Submitted by Eternity on Sun, 10/11/2009 - 11:23.

Bloomberg - Billionaire George Soros, looking to address the “political problem” of climate change, said he will invest $1 billion in clean-energy technology and create an organization to advise policy makers on environmental issues.
Soros, the founder of hedge fund Soros Fund Management LLC, announced the investment in Copenhagen yesterday at a meeting on climate change sponsored by Project Syndicate. The group is an international association made up of 430 newspapers from 150 countries.
“I want to apply rather stringent criteria to the investments,” said Soros in an e-mailed message. “They should be profitable but should also actually make a contribution to solving the problem.”
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Soros lived through what has been described as the most horrible period of our century and, yet, he probably had no idea at the time, what was happening, because his father managed to play the game of masquerade.
Self-interest ruled then, and it rules now. How long does it take for everyone to realize that this not a chance to make a buck-- this is an end-game.
Perhaps Compassion and Profit Can Coexist
Challenging circumstances call for creative resolution, and this is especially true when one thinks an epic crisis that involves war and genocide. Though, whatever each specific situation, it is my belief that being a compassionate person, does not have to mean having to be poor or live a life of paralyzing fear.
Currently I've been deeply engaged in a multitude of Bauhaus celebrations, as this year is that little German's school's 90th anniversary. In reference to what you (lmcshane) write about George Soros' father and his World War experiences, the Bauhaus and those affiliated also had their lives deeply disrupted as a result of those wars, which let us not forget, ended with a double nuclear bang when the US mercilessly bombed Japan's Hiroshima and Nagasaki...after Japan had essentially surrendered. When one thinks of modernist architecture (not to stray too far off the subject of Soros) were it not for WWII, modernism would not have had a reason to cross the Atlantic and come to America, as almost all of the great modernist that we think of today--Breuer--Gropius--van der Rohe--Anni Albers---Josef Albers--Le Courbusier==Bayer--et all, came to the US to escape the horror going on in Europe at that time, the 1930's. Indeed, had Gropius and Breuer not come to America, the great reputation that Havard gained for it's architectural department and almost all the great architecture and architectural education relating to modernism in Chicago, Boston, LA, Raleigh, Cleveland, Atlanta, NYC and elsewhere simply would not have been realized--not exist.
So, in other words, circumstances of horror (if you will) like Hurricane Katrina and other "natural" disasters largely a consequence of our disastrous energy policies, may also find themselves offering up silver linings as more people like Soros find opportunity in tragedy by avoiding the type of capitalism that Michael Moore so rightly vilifies; instead engaging in a more equitable and sane form of heartfelt, hard-working, profit earning.
SIDEBAR: If you happen to be at a Barnes & Noble anytime soon, pick up a copy of the latest issue of ArtWorks magazine, and you'll find my latest article entitled "The Digital Dilemma." And just a little FYI, in December I have another piece scheduled to be published in ArtWorks as well (relating directly to the Bauhaus' 90th anniversary) with a working title of "The Bauhaus Effect."
Thanks Eternity--I agree with how you interpret Soros' intentions. There is ignorance, delusion, naivete and, then, there is optimism. Soros' father learned how to rewrite the rules to the game. He didn't necessarily play the game to kill*, although currency trading is definitely a game.
My grandfather worked in trade relations in Budapest at the same time as Soros father. Their paths had to cross--and I have spent a lifetime wondering what compromises were made to save a family during war.
When I read Tivadar Soros autobiography, I was struck by his optimism and his spirit. He was determined to enjoy his life and he managed to get his swim in at the club, while the bombs were falling.
How does one retain a sense of humanity during insane times? We need to constantly ask ourselves the same question today. Are we making money at the expense of someone else.
Tragedy should not be an opportunity, but that is the scenario we are living under today--opportunists out to take advantage of others, especially the "poor, the elderly, and the disadvantaged."
Vultures are part of the food chain, but I would hope that we can arrive to a society with more producers, balanced consumerism, and less ruthless scavengers.
And, thank you for the tip-off to your article in Artworks--I will check it out. You and I share a deep respect for the Bauhaus movement. That we can always agree upon--yes?!
(*and, as you mention Esperanto--Tivadar Soros desperately recognized the need to improve human communication in the struggle to achieve world peace--a daily struggle here at REALNEO,too :)