Look into how contractor Marous (Marous gets Land Bank demo contracts and primed land for townhouse construction) - associated with Cuyahoga County corruption probe is now recipient of OHFA monies funneled through mega CDC Detroit Shoreway. If the media did their job - the feds would not have to come to town to clean up the mess.
Ahead of the curve...
http://www.newsnet5.com/news/local-news/cuyahoga-land-bank-says-its-not-vulnerable-to-fraud-pointed-out-in-federal-report look into the demolition contractors used by the Cuyahoga County Land Bank .
Look into how contractor Marous (Marous gets Land Bank demo contracts and primed land for townhouse construction) - associated with Cuyahoga County corruption probe is now recipient of OHFA monies funneled through mega CDC Detroit Shoreway. If the media did their job - the feds would not have to come to town to clean up the mess.