Hunting Season Banner
Submitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 12/04/2012 - 15:40.
Image is a mash up of one of the Plain Dealer photographs found at this link. The Plain Dealer photographer(s) aren't identified. Good images; especially of the faces of the police listening to the PR presentation at police hq. How can these photographs be turned into income adequate enough for Advance Publications to keep the Dealer open ?
Did the cops who killed Williams & Russell get drug tested?
Setting up the victim to deserve their death. That's what the coroner's "report" looks like to me. (go down little bit ) (but - shout out to Coroner's office for having their reports on line)
Drive stoned, drive cocked, DRIVE PAST US? DIE MFer! Here's a hail of 137 pcs of lead...Williams took 24
KInda fun after a long chase!
So how about the cops? What was in their blood?
The Plain Dealer parking lot video shows that the cops were after Williams way befor any BS "backfire" at the Justice Center.
The cops were hunting Williams.
The cops got Williams. Russell was "collateral" damage.
Just sport.
Read the coroner's report. The trajectory of each bullet is faithfully followed through Ms. Williams. Ms. Williams must have been a lot like hamburger when the Cleveland Police finished tenderizing her.
On another topic. BRING YOUR YOUNG PROFESSIONALS To CLEVELAND, OHIO! You can live down town or in University Circle. Buy a Condo (tax fee for 15 years while existing long time home owners in financial straights get their tax liens sold to "investors") Have FUN.
Get in Touch with JUMPSTART! Or the Cleveland Foundation!
Life in Cleveland is ....really fk'd up!
At the very end of the coroner's report it appears that the FBI has requested a copy of the report.
only 61 cops & 51 cop cars chase & murder Williams & Russell
It took someone at the Greater Cleveland Regional Rapit Transit (RTA) to provide video footage of the chase. Whoever was involved in saving and providing this RTA video footage should get a commendation and cash reward.
You can see a bit of the RTA videos here at WKYC posted January 4. 2013. Video cameras were located along the RTA route at various bus stops.
On January 23, 2013 TV Channel 19 provided a report which quotes City of Cleveland Police Chief Michael McGrath " I can't give you a specific number. I know it's in excess of 61 officers. I do know that," said Michael McGrath." (and at least 51 cop cars).
Joe Roman - please emphasize Cleveland's ability to rapidly muster police the next time the Greater Cleveland Partnership and Downtown Cleveland Alliance are soliciting companies to MOVE TO CLEVELAND!
Cleveland - We've got it all Together!
Let the frenzied manhunt begin!
Adderall is the Plutocrat drug of choice...