I am not a CHEER leader
Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 11/28/2021 - 09:54.
I recognize that people don't gravitate to my message. I get comments like "why are you so negative?" And, as a woman that translates to the unspoken - "why are you such a bitch?"
I don't suffer fools and I don't want to hear bullshit. Cleveland is a real bullshit mecca. There are so many charlatans here. It angers me. We DO have a lot to cheer about here. I do write about those things.

Akram Boutros walks away
And it will be a FREEfall if his words are not heeded:
“I’m absolutely being critical of the ADAMHS board, the health systems and the entire ecosystem that depends on individuals navigating the complex continuum of care on their own,” Boutros told cleveland.com, following his budget presentation to Council during Tuesday’s Committee of the Whole meeting. “I’m not only critical of the ADAMHS board, I’m critical of all of us.”
“If you look at what programs are being funded in Cuyahoga County today, I’d venture to guess 90% of the funding goes to the same programs each and every year, without any report card that says whether the money is being put to good use or not,” Boutros told cleveland.com. He added that County Council should request such a report card from every agency it funds.
Also noted from an experienced person in NEO:
I fear for what will happen when he leaves. All the charlatans that came before him will be lining up to get on the gravy train again. Just about the time all the City and County workers that will be out of jobs will be begging for a "job." Every politician that has lost a reelection expects (and has gotten) a city, county and/or other governmental related job!
Kevin Kelley and Tony Brancatelli must be denied
CHRIS Ronayne LEE Weingart - talking to you!
Jeff Buster - please add the counters back
Jeff Buster - please add the counters back
REALNEO has content that can MOVE our region forward. I think you removed the counters because Mabeldog's posts on the Cleveland Housing Network were getting so much traffic. I just posted at LinkedIn and FB on Cleveland Housing Network about their lies and their bullshit operation. Cleveland Neighborhood Progress and the Cuyahoga Land Bank are an extension of this bullshit syndicate. Before Justin Bibb takes office they are making sure they get their money. Views = transparency. Please put the counters back at REALNEO. Eric Brewer warns:
Every member of Cleveland city council who has not read the 243 page American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 should consider themselves as being “entrapped” into an ongoing federal investigation by those asking for special considerations that are not in compliance with it. Does every member of council have this letter to the United States Department of Justice from acting finance director Jim Gentile dated June 24, 2021? Do they know Cleveland is already in compliance trouble for how Mayor Frank Jackson’s administration violated federal laws to spend last year’s CoVid money? The vote on any project Jackson and Kevin Kelley put in front of them is stupid. More federal indictments of city and city-connected officials is coming in 2022. Joe Cimperman. Kenneth Johnson. Which councilman or woman will be the next indictee? Does council know Jackson’s failure to maintain accurate time allocation sheets for all employees means some money the city should be collecting from the federal government is being left on the table?
Bullshit artists:
"The $12 million price tag for the square includes the cost of the mortgage, unpaid interest, and fees. Originally, the city had proposed spending American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) dollars until lawyers realized the property was ineligible because its problems started before the pandemic. Now, the city wants to tap its general fund to provide low-interest loans to the developers. " IDIOTS... Mayor-Elect Justin Bibb don't let this happen
Jeff - would like to know how many views are looking at YOUR post http://realneo.us/content/back-1950s-prices Sam Allard just made the Ratner's announcement that they will be running Annette Blackwell for Cuyahoga County executive - SOOOOOO many opportunities for the Forest City-Ratner MO #BROWNFIELDS #DEMOLITIONS and unlike East Cleveland - DEBRIS can pile up in the hidden Cuyahoga Valley near by not like they have to set up a NOBLE RD operation - SUCH a GREAT opportunity!!!
Mabeldog saw this coming http://realneo.us/content/everythings-date-forest-citytheyve-gone-about-fer-they-can-go
Everything's up to date in Forest City...they've gone about as fer as they can go...
Could it be that our very own Forest City has been pulling the strings of the "urgent" remediation of WC Reed Field? They are already BFFs and old pals with the EPA who awarded them a shiny gold star in 2007 for their "visionary" upscale "eco compliant" housing development on a formerly petroleum saturated airfield in Stapleton Colorado. It is a Pleasantville Paradise of $400,000 to $1,000,000 homes replete with rain barrels, no driveways and an eco-correct 10 feet of space between the giant homes. It is heralded as a new "urbanist vision" where...."an existing piece of the city is cleared out in a TABULA RASA reclamation project, AS IF WHAT HAD BEEN HAD NEVER BEEN". This vision of course does not include affordable housing, a tiresome stipulation to which Forest City agreed and are admittedly way behind in their commitment. But come on who cares when the project is bursting with eager 30 something yuppies in the $150,000 plus income bracket. Mostly white residents and TEN MINUTES from downtown Denver. Sound familiar? 10 minutes from downtown? No WONDER formerly ignored wallflower Denison east of Pearl is the new prom queen. The problem for the inept machers our "leaders" at city hall is that residents of this newly scrutinized neighborhood like it here. They have known all along what the "representatives" downtown are just finding out. They are immune to intimidation and phony cancer threats. Not one single person of the over 100 people I spoke to handing out flyers in the last 3 days..young and old and in the middle, hispanic, black and white is freaking out about his/her property values. Or "toxins" in the field known as the playground to the locals, where they, their parents and their children have played and picniced for 50 years with zero health problems. They are NOT going to be driven out. And that presents a problems for the marionettes downtown. I warned my neighbors that with that kind of positive attitude about the neighborhood their homes, especially along Park Place and West 15th could easily be torn down"by accident" of course while they are at the store. Like what happened to the bank owned property at 3708 West 15th. But they are ALL furious that a little carpetbagger thinks he can overrule all the more imnportant politicians, and experts and MUrDer the gorgeous old oak trees that have been watching over the park for 100 years. One young man and his friends heading over to the basketball court on West 23rd said, "Who does that dude think he IS?
Lachelle Jordan was disappeared
I still don't know why City of Cleveland went to such lengths to protect Michael Stennett. Poor Lachelle - like Dawn Pasela - told to SHUT UP