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Realneo needs more news like this - thank you Jerleen and apprenticeSubmitted by Jeff Buster on Tue, 07/12/2011 - 17:48.
This is an image of what every culture needs to thrive and survive. Young people who are happily learning and developing self confidence through the efforts of family and friends and teachers. Very interesting quilt - I like the sheep and the dog. Are all the thread ends tucked back inside? Thanks for your smile! Image courtesy of Jerleen and you can read more here on Realneo. best, Jeffb
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Talent supreme--Kathy Wray
Talent supreme--Kathy Wray Coleman
No threads tucked - just
No threads tucked - just trimmed.
We will continuing adding to the quilt this weekend. It is so much fun watching her learn and we really laugh a lot. Her four year old brother even got into the mix with a pair of scissors and some discarded fabric scraps. His excitement and interest was short lived and he went on out back to help his daddy clean the pond and play in the waterhose.
There was one earth shattering mishap - she broke her first machine needle and acted like it marked her for life. I told her it was a time for celebration. That you were not really a member of the sewing clan until you broke your first needle - now, she was offically in.
Today, Trinity is giving her time and attention to her favorite babydoll - named Ruby.
Quiltting competition in Cleveland
Jerleen, your article and the results of your granddaughter's work are inspiring. Can you imagine inspiring the Girl Scouts of Cleveland to take on a "Quilting Project"? They could individuall sew pieces and then merge them for each troop and then resell them as a fundraiser? Just an idea...Wish more grandma's were around to share such a beautiful treasure of skills. Thanks again. Smiles.
Always Appreciative, "ANGELnWard14"