Ed Hauser: investigator MC
Submitted by Lee Batdorff on Wed, 11/19/2008 - 23:54.
Ed Hauser was a marathon master of ceremonies who composed his strategies and tactics like a popular big band leader. He used stanzas of law: our rights, motivating us to attend his Citizen’s Vision preservation and improvement events. These “concerts” were held at government public hearings and protest rallies. Like a music fan, I dug his approachable literature and documentary video cameras, the line of thoughtful speakers with him, and his pointed legality at an Ohio Department of Transportation hearing.
The hearing featured ODOT’s shabby treatment of a potential complete revamp (and improvement) of the Innerbelt’s big bad bridge.
After opening up public records with the digging he’d done—the powers that be, (and there were many for Citizen Hauser)—took notice of the multiplicity of people he gathered behind him. Ed built tunnels into the power elite, found soft spots then probed vigorously. That was his music. You could say he used tunnel echo to raise thoughtful concern and action among the rest of us.
Orchestrating our liberties to work for the public good was Ed’s tune. I will miss him.
Lee Batdorff
DJ Hauser - Civic “Orchestrator”
Hello Lee – your metaphor - Ed as a stand up big band leader or DJ spinning Civic vinyl - is right on point.
Before getting up and speaking at the meetings he attended, Ed would prepare his oral preparation with a “test run” - on several of his friends before the meeting - of the comments he intended to make at the hearing . Ed would prepare documents beforehand, handing copies out to the audience and to the board members before and after the meeting. He would set up his video cam without being awkward or self consciousness. He would wait for the right time to stand up and address the gathering.
Yes, Besides being such a devote citizen, Ed was an “orchestrator” and choreographer too, and I, like you Lee, really enjoyed attending Ed’s events and watching and listening to Ed do his thing.