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Well, Cleveland's politicians have used the people at large once again to earn one of the top rankings for the poorest City....interesting. Our politicians have learned to make huge applications for federal funding allocations based on the idea that our "people" are poor and cannot fend for themselves.... They have stripped the American Spirit of the residents of our city and used them as quotas... People who go to social service resources are used as "numbers"....that serve the federal allocations... So, be sure to remember that your new first name is: "QUOTA #......" Without you serving as a quota; 90% of Cleveland's social service providers would be out of jobs! Hence....we are the "ALL AMERICAN CITY!" We are devoured by political survivalists using us as quotas! STAND UP AND UNITE to fight the Land Bank Operations, the Community Development Regime, and all those Federal Grant programs.... Remember; they like it when you cannot get up and do well for yourself without their systematic abuses. They need us as quotas or they are nothing! EXAMPLES OF HOW THE QUOTAS BENEFIT THE SYSTEM INCLUDE: Evictions: Big Money for Housing Court: Quotas for Housing Agencies that provide Vouchers for Homeless.... Foreclosures: Big Money for Civil Courts: Quotas for Housing Agencies that provide Vouchers for Homeless.... Low Income, Disabled & Elderly: Big Money for Federal Programs: HEAP, FOOD STAMPS, HUNGER CENTERS, HOME WEATHERIZATION, AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT.... QUOTAS, QUOTAS, QUOTAS....DON'T FORGET HOW THE MEDICAL INDUSTRY OF GREATER CLEVELAND BENEFITS FROM YOUR "CONTINUITY OF CARE" AND SOCIAL SERVICE STEERING FOR RESOURCES...PASSPORT, MEALS ON WHEELS, COMMUNITY CENTERS, ETC.... WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR CITY PEOPLE???? THE YOUNG MOVED TO THE BURBS AND LEFT THE ELDERLY AND WEAK TO FEND FOR THEMSELVES AMONGST THE WOLVES...(politicians)..... remnants remain....
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Another Mentally Ill Family Evicted along the line...
I evicted them myself.....sad, sad, sad.......
Mentally Ill man, terminally ill wife, 4 children (3 disabled/4), 5 dogs and 7 cats....put on the street by bailliffs and paid movers one Fall morning.... It took less than an hour for the movers to put their belongings on the curb.....
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"
Why would Cleveland leadership want to bring JOBS to Cleveland?
They'd lose their quotas of poor people to sustain their social service and not for profit industry......illogical.....
The people must choose to demand change from these political regimes! OCCUPY CLEVELAND, People!
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"