Advocates fight coal extracting, mountaintop removal
Submitted by Eternity on Thu, 10/01/2009 - 13:20.

Inter Press Service - Environmental groups across the southeast United States, from Georgia to the Appalachia region, are stepping up their opposition to a controversial but widespread practice by coal companies of removing the tops of mountains with explosives.
Atlanta-based activist Darci Rodenhi recently organised an ad hoc group called Mountain Justice GA, which lobbied the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Atlanta regional office to reject 79 new permits for mountaintop removal.
The EPA denied the permits earlier this month, saying the applications were in violation of the Clean Water Act. Advocates see the move as a victory because it was the first set of permits to come before the EPA since President Barack Obama took office in January 2009. Read more.
I went to the event in Akron
I went to the event in Akron about three weeks ago, the documentary about mountain top removal... It's a pretty disgusting practice. It's disturbing that even Sharrod Brown touted "clean coal" as part of his run for Senate. I understand the need to NOT allienate the S.E. part of the state and caress the influential mining union down there, but this shyte has got to stop. One thing they didn't talk about in the documentary was the impact of mountain top removal on migratory birds. It's screwing with their migration patterns. not good for nature.
Here here! I second the motion.
We have choices--GOOD choices.