American Tragedy

Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 03/21/2010 - 10:38.

This is an insane time of year for parents, kids and teens in the City of Cleveland. Besides the Ohio Achievement tests and the general chaos imposed upon our community by the senseless Transformation Plan--most are also scrambling for ways to keep their kids occupied during the summer.

Sadly, even jobs traditionally available to teenagers like camp counselors and lifeguarding are now desperately sought out by adults. 

And, the tragedy of it all?--I have encouraged many teens to seek lifeguard positions with the City of Cleveland Summer Pools and their response?  

I don't know how to swim...I don't know how to ride a bike.  

This is America?



For parents interested in the Youth Technology Academy, please follow this blog and stay tuned for participating sites listed for this summer.

realNEO may help some young artists and geeks

Besides cutting grass and washing cars, my first "job" was at Dodd's Shaker Square, at age 15 - I had already studied photography for several years at CIA, had a darkroom, was an exhibited and professional photographer, and had bought myself an excellent Nikon F2s set-up, all with my chore money, so I was qualified - I was making sales with commission and a nice discount (the biggest benefit) before I could drive. Dodd's is still around and I shop there for all my local photo needs - and they still have very nice, informed staff... go to the downtown location for the best selection.

My older daugher is already working at a grocery store in Texas, at 16 - perhaps she'll go into urban agriculture... they have Texas A&M down the road...

So going out and finding jobs young seems to run in the family.

I'd suggest any young person in NEO looking for a job get a realNEO account and post what they may do here - network with some people - we can even set up a special "exchange" for them - there are jobs but people need to be connected in ways other than through family and politics.

Showing off on realNEO may help some young artists and geeks land some great work around town - perhaps with ICEarth - if you know IT, it's the place to be.

Disrupt IT

Finding summer work

The Brooklyn Centre neighborhood of Cleveland is a great place to live, especially, if you have teenage kids--many job opportunities are within walking distance.  Consider your options. 

Remember to coach your kids in the basics of self-respect and respect for others.  It goes a long way in this world and it will help them to get that foot in the door!