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Cuyahoga County Land Bank- Gus Frangos President Con Artist? JESUS!!!!Submitted by Gone Fishin on Sun, 02/17/2013 - 20:27.
Is Gus Frangos , President of the Cuyahoga County Land Bank, really a solution to the foreclosure crisis, or is Frangos nothing more than a con artist who has actually contributed to the foreclosure crisis? In my opinion - which is based upon the following information obtained via public records- Gus Frangos is nothing more than a con artist. A con artist in charge of all of Cuyahoga County tax payer's property. A very risky situation. The above property is located at 6311 St Clair Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio. According to county records, Gus Frangos was the sole owner of this property prior to Gus Frangos incorporating a LLC and transferring the property to the self-created LLC, 6311 St Clair LLC. Gus Frangos obtained a mortgage on this property and agreed to be 'individually' responsible for the repayment of the mortgage in the amount of $98,231.00
Gus Frangos failed to repay the loan and a lawsuit was filed against Frangos, Case No. CV 12 780529. According to county records, the property located at 6311 St Clair is tax delinquent in the amount of $6,875.22.
The above property is located at 1188 East 61st Street in Cleveland, Ohio. Gus Frangos was the sole owner of this property prior to transferring the property to 1188 East 61 Apartments, LLC. According to county records, Frangos received a mortgage in the amount of $100,000 for this property: And Gus Frangos signed the mortgage paperwork as being the owner of 1188 East 61 LLC
The deed was transferred to a new alleged owner for the selling price of $169,000. I did an extensive search attempting to find the mortgage release relative to this property assuming that Gus Frangos would pay off the $100,000 mortgage on the property after he allegedly sold the property for $169,000. I was unable to find a mortgage release for this property. Now the property is vacant and deteriorating- contributing to the foreclosure crisis. Delinquent property taxes owed $ $8,952.15.
The above property is located at 1158 East 61st Street in Cleveland, Ohio. The property transferred into another Gus Frangos' self-created LLC, 1158 East 61st Street LLC and was purchased for $125,000. According to county records, Gus Frangos received and signed a mortgage for this property in the amount of $175,000
I did an extensive search attempting to find the mortgage release relative to this property assuming that Gus Frangos would pay off the $175,000 mortgage on the property. I was unable to find a mortgage release for this property. This property is vacant and certainly was NEVER worth $175,000. Tax delinquent in the amount of $17,220.04. A delinquent property tax foreclosure was recently granted for this property and ordered for sheriff sale - contributing to the foreclosure crisis. The property will be up for sheriff auction twice. If there are no bidders, the property will default to the lein holder- Cuyahoga County. According to county records, the property located at 1154 East 61st Street is owned by 1158 East 61 LLC. Delinquent property taxes $8,477.39. The above referenced documents are relative to the property located at 907 East 70th Street. 12-11-01 property transferred to Gus Frangos and Lamar Young 12-11-01 (same day) property transferred to Gus Frangos 30-MAY-02 Gus Frangos transferred the property to Quinn Court Propeties, LLC And on March 4, 2002, the Incorporator/ Statutory Agent for QUINN COURT PROPERTIES, LLC was Gus Frangos. Once again, the pattern of delinquent property taxes for several years.:
And again, the pattern of Gus Frangos being named as a defendant in a lawsuit for failing to pay the $98,702.60 mortgage
ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF THE LLC CREATION AND LACK OF PAYING PROPERTY TAXES: 913-917 E 17 ST, address 105-16-088, parcel # 12/11/01 transfered to Gus Frangos 5/30/02 transferred to Quinn Court Properties, LLC. - a Gus Frangos self-created LLC. Another pattern of delinquent property taxes for years:
And More: 1325 Carnegie Avenue, address 101-38-045 and 103-38-046, parcel #'s Owner Engine House No. 3 1325, LLC Louis Frangos/ Agent for Engine House No. 3 1325, LLC Gus Frangos/ Incorporator for Engine House No. 3 1325, LLC Delinquent Property Taxes for years
Gus Frangos named Ladon Ruffin as an agent for several of the self-created LLC's properties. On September 15, 2011, Ladon Ruffin appeared in court and gave sworn testimony that Gus Frangos is the owner of the above mentioned properties and several other properties. Ladon Ruffin swore under the pains and penalties of PERJURY that he worked for Gus Frangos to collect and hand over rent money- and that he last worked collecting rent six months prior to the September 2011 court hearing:
Gus Frangos is a master at creating LLC's and hiding property behind the LLC's. For a couple hundred dollars, one can simply create another LLC and continue on with the shell con game. According to the Ohio Secretary of State business records, Gus Frangos has incorporated 132 businesses / LLC's and is/was the agent for 43 more entities. According to Frangos' biography, he has been a public employee since 1986. It is amazing that Frangos could find the time to incorporate and/or be the agent for 175 entities during his public service. Demolition is big business in Cuyahoga County and the county's land bank desires to demolish everything in sight. I suppose it makes sense for those pushing for demolition to continue the fight to get more federal funds for demolition, especially when those pushing have ties to a demolition company:
I traced Den Demolition to the Frangos' family. I wonder if DEN DEMOLITION gets county contracts? The responsible person listed for Den Demolition is Firdeo Satka. The Satka family entered the real estate business by leasing Cleveland parking lots. Satka might have been aided by unusual funding by St. Paul Creation Federal Credit Uniion and is being investigated for the unusual funding. Satka has allegedly engaged in the shell game of hiding businesses under numerous LLC's- same as Gus Frangos. Very interesting information on the Satka family here According to a complaint filed in the United States District Court, the numerous fictitious entities created and/or controlled by the Satka family resulted in loans from St. Paul Creation Federal Credit Uniion in the amount of $3,543,821 being reduced to a zero balance.
Gus Frangos incorporated 15315 Madison LLC and named Louis Frangos as an agent. The property located at 15315 Madison Avenue transferred from 15315 Madison Avenue LLC to the Satka family on 6/28/04 for $320,000.
I have based my 'con artist' opinion on the above information. Obviously Gus Frangos is well liked and connected, but so was Jimmy Dimora and Frank Russo. It is my opinion that Gus Frangos is a very dangerous person to be in charge of the county land bank and he needs to be removed immediately. * My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights- especially on matters of public concern - are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
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1158 East 61
Although this property located at 1158 E 61st Street has a history of not paying their own mortgage and property taxes for years, is tax delinquent in the amount of $17,220.04, and was recently foreclosed upon for delinquent property taxes, Gus Frangos and his agent hired to collect and hand over rent (Ladon Ruffin) did not like it when others failed to pay their bills. There have been numerous evictions filed relative to this property- most recently in 2012.
The evictions were filed by Gus Frango's hired agent, Ladon Ruffin.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Although this property
Although this property located at 6311 St Clair has a history of being mortgage and property tax delinquent for years, owes property taxes in the amount of $6,875.22, and a recently filed foreclosure naming Gus Frangos, Gus Frangos and his agent hired to collect and hand over rent (Ladon Ruffin) did not like it when others failed to pay their bills. There have been numerous evictions filed relative to this property- most recently in 2012.
The evictions were filed by Gus Frangos' hired agent , Ladon Ruffin.
Gus Frangos was also cited for setting out trash in 2010.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Busy as a Bee
The following link is for most of the LLCs and other businesses affiliated with Gus Frangos. The Secretary of the State of Ohio has others that are not listed here:
It is important to note that the very first LLC listed in the above report is 1158 East 61 LLC.
The property located at 1158 East 61 was in control of Gus Frangos:
Gus Frangos signed a mortgage relative to this property:
The property was recently foreclosed upon by Cuyahoga County:
This property will soon go to sheriff sale and will be offered for sale twice. If there are no bidders, the property will default to Cuyahoga County.
Which basically means the property will be ordered into the County's Land Bank, and Gus Frangos will get to pick and choose who gets his property.
How do you spell C O N F L I C T O F I N T E R E S T ??
How does the President of the Cuyahoga County Land Bank get away with this?
No property taxes paid for years, no mortgage paid, delinquent water / sewer, YET if rent wasn't paid evictions were filed.
They wanted the rent money. GREEDY.
Another question, if Ladon Ruffin swore under oath that he only handed over rent money to Gus Frangos and did not claim rental income to the IRS, who claimed this income for this property and the other properties?
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Rokakis owns up to third party tax lien mess
If you have the stomach, watch the whole City Club event - notice that folks who asked questions are starting to see the light - the blinders are coming off, exposing this nightmare (scroll ahead to 41:08 when Anita Gardner asks about third party tax liens - initiated in Cuyahoga County by Rokakis-Frangos--see 51:08 to also see older gentleman calling Rokakis on his bullshit).
Rokakis-Frangos still want to get their hands on money raised by floating a $50 million dollar bond in Cuyahoga County:
PLEASE - Residents of Cuyahoga County- watch this whole recording of former County Treasurer Jim Rokakis at the City Club in August.
First of all, why is he always the spokesperson for the County Land Bank, when his buddy Gus Frangos nominally heads the quasi-governmental agency?
Second, when you get to the comments you will realize that his past legislation (third party tax liens) is major cause of vacant properties that his additional legislation (land banks) is intended to address. Rokakis and Frangos and WRLC work as a front for Safeguard and Forest City properties - the end game: properties cleared of past liens, demo'd and made available to LLCs like Slavic Village Recovery, at no expense to FC and Safeguard's Robert Klein.
The Ruins of Rokakis and his Regime....
The ruins remain...........a city destroyed by the regime.......
The remnants fight like warriors to hold on to something long gone.......
I am forever traumatized by the destruction left by these folks..............
Hearing their voices, seeing their faces, simply is troubling.......reading their names brings angry feelings........for I have watched the transformation and will never agree that their ways are acceptable. All the players can smugly smirk...all the beneficiaries can talk crap about the people's lives destroyed by these wild animals.....
But the reality in Cleveland has been a warzone and a battlefield for too long. There will never be a recovery in my lifetime that will remove the trauma, the damages, or the hurt..............
Seeing your history demolished...there are no words...........
Seeing villians like them continue to prosper and not be held liable....disgusting.
They are like the Legend of the Loreley....appearing to be a beacon of hope only to turn all that come towards that light into a tragedy. SMH.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Budish will carry on FC Safeguard "Master Plan"
Mr. Budish needs to sit down and watch the video from City Club I have archived here:
Then, he needs to read the propaganda put out by Freshwater Cleveland, evidently another media outlet that has to run their stories to Forest City before going to print or digital publication:
Key to Land Bank, Safeguard/Forest City, "Thieving Communities," etc. ad nauseum - ability to clear tax debt on properties so 1% investors make out a la Detroit model of "reimagined" urban landscape - oh, and throw in a few trees, too.
"SB 172 improves and streamlines processes previously established in House Bill 294 (2006). That legislation included a nationally groundbreaking alternative to the traditional judicial tax foreclosure process for abandoned properties: the administrative tax foreclosure hearing. The administrative process, performed by the Cuyahoga County Board of Revision, takes between six and 12 months, whereas the customary judicial process can go on for one or two years. Once a property is foreclosed, it is essentially cleansed of delinquent taxes and other financial encumbrances, and can make its way into "someone's hands that can do some thing good with it" by way of the land bank, says Sawyer."
I am sure Budish was part of this fabulous legislation. All legal - ALL sick.
Evictions leave financial trails
Filing evictions leaves behind a financial paperwork trail.
If the owner is requesting back rent and/or damage to the property, the second cause of a complaint is filled out.
The second cause details how long a tenant lived in the property and how much rent was paid per month. The complaint also names the tenants.
The magistrate hearing the eviction will also question the landlord and tenant on this information- even if a second cause of action was not requested. This information is well documented on each and every single eviction filed in Cleveland Municipal Housing Court.
I once knew a person that owned a bar and lots of rental property. He never reported this income to the IRS. One day the IRS shut down the bar and removed everything of value. Bottles of liquor and even the clock off the wall. The IRS also confiscated his rental property and charged him for this crime.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Land Bank - Gus Frangos - Conflict of Interest
According to public records, on February 19, 1998, Gus Frangos sold the property located at 1114 East 64th Street for $3,750 to MARVIN STOVER.
Frangos gave Stover a good deal considering Frangos purchased this property for $30,000
Also on February 19, 1998, Gus Frangos sold MARVIN STOVER property located at 6330 Carl Avenue for $4,000.
Gus Frangos paid $35,000 for this property prior to selling it to Stover for $4,000:
Gus Frangos was also kind enough to incorporate 13 West Buckeye Street Properties, LLC and named MARVIN STOVER as the agent:
Gus Frangos also incorporated South Market LLC and named MARVIN STOVER as agent:
On March 28, 2012, the Cuyahoga County Land Bank was kind enough to sell the property located at 1170 East 61st Street to MARVIN STOVER for $10.00
Note that Marvin Stover is using a P.O. Box for the County Land Bank property transaction. He does not use the West Salem address.
East 61st Street is the same street that Gus Frangos had multiple property transactions under numerous LLC's.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
County Land Bank Properties and those that benefitted most:
I researched 2011 and 2012 deed transfers from the County's Land Bank.
The county's land bank is basically obtaining ownership of property and not transferring many properties.
Several deeds were transferred to community development corporations.
The top deed transfers went to:
1. Cleveland Bricks LLC
2. TC3 Properties
3. Cleveland Green Homes
4. Cleveland NSP Homes ( Neighborhood Stabilization Program)
5. Jason Hager
Jason Hager is connected to Cleveland Bricks LLC:
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
I made a mistake
The other top beneficiary of the county's land bank is TC3 Properties and not TCR Properties.
TC3 info is here
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
TC3 Properties
Below is some of the property transferred to TC3 Properties, along with the name of the organization in which transferred the property to TC3 Properties LLC.
The property below is NOT all of the property. TC3 owns lots of property in Cuyahoga County.
According to county records:
Property transferred from county land bank to TC3 Properties:
3315 West 58 sold for $0
3614 West 46 sold for $0
3408 West 62 sold for $0
3804 Archwood sold for $8,430
8712 Bancroft sold for $25,000
4892 East 97 sold for $0
Property transferred from Slavic Village:
7811 Goodman sold for $5500
Property transferred from Detroit Shoreway:
3471 West 63 sold for $2500
Property transferred from Fannie Mae:
13428 Sherry $17,750 - special warranty deed that prohibits selling property for more than $21,300 for three months
1450 West 52 $30,100 - special warranty deed that prohibits selling property for more than $36,120 for three months
Property transferred from Cleveland Housing Network:
1191 East 112 $0
6801 Lawn $0
3301 West 58 $20,000
2162 West 38 $13,000
3340 East 65 $0
3325 East 49 $0
4834 Wendell $0
TC3 Properties LLC is also known as TC3 Contractors:
There are several TC3 filings with the Ohio Secretary of State, including TC3 Properties A thru TC3 Properties G
According to TC3's website , they donate to the following charities:
Charitable Activities
TC3 Properties was founded with the belief that we have a moral responsibility to give back to the communities in which we live and work. The following is a growing list of organizations that TC3 Properties has had the opportunity to work with in an effort to achieve that goal.
I promise that I will be more than happy to make some charity donations if you give me all of this property.
Just tell me where to sign up and I will be first in line. Oh wait, there is no line. This is a very selective process.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Plymouth Park Tax Services 'donation' to county land bank
Plymouth Park Tax Services , a delinquent property tax lien purchaser and one of the biggest thieves in town from 2004-2008 prior to criminal convictions for steering public bids, donated the following property to the county land bank.
More on Plymouth Park Tax Services and their scam here
Cuyahoga County officials , the exact same officials in charge of the county land bank, kicked the following long term property owners to the curb - sold them out to predatory tax collectors. All of the following property was mostly owned for decades - some as far back as county fiscal records go 1975.
The property owners lost their property via delinquent property tax foreclosures. Plymouth Park Tax Services donated all of the following property to the county land bank after they were busted for their criminal activity. So now the property is in control of the county land bank - generating NO PROPERTY TAXES.
What sense does this make?
Plymouth Park Tax Services donation to the county's land bank:
1. 3617 East 144 - prior to losing this property via delinquent property tax foreclosure, the property was owned by the previous owner since 1988
2. 1817 Denison - prior to losing this property via delinquent property tax foreclosure, the property was owned by the previous owner since 2001
3. 3618 East 142 - prior to losing this property via delinquent property tax foreclosure, the property was owned by the previous owner since 2004
4. 13207 Bellaire - prior to losing this property via delinquent property tax foreclosure, the property was owned by the previous owner since at least 1975
5. 13721 North Drive - prior to losing this property via delinquent property tax foreclosure, the property was owned by the previous owner since 1989
6. 13718 North Drive - prior to losing this property via delinquent property tax foreclosure, the property was owned by the previous owner since at least 1975
7. 1652 Mitchell - prior to losing this property via delinquent property tax foreclosure, the property was owned by the previous owner since at least 1975
8. 1654 Delmont - prior to losing this property via delinquent property tax foreclosure, the property was owned by the previous owner since at least 1975
9. Lot on E Antisdale & Revere - prior to losing this property via delinquent property tax foreclosure, the property was owned by the previous owner since 1989
10. Lot on West 30 - prior to losing this property via delinquent property tax foreclosure, the property was owned by the previous owner since 1987
11. Lot on Ingleside Road - prior to losing this property via delinquent property tax foreclosure, the property was owned by the previous owner since 1989
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
TC3 Properties LLC
I received an email relative to TC3 Properties.
This is the information that I received:
Both Tim and Tom Corrigan work in City of Cleveland Dept of Public Safety on that list.
Wife to TOM CORRIGAN....interesting...PORT OF CLEVELAND.
Diane Downing is Senior Vice President and Regional Manager of Corporate Affairs for Huntington National Bank in Cleveland. In that role she develops strategies for expanding the bank’s community involvement, including charitable donations and memberships on local boards. Diane has served as the Cleveland District Director for United States Senator George Voinovich, as Vice President and Stadium Operations Director for the Cleveland Browns, Project Manager for the construction of the new Cleveland Browns Stadium, Executive Assistant for Service under Mayor Michael White, Deputy Director of the Ohio Lottery and in the Office of Mayor George Voinovich. She came to Cleveland in 1977, after graduating from Vassar College, to work for County Commissioner Seth Taft.
Diane was appointed to the Port Board by Mayor Frank Jackson. She is a member of the Board of Trustees of Vassar College. In Cleveland she serves on the boards of the Gordon Square Arts District, College Now, the Cleveland Botanical Garden and the Bond Accountability Commission of the Cleveland Metropolitan School District. She is a member of In Counsel with Women. Diane and her husband, attorney Tom Corrigan, live in Cleveland and have three grown children.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Two Aces Re Management LLC
Another LLC that is getting lots of property. Two Aces LLC has the same incorporator as Two Aces Re Management LLC- Jason Brooks.
According to the county fiscal office records:
1. 610 East 102 transferred from Glenville Development for $ 6000
2. 2212 Natchez transferred from County Land Bank to Northwest Mechanical on 9/11/12 for $0 then on same date to Two Aces for $17,000
3. 630 East 103 transferred from Glenville Development for $6000
4. 19501 Meredith transferred from County Land Bank for $0
5. 22260 Felch transferred from County Land Bank for $0
6. 17914 McCracken transferred from County Land Bank for $0
7. 15803 Delrey transferred from Harvard Community Service Center for $2000
8. 4101 East 175 transferred from Harvard Community Service Center for $2000
9. 5197 Catherine transferred from County Land Bank for $0
10. 5212 Catherine transferred from County Land Bank for $0
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
P R A C East Cleveland LLC
Another LLC getting land bank property. Evis Briason is the incorporator and the agent is ACFB Incorporated located in Columbus, Ohio.
1854 Idlewood transferred from East Cleveland Land Bank for $0
1824 Idlewood tranferred from East Cleveland Land Bank for $0
1816 Windermere transferred from County Land Bank for $0
1600 Hillcrest transferred from County Land Bank for $0
16017 Caledonia transferred from County Land Bank for $0
15801 Hazel transferred from County Land Bank for $0
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Two Aces Re Mgmt. LLC based in Florida
I thought one of the main purposes of the county's land bank was to keep property out of the hands of out-of-state investors.
Turns out the County's Land Bank and other community organizations are literally GIVING away property to an out-of-state investor based out of Florida.
"Giving away" as in FREE.
Two Aces Re Mgmt, LLC:
1. 610 East 102 transferred from Glenville Development for $ 6000
2. 2212 Natchez transferred from County Land Bank to Northwest Mechanical on 9/11/12 for $0 then on same date to Two Aces for $17,000
3. 630 East 103 transferred from Glenville Development for $6000
4. 19501 Meredith transferred from County Land Bank for $0
5. 22260 Felch transferred from County Land Bank for $0
6. 17914 McCracken transferred from County Land Bank for $0
7. 15803 Delrey transferred from Harvard Community Service Center for $2000
8. 4101 East 175 transferred from Harvard Community Service Center for $2000
9. 5197 Catherine transferred from County Land Bank for $0
10. 5212 Catherine transferred from County Land Bank for $0
My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
One COMPETENT public official needed ASAP!
There has to be one competent official out there somewhere that can see that none of this land bank stuff makes any sense.
Just one competent official. I know asking for more than one would be a miracle.
One competent person to realize that Gus Frangos has self-created numerous LLC's, failed to pay his own mortgage, failed to pay property taxes, has contributed to the foreclosure crisis HIMSELF, and he shoud NOT be in control of taxpayer property.
One competent person to realize that the government should NOT be in control of who gets to purchase property.
One competent person to realize the waste of taxpayer funds.
One competent person to step up to the plate and demolish ONLY the necessary property and open up the free market.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Miles Heights Village Homes
Miles Heights Village Homes is another one on the top receipient list of land bank property.
Miles Heights Village Homes is/was connected to Amistad Development and Yvonne Grimes.
'In 2005, Grimes was indicted on felony charges of forgery, attempted forgery, uttering, tampering with records, theft in office and theft -- all stemming from her work as executive director of Amistad Development Corp. As part of a deal, she pleaded guilty to misdemeanor charges of attempted forgery and theft of less than $500.
Grimes, who cast herself as the victim of a political vendetta, was sentenced to six months of probation. She also was ordered to pay $1,196 in restitution to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, which helped finance the nonprofit East Side community organization. '
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Gettings Properties - Thomas & Eugene Gettings
Gettings family another top recipient of land bank property.
** Lots of work to figure out this one. Info will be posted soon**
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Land Bank - Cleveland Bricks LLC- Jason Hager WTF???
How was Cleveland Bricks LLC / Jason Hager able to obtain all of the following property from the county's land bank, HUD, Detroit Shoreway and Slavic Village?
This is NOT a complete list as I am sure that I missed a few of their properties.
Property obtained for pennies on the dollar.
WHY was Cleveland Bricks LLC / Jason Hager selected to be a main beneficiary of the county taxpayers?
Why would taxpayers want to financially support this company that is making a killing off of real estate in Cuyahoga County?
Their website detailing property for rent and sale is here
1. 4302 Fulton Court transferred from land bank
2. 3445 West 47th transferred from Detroit Shoreway
3. 11816 Milligan transferred from land bank
4. 4572 West 145 transferred from land bank
5. 3479 West 90 transferred from land bank
6. 3469 West 63 transferred from Detroit Shoreway
7. 3925 West 22 tranferred from land bank
8. 3437 West 94 transferred from land bank
9. 12413 Worthington transferred from HUD
10. 8113 Connecticut transferred from Slavic Village
11. 13905 Granger transferred from HUD
12. 4463 East 139 transferred from HUD
13. 4976 E 110 transferred from HUD
14. Lot - parcel no. 643165062 - transferred from HUD
15. 23350 Ivan transferred from HUD
16. 522 Clearview DRive transferred from HUD
17. 17105 Mapleboro transferred from HUD
18. 16229 Edgewood transferred from HUD
19. 3631 Trowbridge transferred from Detroit Shoreway
20. 3545 West 129 transferred from Wells Fargo
21. 13714 Bennington transferred from land bank
22. 2145 Reyburn transferred from land bank
23. 3940 Woodbridge transferred from Detroit Shoreway
24. 3828 Sackett transferred from Detroit Shoreway
25. 3473 West 54 transferred from Detroit Shoreway
26. 18213 Puritas transferred from HUD
27. 6793 Parma Park Blvd. transferred from HUD
28. 9660 Cove Drive transferred from HUD
29. 10616 Bernard transferred from land bank
30. 19302 Arrowhead transferred from HUD
31. 3822 Sackett transferred from Detroit Shoreway
32. 3241 Trowbridge transferred from Detroit Shoreway
33. 3466 Fulton transferred from Detroit Shoreway
34. 7811 Snow transferred from HUD
35. 3394 West 47 transferred from Detroit Shoreway
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Regah Real Estate is Cleveland Bricks connection
Regah Real Estate has been wheeling and dealing with Cuyahoga County property for awhile now.
Lots of HUD, Land Bank, Slavic Village property transfers to Regah Real Estate from 2008 to present.
Property transfered from land bank, HUD, etc., to Regah Real Estate and then transferred to Cleveland Bricks.
Avery Hager is the Chairman for the Regah Group. Obviously related to Jason Hager of Cleveland Bricks.
Why the preferential treatment to Regah Real Estate and Cleveland Bricks with county taxpayer property?
Why is the county land bank , HUD, and community development groups basically giving away property to these people and excluding others?
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
You Mother Fuckers
Jason Hager, Assistant County Prosecutor, represented Plymouth Park Tax Services.
And there is the connection.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Caught1 - Hager connection to Plymouth Park
Hello Caught1,
Not questioning here, but please provide the link(s) you've spotted recording the connections between Hager and Plymouth Park - because a record on Realneo of this link is important. As Hager was Asst. Cuyahoga County Prosecutor, how could he be representing Plymouth Park? and not in a clear conflict? Did Hager work for Plymouth Park?
Jason Hager = Plymouth Park Tax Services - and Jason Hager was named as a prosecutor for a delinquent property tax foreclosure appeal.
As you know, conflicts are not uncommon here in Cuyahoga County.
As Dianna stated, William Day (former county prosecutor) worked in the foreclosure department. Day went on to create one of the first delinquent property tax lien companies used in Cuyahoga County, GLS Capital Tax Lien, aka Cuyahoga County Lien Pool.
GLS Capital filed numerous foreclosures and people lost a lot of property to this company. GLS Capital was then taken over by Plymouth Park Tax Services.
Jason Hager was also involved with GLS Capital- Cuyahoga County Lien Pool as he was listed as the private attorney for this company:
Jason Hager was also connected to Plymouth Park Tax Services - another delinquent property tax lien company:
And Jason Hager is connected to Cleveland Bricks. I highly doubt that he is an assistant secretary:
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Land Bank created to keep property out of the hands of flippers
The county land bank insisted that HUD continue to give the land bank property to keep it out of the hands of real estate flippers. Keep the property off of the market.
Then the county land bank, Detroit Shoreway, Slavic Village , and HUD turns around and gives lots of property to FLIPPERS.
Well connected flippers that are the top beneficiaries of the county land bank. Flippers that are receiving property for pennies on the dollar then turn around and flip the property for top dollar.
Flippers that brag on their website that they get property in BULK.
Jason Hager, Regah Real Estate, and Cleveland Bricks are all part of the same connected group.
Their flipping website here
And only a sample of the property that went to the flippers:
1. 4302 Fulton Court transferred from land bank
2. 3445 West 47th transferred from Detroit Shoreway
3. 11816 Milligan transferred from land bank
4. 4572 West 145 transferred from land bank
5. 3479 West 90 transferred from land bank
6. 3469 West 63 transferred from Detroit Shoreway
7. 3925 West 22 tranferred from land bank
8. 3437 West 94 transferred from land bank
9. 12413 Worthington transferred from HUD
10. 8113 Connecticut transferred from Slavic Village
11. 13905 Granger transferred from HUD
12. 4463 East 139 transferred from HUD
13. 4976 E 110 transferred from HUD
14. Lot - parcel no. 643165062 - transferred from HUD
15. 23350 Ivan transferred from HUD
16. 522 Clearview DRive transferred from HUD
17. 17105 Mapleboro transferred from HUD
18. 16229 Edgewood transferred from HUD
19. 3631 Trowbridge transferred from Detroit Shoreway
20. 3545 West 129 transferred from Wells Fargo
21. 13714 Bennington transferred from land bank
22. 2145 Reyburn transferred from land bank
23. 3940 Woodbridge transferred from Detroit Shoreway
24. 3828 Sackett transferred from Detroit Shoreway
25. 3473 West 54 transferred from Detroit Shoreway
26. 18213 Puritas transferred from HUD
27. 6793 Parma Park Blvd. transferred from HUD
28. 9660 Cove Drive transferred from HUD
29. 10616 Bernard transferred from land bank
30. 19302 Arrowhead transferred from HUD
31. 3822 Sackett transferred from Detroit Shoreway
32. 3241 Trowbridge transferred from Detroit Shoreway
33. 3466 Fulton transferred from Detroit Shoreway
34. 7811 Snow transferred from HUD
35. 3394 West 47 transferred from Detroit Shoreway
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Destruction by Con Artists
Unscrupulous mortgage brokers, appraisers and other CON ARTISTS in the real estate business have significantly contributed to the foreclosure crisis in Cuyahoga County.
These “white collar criminals” are no different than burglars or thieves. They prey on the vulnerable, lying and deceiving for a quick buck. But the consequences of their activity are different: they have left entire neighborhoods blighted and abandoned.
Although I have plenty more to write about, my last words on Con Artist Gus Frangos and the scam he is running in the Cuyahoga County Land Bank is written above.
I sorta trust that those who have the ability to stop the con artist will do so. I believe that I got their attention.
I will continue to investigate every single move the land bank makes and turn over the information to the proper authorities. If the authorities fail to act AGAIN, I will be back on Realneo.
I'm going FISHIN! ;)
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
Here's another one....
Former Cuyahoga County Assistant Prosecutor under Stephanie Tubbs Jones----William Day went on to be the HMFIC of the former PPTSI entity................GLS Capital...It'll never quit...The feds don't give a crap.
And funniest thing how William Day went on to testify about the character of Jimmy Dimora at the sentencing hearings.....hmmmmmm, scratching my head!!!!!
Do you think the feds are in bed with these guys? No, they are just family with good ol' Jimmy Rokakis...Must be nice to have a brother working for them!!!! Hahahah on all of us.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
The ongoing COVER UP....Rokakis, Frangos, and Hager....
Tick, tock....we await the results of this investigation!
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Rokakis and his direct assistant knew how they were violating us
................they DELIBERATELY executed their mission...........profiteering from it all..............where have they all landed?
They ought to make a movie about all these players and how they violated the entire population of Cuyahoga's not a's a tsunami that they created.....
Hey, Jimmy's not 3am yet!
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
we got an early start today
couldn't wait until 3:00 a.m.
* My blogs expressing my Freedom of Speech Rights, especially on matters of public concern, are my opinion and not the opinion of my friends, family or employer*
More links to this chart and command
Sorry, I cannot upload the WHERE ARE YOU????? STILL CANNOT UPLOAD PHOTOS)>.. in comments sections.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
TC3 that TOM CORRIGAN X 3 business..?
TC3 Properties, LLC is a full service property management company serving the greater Cleveland area.
Basic Info
Contact Info
Contact Information
Ben Hathcock - Operations Manager
(440) 742-8233
benjaminmhathcock [at] gmail [dot] com
Tom Corrigan, Sr. - General Manager
(216) 469-5685
tcorr629 [at] gmail [dot] com
Tom Corrigan, Jr. - Vice President
(216) 832-8795
tacdpm1 [at] aol [dot] com
Corporate Office:
17810 Detroit Ave.
Lakewood, Ohio 44107
Corporate Number:
E-mail Address:
TC3Properties [at] gmail [dot] com
Fax Number:
TC3Properties [at] gmail [dot] com | (216) 529-6000 | HOME
© 2010 TC3 Properties. All Rights Reserved
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
TC3: Charitable activities....
Charitable Activities
TC3 Properties was founded with the belief that we have a moral responsibility to give back to the communities in which we live and work. The following is a growing list of organizations that TC3 Properties has had the opportunity to work with in an effort to achieve that goal.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
About who reported the rental income
You can report where you think income was not reported correctly to the IRA, they even give you a cut of what the collect if they investigate and find problems.
That might be the only federal entity willing to investigate!
Why was my post regarding Jim Rokakis deleted?
Mr. Rokakis is quoted in this article. However, his prominent position with the controversial Cuyahoga County Land Bank - a favored HUD purchaser of vacant homes - is not mentioned.
Such an omission should not have happened and needs to immediately corrected....
Foreclosurepedia investigates CH and CCLB
Foreclosurepedia founder D. Paul Williams is using cloud servers to analyze transfer of properties to Cuyahoga County Land Bank in #OpCuyahoga.
Indict Frangos-Rokakis NOW
SB 172 improves and streamlines processes previously established in House Bill 294 (2006). That legislation included a nationally groundbreaking alternative to the traditional judicial tax foreclosure process for abandoned properties: the administrative tax foreclosure hearing. The administrative process, performed by the Cuyahoga County Board of Revision, takes between six and 12 months, whereas the customary judicial process can go on for one or two years. Once a property is foreclosed, it is essentially cleansed of delinquent taxes and other financial encumbrances, and can make its way into "someone's hands that can do some thing good with it" by way of the land bank, says Sawyer.
"The study also found the amount of delinquent property taxes on homes and apartment buildings has ballooned since 2009 from $89 million to $214.7 million."
Let those numbers really sink in ....BECAUSE Our so-called leaders are bankrupting us and no one cares!
Remember, Frank Gaul?
Remember how Rokakis was touted as a savior for fixing the books at Cuyahoga County? Well, he was some fixer....
Land Bank created to keep property out of the hands of flippers
The county land bank insisted that HUD continue to give the land bank property to keep it out of the hands of real estate flippers. Keep the property off of the market.
Then the county land bank, Detroit Shoreway, Slavic Village , and HUD turns around and gives lots of property to FLIPPERS.
Well connected flippers that are the top beneficiaries of the county land bank. Flippers that are receiving property for pennies on the dollar then turn around and flip the property for top dollar.
Flippers that brag on their website that they get property in BULK.
Jason Hager, Regah Real Estate, and Cleveland Bricks are all part of the same connected group.
Their flipping website here
And only a sample of the property that went to the flippers:
1. 4302 Fulton Court transferred from land bank
2. 3445 West 47th transferred from Detroit Shoreway
3. 11816 Milligan transferred from land bank
4. 4572 West 145 transferred from land bank
5. 3479 West 90 transferred from land bank
6. 3469 West 63 transferred from Detroit Shoreway
7. 3925 West 22 tranferred from land bank
8. 3437 West 94 transferred from land bank
9. 12413 Worthington transferred from HUD
10. 8113 Connecticut transferred from Slavic Village
11. 13905 Granger transferred from HUD
12. 4463 East 139 transferred from HUD
13. 4976 E 110 transferred from HUD
14. Lot - parcel no. 643165062 - transferred from HUD
15. 23350 Ivan transferred from HUD
16. 522 Clearview DRive transferred from HUD
17. 17105 Mapleboro transferred from HUD
18. 16229 Edgewood transferred from HUD
19. 3631 Trowbridge transferred from Detroit Shoreway
20. 3545 West 129 transferred from Wells Fargo
21. 13714 Bennington transferred from land bank
22. 2145 Reyburn transferred from land bank
23. 3940 Woodbridge transferred from Detroit Shoreway
24. 3828 Sackett transferred from Detroit Shoreway
25. 3473 West 54 transferred from Detroit Shoreway
26. 18213 Puritas transferred from HUD
27. 6793 Parma Park Blvd. transferred from HUD
28. 9660 Cove Drive transferred from HUD
29. 10616 Bernard transferred from land bank
30. 19302 Arrowhead transferred from HUD
31. 3822 Sackett transferred from Detroit Shoreway
32. 3241 Trowbridge transferred from Detroit Shoreway
33. 3466 Fulton transferred from Detroit Shoreway
34. 7811 Snow transferred from HUD
35. 3394 West 47 transferred from Detroit Shoreway