Roll out the Barrels...
Submitted by lmcshane on Wed, 06/16/2010 - 02:44.
 A happy NEO project to encourage water conservation from the Cuyahoga Soil and Water Conservation District!
I have my eyes on this one by local artist Beth Bryan--To see more, click on link above and SCROLL down.
Artist: Beth Bryan
Display location: Tower City 230 West Huron Cleveland, OH 44113
Artists statement: Layers and layers and layers of archetypes define us and unite us. This barrel not only represents the majesty of water and its uniting elements, but the importance of conservation. In light of the current situation on the Gulf coast, we must respect and care for the water and the wildlife it supports, as it supports and sustains us as well. in 2009, my single rain barrel collected enough rain water to water my large garden for the whole summer without the use of any city water. I would love for this barrel to inspire others to engage in this simple act of conservation by buying and using a rain barrel.
Send in your bid(s) to Amy Roskilly at aroskilly [at] cuyahogaswcd [dot] org or call 216/524-6580, ext. 22. Please indicate which barrel(s) you are bidding on.
Very Cool!
That would a great alternative to those ugly blue or green plastic barrels.
What a concept !
Reduce, reuse, guy.
You should be a teacher :)