Urban Renewal
Submitted by lmcshane on Sun, 03/03/2013 - 02:35.
 Note the gas cans on the front porch -vacant and unsecured house sits across street from the councilman's own mother-in-law. Kids are in and out of this house. Scary. Kids who torch houses are known as "lightning bugs."
so when does it get torched?
There are only one of two "development" options for real property in NEO- so when does this get torched?? Any day now...
PD has problem w/JB's word cloud
They deleted the word cloud on the article today--here's another "snapshot"
for the PD. NOTE the time stamp in lower right hand corner.
Who authored the Vadxx word cloud? Excellent graphic
There are multiple levels at work in the word cloud. association, relationship, quilt, race, in-my-face health poisoning.
The cloud came from Lillian Sharpley see it at http://freepdfhosting.com/a043761b46.pdf
I grabbed the image using control- alt -print screen and then put it into paint to create a jpeg.
Lillian, who created this tremendous graphic?