Introduction to this book on the CIA Symposium "Aesthetics and Consumer Culture"

Submitted by Norm Roulet on Sun, 11/07/2004 - 03:38.

The Cleveland Institute of Art (CIA) brought to Cleveland a remarkable
symposium on the Aesthetics and Consumer Culture which explored diverse
historical, sociological and locational aspects of art, in the modern
context of the consumer culture. Topics ranged from the commoditization
of the image of the tipi as Kitsch in Anglo American society, and the impacts of
commercialization on Peruvian Amazonian Shipibo designs, to the delegation of the
Farnsworth House as an architectural collectible, the globalization of
nothing, and the astounding life work to date of the inspirational artist Mel Chin -
bringing to fortunate attendees a breathtaking, mind-expanding
saturation of truly unique, world-class intellectual insight of great
value to our region, as we seek identity and value in the
commercialization of our art and artists.

In this book are the official CIA event description and promotional materials, the agenda, and posted
comments from attendees - and all attendees and presenters are welcome
to add their thoughts. We'll link in all related content available, as
these concepts and discussions are too important to be lost.

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