The Vision for Cuyahoga County is clear - The world's first "Digital City" and the "Greenest Place On Earth".
Submitted by Norm Roulet on Thu, 05/14/2009 - 00:00.

It takes a world renowned visionary and creative genius like Richard Fleischman to take the complexities of saving and transforming our regional economy, landscape and society and express that in one clear, elegant statement.
The Vision for Cuyahoga County is clear - The world's first "Digital City" and the "Greenest Place On Earth".
This vision going forward will completely transform this region
If we may agree to one thing on realneo it is this vision, being a direct result of our collaboration here. The collaboration of our entire community around this vision going forward will completely transform this region, making us a new world capital of the global new economy.
Disrupt IT
strange pairings
someday, you'll have to tell me how Dickie Fleischman got involved in all this--
one thing we can say positive about him: he's political
this doesn't mean we get John Moss in the mix, too, does it?
Old family friend
I've know Richard Fleischman for as long as I remember - old family friend of my parents.
I like Richard's spirit and he is an architect who can handle a $100 million project, deliver value, and make the results interesting. I need a team that can gets results, under any political conditions.
I don't know John Moss, but what I am developing has public and private sector opportunities and socialists and capitalists are all welcome... if they like our plans...
I'll start posting our proposals to the web this week and I will welcome all feedback from all.
Your insight is always greatly appreciated.
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