not currently a powerhouse in Free Open Source Software (FOSS), Northeast Ohio is positioned to begin excelling with FOSS in some very strategic ways that may add great value to the regional economy. Because of FOSS, we may now bridge the digital divide more quickly and completely here than has any other large urban center in America, we may soon have the highest percentage of workforce properly educated for the new economy, and we may lead the world in some fields of application development and technology innovation with global, open standards, all if the region now embraces FOSS.. ( categories:
Leading the World in SOLAR POWERSubmitted by Serendipity on Wed, 04/18/2007 - 15:56.
If you thought you needed to have solar panels in extremely sunny places to make it worth while, then think again! Germany is leading the world in energy produced by the sun. This fact does not surprise me. The Germans have been energy savvy for a long time. I remember a trip to Münich in 1990, when I was amazed at the advanced system they had in place for commuters on bicycles. Not only did they have separate bicycle lanes in the busy roads, but they even had traffic lights specifically for cyclists. If Germany can produce 1,000 Kilowatt hours per square meter per year, from solar power alone, imagine what places with extremely sunny climates can do. However, the point is, it does not matter how little sun there is, anything is better than nothing. Got Solar Power?
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TOD update from Richard McDougald Enty, Planning Team Leader, Programming & Planning Department, GCRTASubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 03/28/2007 - 17:02.
I received an informative email this afternoon from Richard McDougald Enty, Planning Team Leader, Programming & Planning Department, Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, about some of their Transit Oriented Development initiatives and vision. It is very exciting to see this as an active subject for discussion and planning here. I am a strong supporter of Transit Oriented Development and consider it the core foundation on which we should rebuild the City of Cleveland and surrounding suburbs. Here is the vision from RTA: ( categories:
Giants to put solar panels on AT&T ParkSubmitted by Charles Frost on Thu, 03/22/2007 - 12:20.
By Ryan Quinn / Special to
| SAN FRANCISCO -- The port walk outside of AT&T Park is known for McCovey Cove and the many splash hits from Barry Bonds. The 2007 season will feature something new at the port walk, as the Giants and Pacific Gas and Electric announced on Wednesday that 590 solar panels will be placed on the outside of the stadium. ( categories: )
Mix One Part Solar With Two Parts Art...Submitted by Charles Frost on Sun, 03/04/2007 - 16:29.
From the Burning Man activities out west a couple of years ago...
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Mix One Part Solar With One Part Art....Submitted by Charles Frost on Fri, 03/02/2007 - 14:17.
Well, this seems a good place to share one of my fun things. I have found a number of enjoyable solar photos on the web over the last few years by using the Google Image search (one of those blue links on their home page). So, I thought I might post some of my favorites from time to time... sort of my version of Evelyn Kiefer's most enjoyable "Monet of the Day" series: ( categories: )
Radiating from The Star, transformational redevelopment is coming soon to Cleveland and East ClevelandSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Tue, 12/26/2006 - 01:42.
Since late June, 2006, a growing team of innovative community leaders has been working together with Lamond Williams, the owner of Hot Sauce Williams BBQ, and East Cleveland Mayor Eric Brewer and Community Development Director Tim Goler, and government leadership in Cleveland, to determine how best to redevelop the historic Hough Bakery Complex, formerly the Star Bakery, which Lamond also owns. The objective is to use that redevelopment as a catalyst for transformation of the neighborhoods surrounding that significant property, located on Lakeview, partially in both Cleveland and East Cleveland. On the map above, the Star Complex is in magenta, and the green circle marks a 1/2 mile radius surrounding that - the other colored areas are key neighborhoods and assets within that radius. ( categories:
Thoughts from Panel discussion on "Sustainable, Affordable, Innovative Housing Design in Cleveland"Submitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 12/08/2006 - 18:38.
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What should word of the year "Carbon Neutral" mean to NEO's future?Submitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 18:27.
As an excellent sign of the times, on November 13, 2006 it was announced "Carbon Neutral" is the Oxford American Dictionary Word of the Year. Unlike what is typically defined here as underpinnings of sustainability, being Business as Agents of World Benefit, I see this trend toward individual social responsibility reflects the real world, being Individuals as the Agents of World Benefit, and, in fact, I believe it is only through individuals as agents that businesses act as agents of anything, and so the rising of Carbon Neutral as the word of the year is very hopeful for the future of the world... this reflects social consciousness becoming mainstream. ( categories:
Now this is progress: Green Affordable Housing showing at CIASubmitted by Norm Roulet on Mon, 11/20/2006 - 18:01.
Cleveland Institute of Art Reinberger Gallery Director Bruce Checefsky has a deep personal interest in green affordable housing, so I was not surprised to learn the CIA was hosting an exhibition on the subject. Still, when I had the pleasure to preview the show "The Home House Project", I was overwhelmed by the breadth and originality of the content. This is an innovative exhibition on innovation in planning, design, construction and architecture, which is timely and opportune to help this community move from generally bland, resource depleting sprawl to intelligent community redevelopment for an age of global conservation, smart planning, urban renewal and economic transformation. This show is all about visioning our new economy at its foundations, literally, as it explores 100s of concepts for building "green" affordable housing... the anti-McMansion show came to town, and it is fascinating.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus has a green homeSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Fri, 11/10/2006 - 01:32.
I just caught Julia Louis-Dreyfus on the Kimmel Show and Jimmy mentioned to Julia that he heard she has a solar home, and she expanded to say it has solar power, heat and hot water, recycled fiber carpet, renewable wood, etc... also drives an electric car. Imagine if those in the media in NEO bothered to be socially conscious like this, and the media here promoted that. Imagine if the newscasters here bothered to live green. Louis-Dreyfus is politically active and otherwise socially conscious, yet seems very unassuming. Good for her - step up NEO media leaders... get green and then feel free to brag about it!
Fascinating alternative energy entrepreneur in Toronto: founder of Beach Solar LaundromatSubmitted by Norm Roulet on Wed, 11/08/2006 - 15:13.
Dozens of best practices to be learned in this posting... From the North Coast of Lake Ontario comes the following story of an entrepreneur for sustainability in Toronto who has found “There is no longer a paradigm conflict, Renewable energy doesn’t have to cost more”. This entrepreneur, Alex Winch, found his strategy for retrofitting a run-down Laundromat to solar has paid off... "He’s kept prices low—lower than his competition—while tripling revenues and charting an annual 10% rate of return on investment." I'm exploring working with Alex and Toronto-based glass and neon artist Alfred Engerer to use solar and perhaps wind to generate the electricity for a major off-the-grid, hand blown neon installation in Toronto, while, in the big picture, Mondial is looking to go public. As you'll read below, "Alex Winch puts his money where his mouth is and, these days, he laughs all the way to the bank." For all the attention leadership of this community puts on renewable energy, what do we really have to show in the community. Perhaps a NEO Solar Laundromat would be the best next step. ( categories:
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