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Oh! WHAT A BEAUTIFUL 79 deg. F Autumn Saturday, 2021Submitted by Satinder P S Puri on Sun, 10/10/2021 - 22:40.
After two days of heavy rainfall (we got nearly 2 inches that filled up my many containers – similar in objective to rain barrels) –-- Saturday, October 9, 2021 -- was a beautiful autumn day!
The neighborhood residents were up and about enjoying the nice weather – walking with or without their pets, jogging, riding bicycles, playing tennis, roller skating, or enjoying good conversation in the park. And for a finale -- after the sun had set – the new moon was out in the western sky, and so was planet Venus – the evening star.
I went out shopping in the early afternoon. I walked to Marc’s with my shopping cart and signs and came back loaded with groceries. It is not easy pushing a loaded cart over our sometimes broken concrete sidewalks -- but over the years -- I have learned to manage.
The lead photograph shows a view of the northern portion of Jefferson Park with tall trees slowly changing color – on my way to the store.
The 2nd photograph shows the temperature reading at the SVDP’s (St. Vincent de Paul) electronic board on Lorain Avenue and West 133rd Street: 79 deg. F at 1:47 p.m.
I passed by four residents walking with their three dogs who were having fun romping on the wide southern sidewalk of Lorain Avenue – and challenging their owners to hold on to them -- we exchanged greetings and the dogs wagged their tails. See the 3rd photograph.
The 4th photograph, taken on my way back, shows the sycamores along West 132nd Street – the eastern side of the park -- glistening in the afternoon sun.
The 5th photograph shows a view of the park, looking north, from under the shade of the twin maples on the south side of the park along Cooley Avenue – directly opposite our house. If you look with some intensity beyond the trees – I’m sure -- you can see Canada – our friendly neighbor on the north.
The 6th photograph shows my cart filled with groceries and displaying two signs (Teaching Young Scientists in Cleveland’s Parks and Welcome Jimmy Dimora Public Square). I was a volunteer teacher at CMSD's Riverside School for the past 15-years. I will be returning after volunteer teachers are permitted back because of the stringent pandemic-related return requirements. The teaching program in the parks was a very successful program – demonstrated in about four of Cleveland's parks – and also in RTA buses and the Rapid -- over a 2-year period. Unfortunately it had to be stopped because of sustained harassment by some irresponsible kids in Jefferson Park – more interested in disrupting the program rather than in learning. The second sign was started as an opposition to the renovation of downtown’s historic Public Square. Now it is part of "performance art" -- a multi-colored sign with a cryptic message – that I carry all over – wherever I go – it invokes all kind of responses – from nice to very nasty. So far no one has thrown rotten tomatoes. The responses are part of the performance act.
A friend and his two beagles – twin sisters – visited our house in the early evening – see 7th photograph. Laci is on the left and Chloe on the right. They are such darlings – I was so busy photographing them – that my friend got left out.
They were excited looking up our driveway at Smokey (mother) and Gingy (her son) –my constant companions who were enjoying the day -- as the 8th photograph shows.
In the evening, I went out to play solo tennis for an hour. See 9th photograph. I play with nine tennis balls – one for each of our planets. I hit the balls (which I carry in my pockets) – one at a time -- over the net. I try to send them in a trajectory around our planet – unfortunately the planet’s gravity brings the balls down every time. After I have hit all the nine balls – I walk over to the other side – after stretching myself at the poles holding the nets for a few minutes – collect the balls -- put them in my pockets and repeat the hitting process. One side I play with my right hand and the other side I play with my left hand.
No shortage of planes flying overhead – irrespective of the weather. See 10th photograph.
The park was nearly abandoned. Out of the eight tennis courts -- only two were occupied. The 11th photograph shows a senior citizen demonstrating his skills on roller skates in one of the courts. He said he started roller skating only three years ago. Remarkable how well he skates!
Two brothers who ride bicycles too – chatting in the park -- shortly before sunset -- as shown in the 12th photograph!
After sunset – the 4-day old new moon (new moon showed up on October 6th and full moon is scheduled for October 20th) showed up. Not to be out-done – Venus -- our sister planet (closer to the Sun) – the evening star -- was there too! See the last photograph.
What a beautiful day!
Enjoy the autumn!
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